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Some parents decided to give their children pocket money only when they

do something in house. This approach has its strnegths and weaknesses.

On the one hand, this solution helps to teach children from an early age
that money does not come from nowhere and when they want it, they must do
something to others. This is also encouraged children to work more, when they
know that they will get rewarded for it. This may also have consequences in the
future and children will clean regularly thanks to learning from an early age
On the other hands, it may have bads side, because children could used to
give money and they do not want to do any work without get rewards for it.
This may be had bad consequences in their future, when they live alone and
when they must to take care of their own house. Some of other people may
think it child abuse and draw consequences from it for example call the police.
To sum up, giving packet money for performing household chores has its
advantages and disadvantages. In my opinion, pocket money is a good thing,
and parents should give it to their children, but I also agree with that it could be
bad for children.

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