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Are electric gadgets the problem or the solution?

Technology has its good sides, but does it have any bad ones? Absolutely, and
one of them is teenagers being addicted to it. Nowadays teenagers spend a lot
of time using electronic gadgets such as smartphones, computers, game
consoles, etc. It`s becoming a serious issue because gadgets can affect
teenagers´ health a lot. A lot of people, especially parents, think they can solve
that issue by taking their kid´s gadget away, but that´s not a permanent solution
and it`s not the best one either. In my view, society is pressuring teenagers too
much. Most teenagers use gadgets to go to social media and talk to people who
understand them, who know what they´re going through. They often see it as
an escape from reality, because the reality isn´t quite the best. Most parents
think that if they take their child´s electronic device, they´re helping them.
Unfortunately, they´re probably just making the situation worse. I completely
understand that it´s not normal for kids to be using their gadgets for more than
2 hours, but taking the gadget away won´t solve the problem. What I propose is
that society, especially parents, start being more accepting of their children and
encourage them to be themselves. In my opinion, it´s pretty sad that children
have to rely on gadgets because the reality isn´t treating them well, but if we all
start working on fixing the society together, that could change. I think the
solution to this problem would be building a more accepting and loving society
that doesn´t make anyone run away from it. Maybe it wouldn´t solve the
problem completely since there are still teenagers that play video games and
surf the net just for fun, but it would definitely help a lot of teenagers. In
conclusion, I think we should all do our best to change the way society is
treating teenagers, because not only would it help the gadget problem, it would
also create a more loving and happier community which would be a win-win for

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