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Literature (The Alchemist)
PAGES 49-80
Prior Knowledge - Pre learning
Students will complete preliminary Can’t find
reading at home. yourself?
Students will be able to recall their 7A
respective reading and summarize
Students from roles 6 to 10 will
summarize the passage on 09/08/23
At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

1. Identify at least two characteristics of any of

the characters by solving problem questions. (1 or 2)

Learning 2. Identify the Plot of a story and would be able to

change the plot in real life or through solving a

problem. (1 or 2)

4. Change characters, plot, or setting and give

about the chapters they read from their point of

5. Solve the quiz questions.

🎯Success Criteria
At the end of the lesson, I will be able to:

1. Demonstrate knowledge of the story by choosing key qualities of

2. Use vivid details to describe all the key elements from the specific
event based on evidence found in the story.
3. Provide multiple details of the setting and explain how the setting is
important to the Plot or what happens in the story.
4. Give their opinion on thoughts, words, or actions on the characters
and plot.
5. Solve the quiz questions
Beginning (10 mins)-Brainstorming

1.Students will summarize and take a quick quiz on the

read chapter. ‘The Alchemist.’ [ 10mins ]
2.Students will identify and model at least two
keywords. [ 5 mins]

Middle (20 minutes)

1.Students will find sentences from the book. [5 mins]

2.Students will write Q/A from pg 25 -50 [10 mins]

3.Group work and Jigsaw method

questions- What is an alchemist?
What is strange or unusual about
 If you were in Santiago's position, what
Santiago’s dream?
advice would you give to the crystal
merchant? Recall a dream you have had. What
makes this dream especially
What lessons does Santiago teach the
memorable? Do you think dreams
crystal merchant (page 64)?
have deeper “meanings”?
Who is the Englishman, and what do we
What is the geographical setting at
learn about him?
the beginning of the novel?
End and Exit Task (Reflection)

1. Students will present their work- 5 minutes.

2. Students will reflect by providing their opinion.
Were the lesson objectives realistic?
What did we learn today?
Thank You!

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