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- Importance of Art in Chinese Culture:

- Includes performing arts, sculpture, paintings, cave drawings.
- Ancient Origins:
- Traced back to Stone Age (5000 B.C.).
- Decorated objects: bone, stone, pottery.
- Cave Drawings:
- Found throughout China's mountainous regions.
- Depict nature scenes, people, animals.
- Ornamental Beginnings:
- Early Chinese paintings ornamental, not representational.
- Stone Age pottery decorated with patterns.
- Chinese Pottery:
- Earthenware, stoneware, porcelain.
- Categorized by material.
- Legendary Inspiration:
- Cao Zhi's emotional poem; Gu Kaizhi's illustration.
- Gu Kaizhi: eccentric courtier, painter, poet.
- Admonitions of the Court Instructress:
- Illustrates a poetic text by Zhang Hua.
- Inscriptions by later collectors.
- Chinese Figure Painting:
- Landscape as highest form of Chinese painting.
- Classical styles: northern and southern.
- Qi Baishi:
- Beloved modern painter.
- Depicted flowers, small animals.
- Mastery of Materials:
- Bronze, jade, ceramics.
- Decorative objects among China's greatest contributions.
- Bronze Metal Work:
- Flourished from Shang to Han Dynasty.
- Elaborate designs; ritualistic use.
- Jade Ornaments and Sculptures:
- Highly valued; found at burial sites.
- Evolution from simple to intricate carvings.
- Ceramic Development:
- Control of kiln temperatures, refinement of clays, glazes.
- Classical age: Song Dynasty.
- Valued wares: green, blue, white ceramics.

- Earliest Examples:
- Objects for burial with the dead.
- Terracotta Army near tomb of Shi Huangdi.
- Sculpture Evolution:
- Influence of Buddhism; classical era.
- Gilt bronze statues; wooden sculptures.
- Jocho Busshi:
- Perfected wood sculpture techniques.
- Notable work: Buddha Amida.
- Artistic Expression:
- No distinction between fine and decorative arts.
- All forms valid expression.
- Modern Influence:
- Adoption of Western styles and techniques.
- Honored artists: "Living National Treasures."
- Sculptures:
- Early worship objects; Buddhist influence.
- Evolution from clay to wood; influence of Buddhism.
- Woodblock Prints:
- Initially for religious texts; later for mass prints.
- Reflect wide-ranging interests.
- Masters: Katsushika Hokusai, Utagawa Hiroshige.
- Ceramics:
- Earliest tradition; Jomon vessels.
- Earthenware vs. stoneware; firing temperatures.
- The Ukiyo-e:
- Genre of Japanese art from 17th to 19th centuries.
- Depicted various subjects; landscape prints.
- Influence on Western art: Japanism.

- Iconic Prints:
- Hokusai's "The Great Waves of Kanagawa."
- Cheap souvenirs of famous places.
- Influence Beyond Japan:
- Spread to Europe and America.
- Impact on Western artists and movements.

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