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Arjun Rai

September 13, 2021

How did my country feel about the outcome of the Paris Peace Conference?

Great Britain was happy to a very large extent with the outcome of the Paris
Peace Conference. In this conference Great Britain achieved all the goals they had
for this conference. They obtained compensation and reparations from the war,
colonies and territories to expand control, and finally, obtained freedom of the
sea. Firstly, Great Britain received finical compensation for all the losses they
occurred from the war. For all the orphans and widows, all the land and economic
losses they faced. Receiving reparations from Germany was a goal they had for
the conference, this helped stabilize the economy and would also help gain back
all the losses they endured in the war. Secondly, territories and colonies were
given to Great Britain. This was an important goal they had for the conference
which they achieved because, they were temporally able to govern Ottoman,
Austria-Hungarian, and German colonies. This was crucial to Great Britain
because, Great Britain had more colonies, land and control which would bring
them more power and money. Lastly, Great Britain had obtained freedom of the
seas in the Paris Peace Conference. Since Germany weren’t allowed to have
submarines, it allowed Great Britain to have the strongest Navy in the world. This
was a goal they were super satisfied with because, it allowed them to receive
more control over the seas, which allowed them to make more trades.
Furthermore, Great Britain was expediently happy with the outcome of the Paris
Peace Conference since it benefited them in every way.

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