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Our Diet To be neatly written in E.V.S. N.B.

I. Answer the following.

Q1. What is called diet?

Ans. All that we eat or drink during the day is together called our diet.

II. Give reasons/State why.

1. One man eats five chapatis everyday. But one day he has a high fever. Will he eat five chapatis that day?
Ans. No, he will not eat five chapatis on the day he has a high fever because he won’t feel hungry.

2. Diet differs from person to person.

Ans. Diet differs from person to person because of the age and the kind of work they do.

3. Mother soaks Grandma’s bhakari in milk.

Ans. Mother soaks Grandma’s bhakari in milk to make it easy for her to chew and swallow.

4. Mother tells Tai not to leave any food on her plate.

Ans. Mother tells Tai not to leave any food on her plate because food is good for health and we should not waste it.
To be written in E.V.S. T.B.
To be written in E.V.S. T.B.
To be written in E.V.S. T.B.

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