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NAME OF STUDENT: Fontanilla, Alexander, Cosicol.

DATE OF SUBMISSION: _____________________________ SUBJECT: Creative Writing


FOR CREATIVE WRITING 2nd Quarter Module 4)
(For High School Students Use Only)


Dear Students,

You have just received your module 4 for the 2nd quarter of the 1st
semester of S.Y 2021-2022. Please follow the directions provided here.
Answer only activities that are required in this worksheet and complete the
checklist on the last page. Observe the Rubric in your SLM’s as well as the
Rubric for this answer sheet to ensure completeness and quality of tasks
before submission. If you need extra sheet for your answer, use A4 bond


Answer assessment part only, do not include the pre-test. Write your
answers accordingly in the columns below. Do not include test with answers

Pre-test Answers Post Answers
(letter Test (letter
only) only)
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
11 11
12 12
13 13
14 14
15 15
Total Total

Lesson I. Identify the various elements, techniques, and literary devices in
drama (HUMSS_CW/MPIj-IIc-15)
Task 1. Think and write! Identify the plot of the play, “The World is an
Apple.” Your answers should be in a minimum of 2 sentences for each

1. Exposition: (How does the story begin?)

- Mario enters from the left. He’s in his late twenties, dressed shabbily
and with hair that hasn’t been cut in weeks. Gloria greeted him, and
Mario inquired about their child.
NAME OF STUDENT: Fontanilla, Alexander, Cosicol. SECTION: Piaget
DATE OF SUBMISSION: _____________________________ SUBJECT: Creative Writing

2. Rising Action: (How does the problem or conflict arise?)

- Gloria inquired about the salary, but his husband was engrossed in his
work, and as a result, he did not have a wage to provide to Gloria.

3.Climax: (What is the highest point of the story?)

- Pablo arrived and urged Mario to join him at his workplace. Pablo is a
drug dealer who enraged Gloria, who did not want Mario to go with him.

4. Falling Action: (What is done to resolve the conflict?)

- Mario acknowledge that he continues to interact with Pablo.

5. Denouement/Resolution: (How does the story end?)

- In the story shows that Mario went with Paul even though he knew
the evil works of Pablo.

Task 2. Let’s see how much you’ve remembered. Identify the elements of
drama by writing L for literary elements, T for technical elements and P for
performance elements in the first column and provide one reason in
sentence form in the 3rd column.

Element Terms Reason (use your own words)

T 1 Scenery In terms of appearance, a landscape is
L 2 Dialogue A conversation between two or more people,
take part in conversation.
T 3 Lights A light that makes it easier to see something or
L 4 Theme The essential point to remember or the
lesson to learn.
P 5 Speaking The delivery lines, or spoken language
expressions of one’s ideas and feelings.
P 6 Diction Words of speech pronunciation.
L 7 Characters It’s possible that the characters in the story/it
are animals.
P 8 Acting A person who performs or expresses themselves
through their body and expression.
L 9 Plot A play’s, movie’s, or story’s main event.
T 10 Audience A person who watches a show, film, narrative,
or drama.
P 11 Empathy The capacity to comprehend.
P 12 Projection An image is projected onto a surface, most
commonly in cinema screen.

Lesson II. Understand intertextuality as a technique of drama.


Task 1 Study the lyrics of the song “Roar” by Katy Perry and “Eye of the
Tiger” by Survivor (see lyrics in your module p.25). Analyze the underlined
phrases or lines carefully. How is intertextuality being applied in the songs?
NAME OF STUDENT: Fontanilla, Alexander, Cosicol. SECTION: Piaget
DATE OF SUBMISSION: _____________________________ SUBJECT: Creative Writing

Describe what similar concepts are used in the songs and how your
knowledge and understanding of one of the songs help you relate or
understand the other song. Answers should be in a minimum of 2

- With her music, she shown us how important it is to believe in

yourself and work towards your goals. The key point with this song is to
overcome obstacles and stand up when someone or something comes
and knocks you down.

Task 2 Reflect and write. Answer should not be less than 2 sentences for
each question.

1. Analyze the play The World is an Apple on Lesson 1 page 10, what other
texts or story can you relate it to? Have you read or heard a story in which
an apple’s significance is highlighted or emphasized? What similarities have
you observed from this story with the play? (If you can’t think of any, you can
review Adam and Eve’s story from the Bible found in Genesis 2-3 or the story
of Snow White and the seven Dwarfs written by Anne Caroll. Your answers
will be rated based on the intertextuality rubric found in your module p.27-

- In the story’s world is an apple, Adam and eve, and snow white it
shows that even how single thing is small it can ruin your life. As a
result we must train our selves to wisely decide on what to do or
decisions in life.

2. How does intertextuality help you understand certain concepts or ideas

- It helps me by familiarizing ideas to recognize and understand a
story or drama.
3. Do you think borrowing ideas from previous works helps writers deepen
the meaning or value of their own work? Why or why not?
- I think that borrowing ideas from previous work really helps the
writers to deepen the meaning or value of their own work. Because it
can make the story more relevant and memorable to the audience or

Lesson III. Conceptualize a character/ setting/ plot for a one-act play.


