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1. Eyes on me: Open shut them. Open shut them

TR: One Two Three, Eyes on me (Clapping Put them in your lap lap lap
hands while saying 1,2,3 and point to the
Shake them, shake them, shake them shake
them shake them just like this
ST: One Two, Eyes on you (Clapping hands
Roll them, roll them, roll them, roll them, roll
while saying 1,2 and point to the teacher)
them just like this
2. Show me
Creep them, creep them, creep them, creep
TR: Show me your hands, hands up, hands them, creep them to your chin
down, hands on your head/ your hip/…(do
Open wide your little mouth, blow a little kiss!
to quickly)
Version 2:
3. Listen up
Open shut them. Open shut them
TR: Listen up! (Clapping hands twice)! Listen
Give a little clap clap clap
up (Clapping hands twice)! Listen up, listen
up, Open shut them. Open shut them
listen up! Hands up! V sign/ victory hand) Put them in your lap lap lap
4. TR: Loud and quiet! Loud and quiet! Loud Walk them, walk them, walk them, walk them,
loud loud loud loud loud loud loud walk them just like this
Loud and quiet! Loud and quiet! shhh… Lift them, lift them to the sky, and touch them
shhhh…shhhh…shhhh…shhhh…shhh to your nose
5. TR: Children children (tap my knees) Shake them, shake them, shake them, shake
them, shake them just like this
SS: Sit nicely
Roll them, roll them, roll them, roll them,
TR: Children children (show my ears)
blow a little kiss! Moak
SS: Listen to the teacher
7. TR: One little finger, one little finger, one
TR: Children Children (put the finger on my little finger tap tap tap
Put your finger up, Put your finger down, Put
SS: Quiet please. it on your mouth.

6. TR: 8. TR: Students, students, look at me!

Students, students, listen to me!
Version 1:

Open shut them. Open shut them

Give a little clap clap clap

9. TR: Oh class! TR: Two little black birds, sitting on the hill

ST: Oh yes! One named Jack, one named Jill

TR: Class class Fly away Jack, fly away Jill

ST: Yes, Yes Come back Jack, come back Jill

TR: Classity class Two little black birds, sitting on the cloud

ST: Yessity yes One named soft, one named loud

TR: Class class class Fly away soft, fly away loud

ST: Yes yes yes Come back soft, come back loud

10. TR: Hands on top (Try with other opposite adj: Fast/Slow,
ST: Everybody stop
13. Singing: Play or sing English songs/ Big
TR: Macaroni and cheeses
Fun song or chant. Have students join you.
ST: Everybody freeze

14. Stop Light: Make a stop light with

11. Where are you? removable color circles. When in green,
TR: Where is Tommy, where is Tommy? (Sing
as a song) can talk in pairs or in groups. When in yellow,
they must be to end the conversation.
Tommy: Here I am, here I am
When in red, it is time to stop talking. If they
TR: Where is Sunny, where is Sunny? are too loud, you can quickly go from
Sunny: Here I am, here I am green to red. If they are quitter again, go back
to green.

12. 2 little black birds

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