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3/25/24, 8:44 PM 12 Chemistry - Test Maker @ EasyLearningHome.


Name: _______________________

12 Chemistry Roll #:
Time: 35Min; Marks: 20 for video lectures, past papers and other helping material
Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 12 Marks
i) When sugar is treated with Conc. H SO it becomes black due to:
2 4

A) Decolourization B) Dehydration C) Hydrolysis D) Hydration

ii) In tertiary butyl alcohol, the tertiary carbon is bonded to number of hydrogen atoms:
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 0
iii) The carbon atom of a carbonyl group is:
A) sp hybridized B) sp hybridized2
C) sp hybridized D) dsp hybridized
3 2

iv) Which catalyst is used in contact process?

A) F e O 2 3 B) SO 3 C) V O 2 D) Ag O
5 2

v) Iodoform is prepared by the reaction of Iodine with:

A) Acetic acid B) Formic acid C) Acetone D) Diethyl ether
vi) Laughing gas is chemically
A) N O B) N O 2 C) N O D) N O
2 2 4

vii) Which of the following is a reddish brown gas?

A) N O 2 B) NO C) N O 2 D) NO
5 2

viii)The oxidation of aldehydes always gives:

A) Ketones B) Carboxylic acids C) Esters D) Alkanes
ix) 40% aqueous solution of formaldehyde is called as:
A) formalin B) Tollen's Reagent C) paraldehyde D) wood spirit
x) Which compound is more soluble in water:
2 5 B) C H OH 6 5 C) CH COCH D) n-Hexanol
3 3

xi) In t-butyl alcohol, the tertiary carbon is bonded is:

A) Two hydrogen atoms B) Three hydrogen atoms C) One hydrogen atom D) No hydrogen atom
xii) According to Lewis concept, ethers behave as:
A) Acid B) Base C) Solvent D) Nucleophile

Q2) Write short answers of the following: 10X2=20 Marks

i) How does H N O act as a reducing agent?

ii) Write down four uses of H N O . 3

iii) Draw the geometry of P Cl . 5

iv) Justify that NO acts as an oxidizing agent.

v) How methanol is prepared from water gas?
vi) Write structural formulae of ethylene glycol and lactic acid.
vii) Absolute alcohol cannot be prepared by fermentation process. Give justification.
viii)Give industrial preparation of formaldehyde.
ix) How will you distinguish between ethanal and propanal?
x) What is Iodoform Test? Give two uses of it.

Give explanatory answer of the following: 4X2=8 Marks

3A)Describe Lucas test for the identification of primary, secondary, and tertiary alcohols with suitable chemical
3B)Describe the mechanism of the reaction of sodium bisulphate with acetone 1/1

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