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Writing part 02/16/2024 Sabrina Schmid

Part 1

‘Everyone should do something regularly in their life to help other people’.

1. In my opinion, one of the most important point in a family or in a friendship is that

you can count on someone. Maybe you’re feeling unwell or even when life’s though
sometimes, it helps a lot, when you’re not alone in this kind of situation. You can help
someone just with your presence.

2. We often forget how big our influence can be on the well-being of other people. If
you meet someone on the street and you just smile and say hello to him, probably
you already made his day a little bit better. And then the other person is gifting her or
his smile to someone else, and they would have e better day as well. That’s what I call
a series of reactions.

3. I’m not necessarily a person who believes in the supernatural. But I’m absolutely
convinced that something like karma exists.
A few years ago, I integrated this way of thinking in my life. And I am happy to say,
that it has upgraded my life a lot! I often try to be kind to all other people no matter if
I know them or not. Just be kind to everyone and if you notice that someone could
need some help – just help! And I’m sure, if you need help in the future someone is
willing to help you too.

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