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La Parole : Journal of Language Teaching and Pedagogy

Volume x Nomor x Tahun 2024

ISSN (Print) : 2615-3629
ISSN (Online) : 2654-8267

The Use of Spinning Wheel Game as Media to Increase Students’

Vocabulary Mastery at MTs DDI Lero

Rosalinda, 2Patahuddin, 3Sudarmanto
Authors’ Affiliation

This research is based on the results of pre-observations of students' vocabulary
mastery in class VIII at MTs DDI Lero. Students have difficulty in understanding the
content of English texts and in responding using English questions. After conducting
interviews with related teachers and student representatives, the researcher concluded that
students are lack of vocabulary mastery. The researcher argues that by using games
students can more easily understand and memorize vocabulary. Therefore, this research
aims to find out whether students' vocabulary mastery is increased by using spinning
wheel games.

The researcher applied a pre-experimental method with one group pre-test and
post-test design. The researcher provided the material by using the spinning wheel game
as media. The population of this research included all VIII grade students in the
2023/2024 school year. The research sample was taken using purposive sampling
consisted of 22 students from one class taken from the population, namely class VIII A.
To analyze the data, the researcher used SPSS 29.

The results of data analysis showed that students' vocabulary mastery was
increased. This is indicated by the average score of students in the pre-test and post-test.
Where the average value in the pre-test was 41.73 while the average value in the post-test
was 69.86. After analysis, the significance value is 0.001 which is smaller than the
significant value of < α = 0.05 (0.001 < 0.05). This means that H0 was rejected and H1
was accepted. So it can be concluded that the spinning wheel game can increased
students' vocabulary mastery.
Rosalinda, Patahuddin, Sudarmanto La Parole

Keywords: Spinning wheel game, Vocabulary mastery

Penelitian ini didasarkan pada hasil observasi awal terhadap penguasaan kosakata
siswa kelas VIII di MTs DDI Lero. Siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam memahami isi teks
bahasa Inggris dan kesulitan dalam merespon ketika ditanya menggunakan bahasa
Inggris. Setelah melakukan wawancara dengan guru terkait dan perwakilan siswa, peneliti
menyimpulkan bahwa siswa kurang dalam penguasaan kosakata. Peneliti berpendapat
bahwa dengan menggunakan permainan siswa dapat lebih mudah memahami dan
menghafal kosakata. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah
kosakata siswa meningkat dengan menggunakan permainan roda berputar.

Peneliti menerapkan metode pre-experimental dengan desain satu kelompok pre-

test and post-test. Peneliti memberikan materi dengan menggunakan media permaianan
roda putar. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VIII di MTs DDI Lero
tahun ajaran 2023/2024. Sampel penelitian diambil dengan menggunakan purposive
sampling yang terdiri dari 22 siswa dari satu kelas yang diambil dari populasi yaitu kelas
VIII A. Untuk menganalisis data peneliti menggunakan SPSS 29.

Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa penguasaan kosakata siswa meningkat.

Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai rata-rata siswa pada pre-test dan post-test. Dimana nilai
rata-rata pada pre-test adalah 41.73 sedangkan nilai rata-rata pada post-test adalah 69.86.
Setelah menganalisis, nilai signifikansi sebesar 0,001 yang lebih kecil dari nilai signifikan
< α = 0,05 (0,001 < 0,05). Hal ini berarti bahwa H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima. Sehingga
dapat disimpulkan bahwa spinning wheel game dapat meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata

Kata Kunci: Permainan roda putar, Penguasaan kosakata.

Vocabulary is among the most important components of the English language. It
is crucial because vocabulary is the fundamental component of language that needs to be
understood. According to Read (in Bafadal & Humaira, 2019) Vocabulary is the words
used in making up a sentence, a paragraph, or an entire text. This is supported by the
opinion of Zimmerman (in Bafadal & Humaira, 2019) who says that vocabulary is one of
the important things to be taught in learning a foreign language because it will be
The Use of Spinning Wheel Game as Media to Increase Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at MTs
DDI Lero

