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Create a review on some videos and journal articles

1. Food and Nutrition | Macmillan Education India

We need to cook food because, when food is cooked it becomes soft and easy to
digest. Cooked food tastes better, moreover cooking also kills the microorganisms
present in the food and make it safe to eat. Cucumbers and lemons are rich in vitamin
C which gets easily destroyed by high temperature and we don’t cook them but eat
them raw. There are many methods of cooking food such as boiling, steaming,
baking, roasting and frying. Boiling is the most common cooking method which
involves cooking food in hot boiling water. The food prepared using this method is
healthy and easy to digest rice, beans and vegetables are prepared. Steaming food is
cooked with the help of steam formed by boiling water. This method preserves
nutrients and is considered a healthy way of cooking food. Baking food is cooked in
an oven. This method to preserves nutrients and uses very little oil or fat. Roasting is
another healthy way of cooking is done by putting the food directly over the fire. It
removes excess amount of fats from food items. Frying is not considered a healthy
way of cooking. In this method the food cooked in hot oil and is rich in fats. Food can
be prevented from getting spoiled, this is called food preservation. There are many
food preservation such as drying, refrigeration, storing, and salt sugar oil are added to
food items to preserve the food. These methods slow down the growth of
microorganisms in food items and make them safe to eat.
2. The Representation of Culinary Experience as the Future of Indonesian Tourism
Cases in Bandung City, West Java
It can be concluded that Bandung City has a potential to better develop its culinary to
keep tourists coming back to visit to stay longer and prefer Bandung City so share of
mind is obtained well. If this condition can be maintained, income of Bandung City
will increase, so as to increase the economy of Bandung City. Based on SWOT
analysis, they still maintain the quality and taste as well as the level of experience
generated when consuming this culinary product, where the competition is very high,
so it needs cooperation with the suppliers. In addition it also needs cooperation with
local government to create regulations that can provide profitable tourists and culinary
entrepreneurs. So culinary will have appeal to the tourists because of the experience
when consuming the product. Furthermore, the culinary tourism can be enriched by
setting art performances related to Bandung as a culinary destination.
2. Write at least 5 important lessons you have learned
1. Cucumbers and lemons are rich in vitamin C and vitamin C gets destroyed by high
2. There are many methods of cooking food such as boiling, steaming, baking, roasting
and frying.
3. There are many food preservation such as drying, refrigeration, storing, and salt sugar
oil are added to food items to preserve the food. These methods slow down the growth
of microorganisms in food items and make them safe to eat.
4. Culinary industry is also closely related to local tourism industry. Baltescu (2016)
stated variations of food and beverages offered by a region for its tourists provide a
great implication to the economy, culture and sustainable development.
5. Mason and Paggiaro (2012) stated in their study on culinary tourism that culinary
does not only provide satisfaction but also more on physiological related matters. In
this study, it is stated that there is a direct positive relation between culinary festival
and emotional experiences and satisfaction, as well as behavior of society.

3. Explore on the application Traditional Culinary Business. Write some critical

questions to start the exploration. Report the result of the exploration as your
personal task. Add suitable pictures and a title.


1. When was Kerak Telor created?

= Egg Crust has been around for a long time
Dutch colonialism. It all started decades ago when this delicious food was created
accidentally or by trial and error from a group of Betawi people who lived in the
Menteng area, the capital city of Jakarta.
2. What are the ingredients contained in egg crust?
= the ingredients are duck egg, glutinous rice, dry shrimp, roasted coconut, anglo and
fried onions
3. What are the characteristics of egg crust?
= It has a savory taste and uses coconut as its special ingredient
4. How many types of egg crust?
= There are two types of Egg Crust that we know today: Chicken Egg Crust:
Made from Chicken Eggs, Duck Egg Crust: Made from Duck Eggs

Jakarta is known as a big city that has diverse cultures. One of them is in the culinary field.
Indonesian culinary delights are not just consumed but have their own philosophical values,
for example egg crust. Kerak Telor itself is a snack or what is usually called a relaxing snack
for Betawi people. Made from sticky rice, coconut, dried shrimp, pepper, salt and eggs. This
egg crust itself has a quite unique cooking method. Egg crust is a legacy of the past. Egg
Crust has been around since the Dutch colonial era. It all started decades ago when this
delicious food was created accidentally or by trial and error from a group of Betawi people
who lived in the Menteng area, the capital city of Jakarta. At that time, Jakarta, or formerly
known as Batavia, still had many coconut trees growing throughout the Batavia area, because
of the large number of coconut trees growing, the Betawi people really took advantage of the
results of the coconut fruit. There are two types of Egg Crust that we know today: Chicken
Egg Crust: Made from Chicken Eggs, Duck Egg Crust: Made from Duck Eggs.

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