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How It All Works


1. When you are interested in a student, apply for them in your portal

2. If we think you’re the most suitable fit, we’ll call you to discuss the student and confirm that you
want to tutor them

3. If you accept the student assignment, we will email you the client’s contact details and
instructions to confirm yourself as their tutor

4. After each lesson, enter lesson feedback

5. At the end of each month “submit” your monthly statement

o If you need help check out this resource

6. We organize your payment directly into your account


• The first lesson with new clients works as a trial, so if they like it you charge them for it
by adding your hours in the portal. However, under clause 14b in your deed, if they
don't like it and don’t want to continue, you cannot charge them.

o Unless we notify you that the lesson didn't go well, assume you did well and
proceed to add your hours as usual. Please make sure to do your best for a
great first impression.

• When allocating students, considering tutor requests, doing references for tutors etc, the main
way we measure or evaluate tutor performance is:

o Average Retention Months (ARM): Total time in months between your first and last
lesson with a student on average. In other words, how long do you retain students?
Top tutors average 10.2; the higher the better

o Average Lessons Per Month (ALM): Average number of lessons you have per month
with each student on average. This is a measure of consistency. Top tutors average 3.4;
the higher the better

• When you have active students, we ask y o u t o complete a CEP feedback from
every fortnight. This is done online and you are sent reminders to notify you. It is
not compulsory, however, there is a strong statistical correlation between ARM, ALM
and CEP completion so we tend to prioritize tutors who complete CEP feedback.

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