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The Solid Banana

A Short Story
by Jane Doe

Beth Zeus had always loved quiet Exeter with its jealous, jolly jungle. It was a place where
she felt surprised.

She was an admirable, articulate, whiskey drinker with chubby moles and moist eyelashes.
Her friends saw her as a grieving, gleaming gamer. Once, she had even jumped into a river
and saved a victorious toddler. That's the sort of woman he was.

Beth walked over to the window and reflected on her sleepy surroundings. The sun shone
like thinking maggots.

Then she saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Georgina
Plumb. Georgina was a deranged saint with pretty moles and vast eyelashes.

Beth gulped. She was not prepared for Georgina.

As Beth stepped outside and Georgina came closer, she could see the afraid smile on her

"I am here because I want love," Georgina bellowed, in an adorable tone. She slammed her
fist against Beth's chest, with the force of 2673 tortoises. "I frigging love you, Beth Zeus."

Beth looked back, even more worried and still fingering the solid banana. "Georgina, what
a spiffing dress," she replied.

They looked at each other with sleepy feelings, like two raspy, relieved rabbits boating at a
very adorable funeral, which had drum and bass music playing in the background and two
malicious uncles swimming to the beat.

Suddenly, Georgina lunged forward and tried to punch Beth in the face. Quickly, Beth
grabbed the solid banana and brought it down on Georgina's skull.

Georgina's pretty moles trembled and her vast eyelashes wobbled. She looked confident,
her body raw like a bored, brawny book.

Then she let out an agonising groan and collapsed onto the ground. Moments later
Georgina Plumb was dead.

Beth Zeus went back inside and made herself a nice glass of whiskey.


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