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Read and analyze the statements carefully. Select the best response that best answers the question or
statement. Write your answer on the space provided before each number. Use UPPERCASE letters only.

1. What do you call the blood disorder characterized by the increase in number of white
blood cells in the blood due to illness or infection?
A. Lymphoma C. Leukocytosis
B. Polycythemia D. Phlebitis

2. What do you call the triangular area on the anterior area of the elbow and is the first
choice for venipuncture site?
A. Antecubital Fossa C. Arteries
B. Prothrombin time D. Median Cubital Vein

3. It is a status designation of the patient that means, “prior to collection, there should
be no food or drink intake for 8-12 hours except for…”.
A. Med Emerg C. NPO
B. Stat D. Fasting

4. What is the ability of the blood to form and dissolve clots?

A. Hematoma C. Vasoconstriction
B. Titration D. Coagulation

5. It is a procedure of chest compressions and rescue breaths done during emergency

cases such as when a person is in cardiac arrest. Performing this procedure on a patient
increases his/her chance of survival.
A. Automated External Defibrillator C. CPR
B. Intubation D. Heimlich’s Maneuver

6. Determine below which follows the correct order of draw.

I. Blood CultureàCoagulation TubeàGlass Non-additive TubeàPlastic Clot Activator TubeàSerum
Separator TubeàEDTA TubeàHeparin Tubeà Plasma-preparation TubeàOxalate/Fluoride Tube
II. Blood CultureàCoagulation TubeàGlass Non-additive TubeàPlastic Clot Activator TubeàSerum
Separator TubeàHeparin TubeàEDTA TubeàPlasma-preparation TubeàOxalate/Fluoride Tube
III. Blood CultureàGlass Non-additive TubeàPlastic Clot Activator TubeàCoagulation TubeàEDTA
TubeàHeparin TubeàSerum Separator TubeàPlasma-preparation TubeàOxalate/Fluoride Tube

A. Statement I C. Statement III

B. Statement II D. None of the above

7. It is a procedure that involves piercing the needle into the vein and the other end in
the stopper of the evacuated tube allowing the blood to flow into the tube.
A. Evacuated Tube System C. Modern Phlebotomy
B. Syringe System D. Evacuation Tube System

8. What sends electric impulses throughout the myocardium, which is initiated by the
Sinoatrial (SA) node?
A. Electrical Conduction System C. Cardiac Cycle
B. Electrical Impulse Cycle D. Coronary Circulation
9. It is the clinical analysis area responsible for serum and autoimmune reactions.
A. Bacterial and Viral Studies C. Serology/Immunology
B. Microbiology D. Immunohematology

10. Moonbin is a 25-year old man who works in a hospital. He is knowledgeable about
the different equipment, devices, and supplies used for the different methods of drawing blood so
he could prepare them appropriately. Thus, he is responsible for collecting blood specimen for
testing in the laboratory. What do you call Moonbin’s work or position in the hospital?
A. Laboratory Analyst C. Physician
B. Medical Nurse D. Phlebotomist

11. It is a traditional collection procedure that uses a syringe to draw blood from the
patient and the collected specimen is transferred into tubes.
A. Evacuated Tube System C. Modern Phlebotomy
B. Syringe System D. Evacuation Tube System

12. What is the meaning of the acronym EDTA?

A. Ethyldiaminetetraacetic Acid C. Ethylenediamidetetraacetic Acid
B. Ethenediaminetetraacetic Acid D. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid

13. It inhibits cells from metabolizing substances and moves between cells & serum or
plasma when centrifuged.
A. Antiglycolytic Agents C. Thixotropic Gel Separator
B. Potassium Oxalate Monohydrate D. Heparin

14. What do you call any substance that is placed within the tube and can be used in
ETS tubes to prevent clotting and preserving the components?
A. Additive C. Antibody
B. Antigen D. Anticoagulant

15. Listed below are the necessary information in the specimen tube labeling except for:
A. Date and Time of Collection C. Physician’s Name
B. Initials of the Phlebotomist D. ID Number

16. What is the first step in preparing equipment for Evacuated Tube System?
A. Select and inspect the needle for defects.
B. Select the appropriate tube for ETS and tap to dislodge any additives in the stopper.
C. Inspect the package before aseptically opening and removing the syringe.
D. Select the appropriate small-volume tube for the test.

