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Polvoron is a Filipino sweet treat made from toasted flour, powdered milk, sugar, and butter. It has a
crumbly texture and is often shaped into small, round or oval molds. Here's a simple recipe to make
polvoron at home:


 2 cups all-purpose flour

 1 cup powdered milk (full cream or skimmed milk)

 1 cup granulated sugar

 1 cup unsalted butter, melted

 Polvoron molds (optional)


1. Toast the flour in a dry skillet over medium heat, stirring constantly until it turns light brown.
This usually takes about 15-20 minutes. Make sure to keep an eye on it and prevent it from
burning. Once toasted, remove from heat and let it cool completely.

2. In a large bowl, combine the toasted flour, powdered milk, and granulated sugar. Mix well until
thoroughly combined.

3. Pour the melted butter over the dry ingredients. Use a spatula or your hands to mix until the
mixture resembles coarse crumbs and holds its shape when pressed together.

4. If using polvoron molds, fill each mold with the mixture, pressing down firmly to compact it.
Alternatively, you can shape the mixture into small, round or oval-shaped balls by pressing them
firmly in your hands.

5. Carefully remove the shaped polvoron from the molds, if using, and place them on a baking
sheet lined with parchment paper.

6. Chill the polvoron in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes to set and firm up.

7. Once chilled, you can wrap the polvoron in colorful cellophane or wax paper for a more
traditional presentation.

8. Serve and enjoy your homemade polvoron as a delightful snack or dessert!

Feel free to customize your polvoron by adding other ingredients such as crushed nuts, chocolate chips,
or flavored extracts like vanilla or almond for a unique twist on this classic Filipino treat.

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