impossible to speak up without a variety of words. Additionally, Nathan (in Berta &
Swarniti, 2020) states that no matter how proficient a speaker is in syntax, pronunciation,
or any other language-related skill, meaningful conversation cannot take place without a
large vocabulary. These statements show that mastering grammar is not the main point of
learning, especially in English lessons. Meanwhile, Vocabulary is a component that must
be focused on in language learning, because mastering vocabulary can make a person able
to communicate ideas effectively, which is conveyed either orally or in writing. In this
case, vocabulary is important for language learning.
Based on the pre-observation at the school, the researcher found several
problems During the process of teaching and learning. One of the problems is students'
reading and speaking skills. Students found it difficult to comprehend the text's topic
when the teacher provided some texts relevant to the material. Students find it difficult to
respond when asked to speak in English by the teacher. After conducting interviews with
relevant teachers and student representatives, it was found that students lacked
The teacher said that not easy for students to memorize all the vocabulary
provided by the teacher with a very large amount. Many of the students find it difficult to
learn many new and unfamiliar words and memorize the meanings in the students' brains.
English learning is new learning for the students. In fact, English has not been
compulsory in elementary schools since the 2013/2014 academic year. This makes
students lack of vocabulary. As a consequence, some of the students struggle when the
teacher challenges the students to speak in English, the students will have difficulty in
expressing something because of the lack of vocabulary that the students know. When
teachers give test questions containing reading texts, students struggle to comprehend the
text's contents. This makes students feel under pressure when taking English-language
The researcher also interviewed one of the student representatives, the student
said that many of them were not happy with learning English, and admitted that learning
English was difficult learning for the students to understand. The students assume that the
differences in spelling, writing, and meaning make learning English challenging.
Additionally, students are not motivated to study English because the students are not
happy with the methods applied in class. The student said that several students in the class
showed little interest in learning English, and some of the students were in a hurry to get
out of the class before the lesson was over. Students also do not listen and follow the
Rosalinda, Patahuddin, Sudarmanto La Parole

teacher's explanation of the material. Students will quickly forget the material taught.
Students are also embarrassed to ask the teacher if there are words or sentences that
students do not understand, thus making students keep it to themselves and not look for
solutions. Therefore, the researcher provide a way by using spinning wheel game as
media to increase students’ vocabulary mastery.

This research was used an experimental research design. According to Sugiyono
(in Sartika, 2019), Experimental research is a research method used to find the effect of
certain treatments on something. He added that there are several types of research from
experimental research, including pre-experimental, true experimental, quasi-experimental,
and factorial design. In this research, the researcher was used a pre-experimental research
approach with one group pre-test and post-test design.

Results and Discussion

The findings of the research data analysis are based on data obtained from the
vocabulary test results of class VIII A MTs DDI Lero. The results obtained are presented
using the Pre-experiment Quantitative Descriptive method. The researcher has carried out
all the procedures described in the previous chapters. The rsearcher gave pre-test and
post-test to students. Then proceed with analyzing the student's score from the pre-test
and post-test results. This aims to determine whether there is a significant difference
between before treatment and after treatment. After analyzing the data, the researcher
found student scores and tabulated the data in the table.
A. Scoring classification on Pre-test and Post-test
A.1. Scoring classification of pre-test

Table 4.1: Scoring classification of pre-test.

No. Classification Score F %
1 Very Good 86-100 0 0%
2 Good 71-85 3 14%
3 Fair 56-70 3 14%
4 Poor 41-55 5 23%
The Use of Spinning Wheel Game as Media to Increase Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at MTs
DDI Lero

5 Very Poor <40 11 50%

Total 22 100%
Table 4.1 shows the classification of student scores on the pre-test. The table
above shows that many students were below the minimum criteria achievement
classification. Some students scored very poorly on the pre-test score classification. This
proves that students lack of vocabulary. Table 4.1 shows the diverse scores of the
students, which indicates that no students received very good scores (0%), 3 students
received good scores (14%), 3 students received fair scores (14%), 5 students received
poor scores (23%), and 11 students received very poor scores (50%). It can be concluded
that the students' pre-test scores were still far below average.
A.2. Scoring classification of post-test

Table 4.2: Scoring classification of post-test.

No. Classification Score
F %
1 Very Good 86-100 4 18%
2 Good 71-85 9 41%
3 Fair 56-70 5 23%
4 Poor 41-55 3 14%
5 Very Poor <40 1 5%
Total 22 100%

Table 4.2 shows the classification of student scores on the post-test after treatment
using spinning wheel games. The table above shows that there is an increase in students'
vocabulary mastery. Where there are 4 students received very good scores (18%), 9
students received good scores (41%), 5 students received fair scores (23%), 3 students
received poor scores (14%), and 1 student received very poor scores (5%). Based on the
results, it show that the percentage and classification scores of students in the post-test is
higher than the pre-test.
B. The Mean Score and Standard Deviation of Students in Pre-test and Post-test

Table 4.3: Mean Score and Standard Deviation of Students in Pre-test and Post-test.