17. It is a condition when there is not enough blood that circulates back to the heart and
results to inadequate supply of oxygen in the body. This may be a result of hemorrhage, heart
attack, trauma and drug reactions.
A. Myocardial Infraction C. Aortic Aneurysm
B. Mitral Valve Regurgitation D. Shock

18. It is the sound you hear when the semilunar valves close and the ventricles relax.
A. Lupp C. Dubb
B. Lubb D. Dupp
For items 19-25, choose the letter of the correct answer from the following.
A. The first statement is true. The second statement is false.
B. The first statement is false. The second statement is true.
C. Both statements are true.
D. Both statements are false.

19. Gamma-glutamyl transferase checks for cases that indicate renal impairment or
muscular dystrophy. It is acceptable to interchange only one or two steps of the Order of Draw.

20. If the ordered test is stat or timed and there is a physician or clergy in the room, do
not interrupt them to show proper work ethics. The venipuncture procedure begins with the
thorough review of the test requisition to avoid duplication or request, ensure proper collection
timing, identify special instructions or equipment required for the test.

21. If the vein is not suitable, look for an alternative site, or capillary puncture could be
an option. A properly tied tourniquet has its ends pointing toward the shoulder.

22. If the patient is young, mentally incapacitated or there is language barrier, the
phlebotomist should ask a relative, attendant, or the nurse to identify the patient and the
information provided should match those on record and the information on the ID bracelet. The ID
bands for inpatient newborns or babies under 2 years old are placed on the upper arm.

23. Since newborns are most susceptible to infections because of their underdeveloped
immune system, anyone who enters the nursery area or neonatal ICU should follow the infection-
control procedure. In continuing CPR, replicate the cycle of 20 chest compressions, to be followed
by four rescue breaths.

24. Professionalism means being sensitive to the needs of others and being able to stay
calm and maintain a helpful demeanor towards those in need. The Differential White Count
monitors changes in the appearance or quantity of specific cell types.

25. It is best to advise the doctor if the patient was not able to follow the fasting
requirement so a decision could be made if the collection will proceed as scheduled.
Misidentifying patients can be a ground for dismissal or lawsuit on the grounds of malpractice.

Identify what is being described on the statements below. Write your answer on the space provided before
each number.

26. It is an enzyme produced at the site of injury from prothrombin and

amplifies coagulation and converts fibrinogen to soluble fibrin.
27. It is a system of classifying human blood by the presence of antigens
A and B and based on the antigenic components found on the surface of the red blood cells.
28. These are not used for routine blood collection and are limited to collection of
arterial blood gas.
29. It is known as Hirudotherapy and involves placing a drop of milk or
blood on the patient's skin and introducing Hirudo medicinalis (medicinal leech) to the site,
allowing it to engorge and fall off.
30. These are established in the emergency room of some tertiary care
facilities, so procedures and tests can be done immediately when needed.
31. This protective measure includes hand washing or use of alcohol-
based antiseptic hand cleaners.
32. It is the behavior of a healthcare worker as perceived by the patient,
which is applicable to both in- and out-patient settings. This includes proper approach, conduct,
and demeanor to help them gain the trust and confidence of the patient.
Match the cap color in Column A with each appropriate additive specification in Column B. Write only the
letter of your answer on the space provided before each number. Use UPPERCASE letters only.

33. Yellow A. Potassium Oxalate Monohydrate
and Sodium Fluoride
34. Black B. EDTA Coagulant

35. Light Blue C. Coagulant

36. Red D. Sodium Citrate 1:4

37. Light Green E. Coagulant and Separation Gel

38. Purple F. Lithium Heparin

39. Grey G. No additive

40. Green H. Sodium Citrate 1:9

41. Orange I. Sodium Heparin

List down or enumerate what are being asked on each of the following items.

Layers of the Heart

3 Types of Phlebotomy Needles
Chambers of the Heart
Categories of Additives used in Blood Collection
H-shaped Antecubital Veins


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