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Summative Test #. 3 Quarter 1

Name: ___________________________________ Date: ___________

Identify the kind of lines given.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

Horizontal Line Curve Line

Vertical Line Diagonal Line
Zigzag Line

II. Idenitfy what is being asked. Write the letter of the correct answer.

6. It defines how smooth or rough it is.

a. weight b. width c. texture d. style

7. __________ in lines can be long (tall, strong, far) or short (small, cute, close).

a. length b. style c. width d. weight

8. It refers to continuous, dotted, dashed or implied lines.

a. weight b. style c. width d. texture

9. This color symbolizes nature.

a. red b. blue c. white d. green

10. This color means angry.

a. blue b. black c. red d. orange


Draw things that has different kind of lines.

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