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Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing in response to your article about bringing up children and I would like to
take advantage of it, in order to express my feelings about this issue.

While it may be true that a lot of parents, nowadays, tend to discipline their children,
I don’t approve of it. Although a slap may shock the child into obedience it won’t
have a good effect in the child’s future life. A lot of people consider it a form of
physical abuse. It will not only teach the child to be subordinate because otherwise it
will be punished, but also the child will use this method to bring up their own kid and
so on.

Moreover, a child’s physical punishment is not always their fault, especially when
children seek attention from their parents but instead of spending some time with
them, they take their anger from work out on their kids. Also if parents get used to
hitting their child rather than discuss with them, they make the child to advocate
their friends and lose their tight relationship with their parents.

Furthermore, the channels of communication must be kept open if a big problem

occurs, so that both kids and parents have someone to rely on. Kids need a stable
environment to live and have a healthy relationship with their parents, in order to
become good and caring parents. Also, they have to remain on good terms with each
other something that can improve their relationship, even if there has happened
something violent in the family.

Finally, in my opinion, violence isn’t the solution to raise a child properly. The most
important part of a parent’s and kid’s relationship is communication and spending
time together.
I hope my opinion is considered.
Yours sincerely


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