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1st-2nd year

1.The most common cause of fatal transfusion reactions is:

A. An allergic reaction. C
B. An anaphylactoid reaction.
C. A clerical error.
D. An acute bacterial infection transmitted in blood.
E.Acute lung injury (ALI)

2.The most important factor in the pathophysiology of diabetic foot is:

C.foot deformities D
D.Loss of protective sensation
E.Decrease immune response

3.All the following types of sutures are absorbed by hydrolysis except:

A. chromic catgut
C.polyglycolic acid A

4.Thoracic outlet syndrome mostly affects:

A.subclavian artery
B.subclavian vein
C.thoracic duct D
D.ulnar nerve distribution
E.median nerve distribution

5.Regarding electrical burn, all are true except:

A. Low voltage burn cause ventricular fibrillation E
B.high voltage burn cause cardiac standstill
C.electrical burn is an indication for referral to burn unit
D.patients usually need fluid more than that calculated by Parkland formula
E.low voltage burn is more likely to cause compartment syndrome

6.Regarding animal bites, all true except:

A. Dog bite has the lowest risk of infection
B.Human bite should be considered infected from beginning
C. Pasteurella Multocida infection occurs with cat bite D
D.Cat scratch disease is caused by Eikenella corrodens
E.Monkey bite is associated with viral meningoencephalitis

7.In patients presented to ER with acute abdominal pain, the most common diagnosis is:
A. Nonspecific abdominal pain (NSAP)
B.acue appendicitis
C.acute cholecystitis
D.small bowel obstruction A
E.acute pancreatitis

8.Closed loop obstruction is less likely to occur with:

A. inguinal hernia
B.Paradoudenal hernia
C.Gallstone ileus C

9.Necrotizing soft tissue infections is associated with all of the following except:
A. Pain out of proportion to physical finding
B.crepitus in most patients
C.hyponatremia B
D.elevated white blood cells
E.normal creatine kinese rules out muscle involvement

10. Regarding lidocain, all true except:

A. it is an ester local anesthetic
B.dose can be increased if given with adrenaline
C.Intravenous injection is more dangerous than intra-arterial A
D.lipid solution 20% can be used to treat toxicity
E.2% solution contains 20mg lidocain per one milliliter (ml)
3rd-5th year

1. Regarding hereditary breast cancer ,all are true except:

A. Less than 1% of all breast cancers.
B. Bilateral.
C. associated with other malignancies. A
D. transmitted through maternal line.
E. transmitted through paternal line

2. All are true about gallbladder cancer except:

A. mostly adenocarcinoma
B.almost always associated with stones D
C.CA19-9 could be raised
D.good response to radiotherapy
E.needs hepatic resection and lymph node dissection

3. During appendectomy, a 2cm mass found at base of appendix. The most suitable next
step would be:
A.intraoperative colonoscopy
B.intraoperative ultrasound
C.appendictomy and paraaortic lymph node dissection D
D.right hemicolectomy
C.mesenteric angiography

4. All of the following vessels could be ligated in case of trauma except:

A.subclavian artery
B.internal iliac artery
C.celiac artery D
D.superior mesenteric artery
E.inferior mesenteric artery

5. a core needle biopsy of a breast mass revealed a diagnosis of radial scar, the most
suitable next step would be:
A. repeat biopsy after 3 months
B.surgical excision B
C.reassure the patient
D.sentinal lymph node biopsy
E.Breast MRI

6. Regarding recurrent laryngeal nerve, all true except:

A. it is the inferior laryngeal nerve
B.the right is more likely to be nonrecurrent than the left E
C. the right is more vulnerable to injury than the left
D.the right most commonly runs between inferior thyroid artery (ITA) branches
E.the relationship between RLN and ITA on one side of the neck is similar to that
found on the other side in most patients

7. The surgery that most likely associated with pulmonary complications is:
A. abdominal aortic aneurysm repair
C.gastrectomy A
D.carotid endarterectomy
E.pituitary tumor resection

8. regarding burn management, all true except:

A. electrical burn patients need fluid more than that calculated by Parkland formula
B.Curreri formula overestimates caloric needs in large burns
C.Harris Benedict formula overestimates caloric needs in small burns E
D.first degree burns are not included in calculation of burn surface area
E.silver nitrate dressing is best for eschar penetration

9. which of the following is less suitable for postoperative pain management:

A. regional anesthesia
B.patient controlled analgesia
C.Morphine D
D.Meperidine (pethidine)
E.combination regimens that include acetaminophen

10. Antibiotic prophylaxis is needed in all of the following procedures except:

A.Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
B.laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy gastrectomy for cancer B
D.laparoscopic common bile duct exploration
E.whipple procedure

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