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Present Perfect & Present Perfect Progressive

Name: __________________________

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the present perfect or present
perfect progressive tense

1. I loved that movie! I _____________________ it 5 times.

a. Has seen b. have seeing c. have seen d. have been seen

2. I ____________________a lot lately because I want to run a marathon.

a. Have been running b. have ran c. have been ran c. have running

3. Henry loves being a teacher. He __________________for over 20 years.

a. has teach b. has teaching c. has been taught d. has been teaching

4. My parents _____________________sushi. They think it is strange.

a. Has never eaten b. have never eating c. have never eaten d. have never been eaten

5. I ____________________on this plane for 6 hours. When are we going to land? I’m so bored.
a. Have been sitting b. have sit c. have sitting d. have been sat

6. It __________________twice this week, and I think it might rain again tomorrow.

a. is already raining b. has raining c. has rained d. has been rained

7. I’m going to be late to the wedding. It starts in 30 minutes and I ____________a shower yet.
a. Haven´t taken b. haven´t been taking c. haven´t taking d. haven´t took

8. The employees __________________ 11 emails so far today about the new management.
a. Are getting b. has been getting c. have getting d. have gotten

9. There ______________________ a lot of problems lately with the new software that was installed.
a. Have been b. has been c. have being d. have been being

10. The neighbor’s dog __________________________nonstop for the last 30 minutes.

a. Have barked b. has been barked c. has been barking d. has barking

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