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Montes, Eleazar Junior L.


115 Information Systems Assignment No. 1

Answer the following questions.

1. Describe four fundamental Information system types based on their sphere of influence.

**Personal Information Systems (PIS):** Individual use for tasks like email.

**Workgroup Information Systems (WIS):** Small-group collaboration tools.

**Enterprise Information Systems (EIS):** Organizational-wide integration for efficient processes

**Interorganizational Information Systems (IOS):** Collaborative systems linking multiple entities.

2. Identify two key management responsibilities in implementing information systems.

**Strategic Planning:** Aligning systems with organizational goals.

**Resource Management:** Efficient resource allocation.

3.What is the traditional role that IS plays in the supply chain? What is the contemporary role?

**Traditional Role:** Transaction processing and data management in the supply chain

**Contemporary Role:** Advanced analytics, real-time visibility, and collaborative optimization for agile
supply chain management.
4.Identify four key benefits of producing a strategic plan.

1. **Clear Direction:** Guides the organization with common goals

2. **Resource Optimization:** Efficiently allocates resources.
3. **Risk Mitigation:** Identifies and addresses challenges
4. **Performance Evaluation:** Facilitates ongoing assessment.

5. Identify four drivers that help set the information systems organization strategy.
1. **Business Goals:** Aligning IS with organizational objectives.
2. **Technology Trends:** Embracing advancements for efficiency.
3. **Regulatory Compliance:** Adapting to meet requirements.
4. **Market Dynamics:** Responding to changing market needs.

6.Identify three ways the IS organization can be perceived by the rest of the organization and explain
how that perception can affect the IS strategy.

1. **Enabler:** Positive perception aligns IS with business goals.

2. **Cost Center:** Negative perception may limit strategic investments..
3. **Strategic Partner:** Positive collaboration enhances IS alignment with organizational goals.

7.Identify six non-technical skills needed to be an effective information system worker.

1. **Communication:** Clear interaction with diverse stakeholders.

2. **Problem-Solving:** Analytical skills for effective solutions.
3. **Adaptability:** Flexibility in evolving tech environments.
4. **Team Collaboration:** Collaborative work in diverse teams.
5. **Critical Thinking:** Evaluative decision-making.
6. **Time Management:** Efficient task and deadline management.

8.Identify two benefits of obtaining a certification in an IS subject area.

1. **Skill Validation:** Certifications prove expertise.

2. **Career Advancement:** Opens doors to better opportunities.
9. How is the IS organization at your work or university perceived by the rest of the organization? How
has this influenced the IS strategy and what the organization has been able to accomplish?

 I lack specific details about your IS organization. Generally, a positive perception aligns
IS strategy with organizational goals, fostering innovation. A cost-center view may limit
strategic investments. Recognizing IS value is vital for optimal outcomes.

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