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Dear Jane,

I’m so sorry for the bad news you’re telling me...I’m also sorry I
couldn’t get back to you sooner. I recognized/admit that I have been
quite disconnected these last few weeks due to personal and work

Just a week ago I was fired from the company where I have worked
for more than ten years. I still can’t believe it! As if this wasn’t
enough, I’m also in the middle of moving right now. In fact, I’m
writing this letter to you from the new apartment I have rented in the
Horta neighbourhood of Barcelona. It's been a pretty stressful and
sad few weeks, to be honest. That’s why I haven’t found the strength
to answer you.

I know that these explanations don’t justify my distance at such a

delicate time for you. I hope you can forgive me.

I would very much like to be able to call you next week so that you
can explain everything that happened in more detail. Is that okay
with you?

I hope that little by little you feel better,


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