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1. Title: Word Detective b. Grade Level: Kindergarten and 1st grade c. Standards: RDG 1.C.

1.C.4 d. Description of Sub-Skill: Word Awareness e. Description of Game or Activity:
 Materials: Picture cards with simple words (e.g., cat, dog, hat).
 Procedure:
1. Spread the picture cards on a table or the floor.
2. Have students take turns being "word detectives."
3. The detective chooses a card and says the word aloud.
4. Other students must listen carefully and find a card that rhymes with the chosen
word (e.g., if the detective says "cat," other students can choose "hat").
5. Repeat with different detectives.
f. Mini-Assessment: Ask each student to choose a picture card and say a word that rhymes with
it. Observe if they can correctly identify rhyming words.
g. ELL Strategies Used: Provide visual aids (picture cards) to support understanding and make it
easier for ELL students to participate.

2. Title: Rhyme Time Bingo b. Grade Level: 1st and 2nd grade c. Standards: RDG 1.C.4 d.
Description of Sub-Skill: Rhyming e. Description of Game or Activity:
 Materials: Bingo cards with pictures or words that rhyme (e.g., cat, hat, bat), markers.
 Procedure:
1. Distribute Bingo cards to students.
2. Call out a word (e.g., "cat") and have students cover the corresponding rhyming
word on their cards (e.g., "bat").
3. Continue calling out words until a student gets a row covered and shouts
f. Mini-Assessment: Ask students to name the rhyming words they covered on their Bingo
cards to check their understanding of rhymes.
g. ELL Strategies Used: Use pictures in addition to words on the Bingo cards to aid ELL students
in making connections between rhyming words.

3. Title: Alliteration Alphabet b. Grade Level: Kindergarten c. Standards: RDG 1.C.5 d.

Description of Sub-Skill: Alliteration e. Description of Game or Activity:
 Materials: Large alphabet cards.
 Procedure:
1. Place the alphabet cards face-down in a pile.
2. Each student takes a turn drawing a card and saying a word that starts with the
same sound as the letter (e.g., "B" - "banana").
3. Encourage students to be creative and think of fun words.
4. Continue until all letters have been used.
f. Mini-Assessment: Ask students to identify the letter they drew and provide an alliterative
word for it.
g. ELL Strategies Used: Use real objects or images of objects to represent the letters to make it
more concrete for ELL students.
4. Title: Syllable Sorting b. Grade Level: 2nd grade c. Standards: RDG 1.C.6 d. Description of
Sub-Skill: Syllable Awareness e. Description of Game or Activity:
 Materials: Word cards with two-syllable words (e.g., ba-nana, ta-ble), sorting mats.
 Procedure:
1. Provide each student with a set of word cards.
2. Ask students to sort the word cards into two piles: one for words with one
syllable and one for words with two syllables.
3. Encourage them to clap or tap out the syllables to help with sorting.
f. Mini-Assessment: Have students explain why they sorted each word into a particular pile and
ask them to demonstrate clapping or tapping the syllables for a word.
g. ELL Strategies Used: Use visual cues like pictures alongside the word cards to aid ELL
students in understanding syllables.

5. Title: Onset-Rime Match-Up b. Grade Level: 1st grade c. Standards: RDG 2.C.1 d. Description
of Sub-Skill: Onset-Rime Awareness e. Description of Game or Activity:
 Materials: Onset cards (e.g., "cl," "dr") and rime cards (e.g., "og," "ip").
 Procedure:
1. Shuffle the onset and rime cards separately.
2. Each student takes one onset card and one rime card and combines them to
make a word (e.g., "cl" + "og" = "clog").
3. Students take turns reading their created words aloud.
f. Mini-Assessment: Ask students to explain how they combined the onset and rime cards to
make a word, and have them read their words to check for accuracy.
g. ELL Strategies Used: Provide visual cues or images on the cards to support ELL students in
understanding and creating words.

6. Title: Phoneme Sound Sort b. Grade Level: 1st and 2nd grade c. Standards: RDG 2.C.2, 2.C.3,
2.C.4 d. Description of Sub-Skill: Phonemic Awareness e. Description of Game or Activity:
 Materials: Picture cards representing words with different beginning sounds (e.g., "sun,"
"cat," "dog").
 Procedure:
1. Display a selection of picture cards.
2. Ask students to sort the cards into groups based on their initial sounds (e.g., all
cards with /s/ sound together).
3. Encourage students to practice saying the initial sounds as they sort.
f. Mini-Assessment: Ask students to explain why they sorted the cards into specific groups and
to provide examples of words in each group.
g. ELL Strategies Used: Use clear and distinct images on the picture cards to help ELL students
associate the sounds with the objects. Provide support by modeling the sorting process.

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