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Name: Nguyen Thi Xuan Lan

1) One/Two drill: Listen to the word, if you hear it has sound /p/, say one;
if you hear it has sound /b/, say two.
Board: (1) (2)
/p/ /b/
T: bull Ss: two
T: pull Ss: one
2) Same/Different Drill: Listen to two words. Say same if they have the
same sound; say different if they have different sounds.
T: bat/pat Ss: different
T: pat/pat Ss: same
T: bat/bat Ss: same
3) One/Two/Three Drill: Listen to three words. Say the numbers of two
words that are the same.
e.g.: T: pen – pen– ben Ss: one – two
pill – bill – pill Ss: one – three

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