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I was shivering Head to Toe; our dance was next. I thought about our practicing again &
again & again & again, us falling again and again and again. This our time to shine, I thought
, we will do this, yes yes. A great warmth of courage spread over me like fire. I felt Proud of
my practice and now I need to release our practice to the best! I heard ‘Now presenting to
you THE STEPS’. Then the song which we were going to dance on started playing deafeningly
Our started to jump madly and pointed straight back and left which was sign so that we
could know where to go, and I set of to the back stage and peered through the curtains. I
went to the middle of stage when the lights went down then lights came on again, and I was
in the center staring at a sea of people with phone torch lights on. A torch light caught my
eyes because it was jumping up and down. It was my sister, and then the dancing started,
we moved in one fluid motion with the song my friends and I were whispering while dancing
‘OMG, we are doing so well. Hopefully this continues I can’t wait for the Pyramid part’
My friend whispered behind me ‘I am scared about the pyramid part I said I am supposed to
be on the top!!’ I whisper- yelled to him then I saw our teacher signing us to make the
pyramid. Then 4 of my friends lined down bowing and 3 jumped over them and then 2
jumped and then I went on top. My whole body was shivering, I had asked my friends who
were under me ‘are you ok’. ‘We are ok’ they grunted as I jumped off. After the dance got
over, we bowed our deepest bows while the whole crowed clapped their hands off.

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