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‘Ah! Finally, the last day of my school’ I exclaimed this year had been one of
my best years at school, me and my best friend had a lot of fun, my best
friends name is Taman, his birthday is on Aug 26. He was our Sasuke. We
were tied as the best at all the classes. We both loved science and math, where
we used to keep answers running for 15 minutes each, I used to raise my
hand so did he and then I used to tell the first part of the answer, then he
would tell the second, and we would elaborate the answer to text size of 5
pages! Ok back to the present, ‘Hey naivaan! Come here’ my mom was here,
‘hello mama’ I said. ‘let’s go home’ we left school for home and it started
raining hard, I felt cold, chills ran down my spine, my school is over, summer
holidays will start from tomorrow. I did not like the summer holidays as much
as I love school. I stared outside at what looked like the grayer version of the
world, we reached at a signal then u turn then left and we were home! I rang
the bell and my father opened the door smiling very widely, wider than
normal so then I walked in saw- ‘Oh my god’ it was my new golf kit, the box
was huge and my kit was purple & black & grey I loved the design.

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