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The goal of stress management is to learn how to control our stress and turn it into a

strength. We need to determine the ideal level of stress that will individually motivate but not
overwhelm each of us. Excessive stress can leave us feeling "tied up in knots." Insufficient stress
serves as a depressant and can leave us feeling bored or depressed. According to Mahisha
Suramadhini (2013), stress management can be defined as interventions designed to reduce the
impact of stress in the work place. These can have an individual focus, aimed at increasing an
individual’s ability to cope with stress.

(Brobbey, 2020) discovered that academic stress could be controlled to enhance students’
performance. His study discovered that by educating students on how to manage stress, staying
focus, having enough rest, exercising a lot and effective time management can help to manage
stress in order to enhance students’ academic performance.

Stress as an emotional pressure suffered by someone resulted to different behavior and

responses depending on what extent of challenges they experienced. There were different
changes in the mood and interactions with others of those experiencing stress. Stress students
have lack of motivation to take notes of the lessons resulted to difficulties in reviewing for the
exams and low scores. Stress resulted to delayed submission of assignments, affecting the total
scores in the output submitted in every subjects. And students cannot finish their projects on
time. (Acosta and et al)

Academic performance is one of the most vital considerations among students in high
school level. The academic performance can be illustrated by grade-weighted average (GWA).
Despite living in the millennium area where education is accessible to all, there are still some
differences in performance among the students. Several studies identified internal and external
factors associated with academic performance. Stress is one of the factors that has negative effect
on the mastery of the academic curriculum. It is a process by which we perceive and cope with
environmental threats and challenges. A student can be stressed due to different reasons or
stressors such as the academic, financial problem, health problem or loss of close family member
or friend. Stress in academic situation can have both positive and negative consequences. Stress
can inhibit and suppress learning, which is called ‘unfavorable stress’ and is associated with
inhibition of students’ academic performance. (Bernal, 2019)
According to Masong and et al(2022), numerous students struggled and were rarely able
to accept the knowledge and skills acquired in school to everyday situations. Accountancy,
Business and Management or ABM is one of the academic tracks. Part of the K-12 basic
education curriculum. A strand focuses the basic concept of business world. One of the
specialized subjects in ABM is the Fundamental of Accountancy, Business and Management. It
was stated that the main objective of Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management
(FABM)subject is to help student develop skills for accounting. And help build analytical skills
and apply in-depth knowledge throughout the process.

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