Paired Samples Statistics

Mean N Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean

Rosalinda, Patahuddin, Sudarmanto La Parole

Pair 1 Pre-test 41.73 22 18.962 4.043

Post-test 69.86 22 16.267 3.468

Table 4.3 shows the average score of students on the pre-test and post-test. The
mean score on the pre-test was 41.73, and the mean score on the post-test was 69.86. The
average score on the post-test was higher than the students' score on the pre-test. This
shows that students' scores increased after using spinning wheel games as a media in
teaching vocabulary. The results of the standard deviation of students' vocabulary mastery
shown in table 4.3 was 18.962 before treatment and 16.267 after treatment. The lower the
standard deviation value, the better the effect of the media used. This means that students'
vocabulary mastery has increased after using the spinning wheel game as a media in
teaching students' vocabulary.
C. Hypothesis Testing

Table 4.4: Hypothesis Testing.

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences Significance
95% Confidence
Std. Std. Interval of the One- Two-
Deviati Error Difference Sided Sided
Mean on Mean Lower Upper T Df p p
Pair 1 Pre-test - -28.136 21.297 4.540 -37.579 -18.694 -6.197 21 <.001 <.001
Based on the data shown in table 4.5, the significance value is 0.001 which is
smaller than the significant value of < α = 0.05 (0.001 < 0.05). It means that H0 was
rejected while H1 was accepted. This indicates that the spinning wheel game can increase
students' vocabulary mastery.

Findings in this study indicate that there was a significant effect in using
spinning wheel game as a media in teaching vocabulary. The results show that the use of
spinning wheel games in learning has a positive impact on students' learning outcomes.
This opinion is supported by research in line with Maya (2022) which says that spinning
wheel games are good media used to increase speaking skills in terms of pronunciation
and vocabulary. This research is also in line with the research of (Sartika, 2019;Sofyan,
2020) which says that spinning wheel games are effectively used in learning speaking
students, thus making an improvement in students' learning outcomes. However, the
The Use of Spinning Wheel Game as Media to Increase Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at MTs
DDI Lero

above researchs has a difference in the focus of this research.

The three researchs above focus on increasing students' speaking skills while in
this research focus on increasing students' vocabulary. But the results both show that
spinning wheel games media can make students' interest and learning outcomes in
learning has increased. Not only that, the spinning wheel game also has a positive effect
on learning outcomes in other lessons, such as Arabic, Islamic religious education, and
mathematics (Huda, 2020; Khoirunnida, 2022;Angelina et al., 2021). However, this
research concluded that the use of spinning wheel game has a great impact on student's
vocabulary mastery, especially for students who still lack of vocabulary such as eighth-
grade students where have just learned English.

However,of course during the research, the researcher also found obstacle when
using spinning wheel games as a media in learning. These obstacles such as: the sample
classroom has a bad internet connection, so that when accessing the web, it makes the
game a little hampered. This is in line with the opinion of Rachmaida & Mutiarani
(2022) who said that when using spinning wheel games via the web, it can be hampered
when the wifi network used has a bad connection. In addition to obstacle, the researcher
also found several challenges during the research.

For the first challenge that the researcher found during the research was the
different characteristics of students, so it requires the researcher to be able to deal with
all student characteristics. Secondly, because this media is done in groups so that
sometimes there are students who are more joking than focusing on the learning process
should be, thus making researchers must be able to control all activities in the classroom
to remain conducive. This is in line with Syahrir (2022) opinion who suggests to
understanding the characteristics of students before starting learning so that the class
remains conducive. However, from all the obstacles and challenges that exist, it turns
out that spinning wheel games media can increase students interest and learning

Therefore, the researcher concluded that the use of spinning wheel games has a
great positive effect on increasing vocabulary mastery, especially for students who are
still lack of vocabulary mastery, and also that the spinning wheel game does have a
significant effect on increasing student interest and student learning outcomes.

Furthermore, the researcher shifted to the conclusion that using spinning wheel
Rosalinda, Patahuddin, Sudarmanto La Parole

game in learning can increase students' interest and learning outcomes, especially in
increasing students' vocabulary mastery.

This study was conducted to prove that the spinning wheel game can increase
students' vocabulary mastery at MTs DDI Lero. After giving a test to test students'
mastery of vocabulary, the researcher analyzed the results of the test and then considered
the findings.
The researcher has analyzed and minded that teaching vocabulary by using
spinning wheel games is one of the right ways. The use of spinning wheel game as media
has a significant effect on students vocabulary mastery of eighth-grade students at MTs
DDI Lero. This is evidenced by the results of the average scores on the pre-test and post-
test of students where the pre-test result is 41.73 while the post-test is 69.86 which
indicates that there is indeed a difference before and after treatment. In other words, the
use of spinning wheel games can increase students' vocabulary mastery.


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