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I watched the movie "My Sister's Keeper." The story is all about the Fitzgerald family.

Their daughter, Kate,

was sick with leukemia and had to plan a surgery for bone marrow but unfortunately her parents and brother
weren't a match so the doctor suggested that it is possible to have a genetic match for the kidney if she had
another child . Then, Anna was born for the purpose of being donor in order to save her sister's lif. She went
through a lot of medical procedures specifically surgeries that she didn't really have a say in, for about 11 years.
Later on, Kate got really sick and needed a kidney, Anna decided to refuse. She wanted to be able to make her
own choices and that she has the rights for her own body.

Her mother couldn't accept it and they went through a trial.

What really hit me hard was when Jesse the older brother spoke about Kate and we found out that Kate actually
wanted to let go. She was tired of being sick all the time and she didn't want Anna to give up her kidney. It made
me realize that this wasn't just about Anna wanting to make her own choice and her mother's sacrifices to keep
her alive, but also about respecting what Kate wanted.

In the end, the movie really made me think about how far we would go for the people we love. But it also made
me see how important it is to listen to what people want for themselves and not be blinded by our own personal
needs. "My Sister's Keeper" was a real emotional rage that made me look at my own life and the tough choice
we sometimes have to make because we care about someone. Now, the big question is how far will you go
through for the ones you love? honestly, as far as I can get but now I learned that I should know and accept
when to give up. And not to ignore others and listen to what they really want.

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