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HW 10.2 (individual) - Course reflection

Nguyễn Hoàng Vân (ID: 22004079)

Task Description:
Write a minimum of 500 words.

A letter to your past self.

Write a letter to yourself back in January 2024, before you joined this course. In this letter,
reflect on these months at university AND in the BAS class. Use specific examples.

Dear Hoang Van of January,

I hope the letter will reach you soon. I write to you from the future, April 20234. You may
wonder why I am writing to you, but there are some things you need to know before starting a
new journey.

First, I want to commend you for your determination and strength to take your first step into
university by enrolling in this course - Business Academic Skills. I want you to know that this
decision will change your educational path in ways you cannot imagine.

As you start this course, I want you to remember that you will need to put in effort and hard
work. There will be times when you feel so tired and overwhelmed that you want to give up, but
I want you to be resilient through those moments. The knowledge and experience you gain from
this course will help you find the most suitable learning method and gradually get used to the
flow of the university program.

One of the most important things you should remember is to take care of yourself during this
time. It's important to make sure you rest when needed and don't overwork yourself. Remember
that prioritizing your mental and physical health is just as important and should be prioritized as
making time for studying, as both are essential components to achieving your goals.

As you take this course and this semester in general, you will meet many people who will
become your friends and mentors. Cherish those relationships and make the most of the
opportunities that come your way. These connections will likely be valuable in the future.
Furthermore, I want you to know that you may not always achieve what you hope for, but just
believe in yourself and move forward. Remember that the process is more important than the
result. Even if the results you achieve are not good, if you know how to analyze the problem and
draw lessons for yourself, you will have succeeded. See each mistake as a valuable opportunity
for learning and personal growth. In Principle of Accounting, I encountered many difficulties in
new knowledge or calculations. However, after making mistakes many times, I tried to learn
from myself, and the result I achieved after three months was a score of 96 - the second highest
in the class - for the average score of tutorial tests. So, use those experiences as stepping stones
toward your goals and aspirations.

I know that you have doubts and fears, but I want you to know that you are capable of achieving
anything you set your mind to. You have the ability to overcome any obstacle that comes your
way. It's important to cultivate the mindset that failure is not the opposite of success but an
integral part of the journey to achieving your goals. Every failure and mistake provides a
valuable opportunity to reflect, learn and grow.

This letter has brought you some guidance and inspiration as you begin this new chapter in your
life. Remember that I support you and believe in your potential. You have come a long way and I
am confident that you will be able to create miracles.

Good luck,

Three-month-later Hoang Van.

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