Task 1 This time, you are challenged to generate a concept for your one-act
play. This is going to be a perplexing task but with patience and practice,
you will be surprised by how creative you can be. Answer in full sentences.
For a start, think of a movie, story, or TV series which you find interesting.
Try to identify its plot, characters and setting. Write your ideas below:

What is the title of the movie/story/book?

Instant mother

Who are the main characters?

NAME OF STUDENT: Fontanilla, Alexander, Cosicol. SECTION: Piaget
DATE OF SUBMISSION: _____________________________ SUBJECT: Creative Writing

What is the story about?

- About a girl who did not have a Boyfriend in her whole life and
turn into a instant mommy without having a baby or even a boyfriend
or husband.

Task 2 Let’s conceptualize.

Have you thought about what story you are going to write about? Or
who the characters would be? Let’s try to do it step by step. First, think of three characters
who will be part of your story line. Write their name on the on top, then write short
descriptions (in full sentence) for each character in the third box.

Name of Character 1 Name of Character 2 Name of Character 3

Sofia Barkley

- the nurse who

- a girl who wants to - the puppy that Sofia
checked up the
have a puppy. buy.

Next, think of a tentative title for your script then identify the plot structure. Describe each part in not
less than 2 sentences.

Title: Sofia and Barkley

Exposition Sofia wants to buy a puppy and decided to go to pound and see if she can
see a puppy.

Rising Action She goes to the pound and begin looking for her future pet that suits in
what she wants.

Climax At the end she sees a small sweet brown dog with a white spot in his nose
and she was very happy and excited when she see it and she named it

Falling Action Sofia and Barkley go to nurse Kate and receive his shots and medical check

Resolution And they are happy to go home together.

NAME OF STUDENT: Fontanilla, Alexander, Cosicol. SECTION: Piaget
DATE OF SUBMISSION: _____________________________ SUBJECT: Creative Writing

Identify the major setting of the story. Specify the time and place. Then, write additional
information about your setting which is appropriate for a play with only one scene. Answer
in full sentence.

One day Sofia wants to buy a puppy and she decided to go to pound and maybe she can
see a puppy what she wants. A minutes ago, while she is walking through the pound she
already heard a barks of dog came from the pound and she get so excited. When she
arrived she saw a so many cages with a dogs inside, and there is one puppy who she really
attracted when she sees a small sweet brown puppy with a white spot in his nose and she
was very happy and excited when she sees it and she named it Barkley. Sofia and Barkley
go to nurse Kate to take his shots and medical check up, and they happily to go home


Tick the activity box if complied.

Check if MODULE Competency

/ Module1 Identify the various elements, techniques, and
Task 1 literary devices in drama (HUMSS_CW/MPIj-IIc-
/ Task 2 15)
/ Task 3
/ Module 2
Task 1 Understand intertextuality as a technique of
/ Task 2 drama. (HUMSS_CW/MPIj-IIc-16)
/ Module 3
Task 1 Conceptualize a character/ setting/ plot for a
/ Task 2 one-act play. (HUMSS_CW/MPIj-IIc-17)
/ Task 3


Excellent Good Average Needs

Appropriateness of Written Written Response to Response lacks
answer response response questions is comprehension
to the addresses the somewhat somewhat or addresses a
specific task specific task address the unclear or different
(Content) clearly specific task vague. question/ No
but not response
entirely provided.
NAME OF STUDENT: Fontanilla, Alexander, Cosicol. SECTION: Piaget
DATE OF SUBMISSION: _____________________________ SUBJECT: Creative Writing

Quality and Response is Response is Response is Response is

Clarity of well organized organized and fairly disorganized
Thought and developed organized and and
(Content) developed with general developed, underdeveloped,
with supporting presenting providing little or
appropriate ideas generalizing no relevant
support to make provided without support/ No
meaning clear adequate response
support provided.
Grammar, Response is in full Response is in full Response is Response is
Usage, and sentence, sentence with fragmented but limited to words
Mechanics free from any 3 or less can be and phrases/
(Writing) errors in errors in understood. No response
grammar, grammar, provided.
usage, and usage and
mechanics. mechanics.
Completeness of Lacking 1-2 tasks Lacking 2-3 tasks Only 1-2 tasks No tasks were
Tasks are answered completed.
Points 9-10 7-8 5-6 4 or less

Score Sheet


Total Module 1 Post test scores 15
Total Module 2 Post test scores 15
Total Module 3 Post test scores 15
Task 1 5
Task 2 15
Module 2
Task 1 15
Task 2 42
Task 3 10
Task 4 10
Module 3
Task 1 12
Task 2 7
Task 3 7
Task 4 8
Task Completion 10
Teacher’s Feedback:

Checked by: JEMIMMA L. OCUPE

Deadline: Oct 5, 2021
NAME OF STUDENT: Fontanilla, Alexander, Cosicol. SECTION: Piaget
DATE OF SUBMISSION: _____________________________ SUBJECT: Creative Writing

Date Submitted: _____________

Thank you for following the directions. God bless.

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