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Most people agree that teenagers spend too much time using electronic gadgets instead of spending

time with their families or doing something fun outdoors.

It is a common beliefe that if you take away the kids gadgets the problem is solved, the parents are
blamming the kids for not spending time with them.

In my opinion, it is not just a problem among teenagers, adults spend lot of time using their gadgets
as well. There are probably teenagres who use electronic devices more aften because they are not
interested in anything else, they do not have a hobbie or they do not have friends, their relationship
with their family is bad.

In order to tackle this problem do not take the gadgets away because that will only cause more
problems, instead try to introduce the kids to new activities and try to spend more time with them.

To sum up, parents should go and try to talk with their kids about this topic, tell them about their
concerns and should try to lay down boundaries together, but it might be that we will have to accept
the fact that these gadgets are required in our lives.

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