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Tutorial Sheet 5
Vibrations & Applications

Engineering Mechanics
Dynamics- CIE 262
Mr. Kalolo Mukanga J.R

Mulungushi University

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Question 1
A spring is stretched 175 mm by an 8-kg block. If the block is displaced 100 mm
downward from its equilibrium position and given a downward velocity of 1.50
m/s, determine the differential equation which describes the motion. Assume
that positive displacement is downward. Also, determine the position of the block
when t = 0.22 s.

Question 2
The uniform rod of mass m is supported by a pin at A and a spring
at B. If B is given a small sideward displacement and released,
determine the natural period of vibration.

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Question 3
Determine the natural period of vibration of the
uniform bar of mass m when it is displaced
downward slightly and released.

Question 4
A 13.6-kg block is supported by the spring arrangement
shown. If the block is moved from its equilibrium position 44
mm vertically downward and released, determine (a) the
period and frequency of the resulting motion, (b) the
maximum velocity and acceleration of the block.

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Question 5
Block A of mass m is supported by the spring arrangement as
shown. Knowing that the mass of the pulley is negligible and that
the block is moved vertically downward from its equilibrium
position and released, determine the frequency of the motion.

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Question 6
In mechanics of materials it is known that for a
cantilever beam of constant cross section, a static load
P applied at end B will cause a deflection 𝜹𝑩 = ,
where L is the length of the beam, E is the modulus of
elasticity, and I is the moment of inertia of the cross-
sectional area of the beam.
Given that L= 3m and the information below:

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(a) The equivalent spring constant of the beam,

(b) the frequency of vibration of a 52 Kg block attached to end B of the same

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Question 7
A 40-mm deflection of the second floor of a building is measured directly under
a newly installed 3500-kg piece of rotating machinery, which has a slightly
unbalanced rotor. Assuming that the deflection of the floor is proportional to the
load it supports, determine
(a) the equivalent spring constant of the floor system,
(b) the speed in rpm of the rotating machinery that should be avoided if it is not
to coincide with the natural frequency of the floor-machinery system.

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Question 8
A simple pendulum consisting of a bob attached to a cord of
length 𝑙 oscillates in a vertical plane. Assuming simple harmonic
motion and knowing that the bob is released from at an angle of
𝜃 as shown in Figure 1.
a) Write the equation of motion of the pendulum using
Newtons Second Law.

Considering that the length of bod of the simple pendulum 𝒍 = 𝟏𝟑𝟖𝒄𝒎 Figure 1
and is released from rest when 𝜽 = 𝟓° . Determine:
b) the natural frequency of the system,
c) The expression of the angular displacement knowing that 𝜃 𝑡 = 𝜃 sin(𝜔 𝑡 +
𝜙), where 𝜙 = .
d) the angular velocity and acceleration for 𝑡 = 1.6sec.
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Question 9
Determine the equation of motion for the forced vibration system below with
initial conditions 𝑥(𝑡 = 0) = 𝑥 and 𝑥̇ 𝑡 = 0 = 𝑥̇

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Question 10
The building below in the figure below has two identical columns of height 𝒉 =
𝟑𝒎 and square section having sides of a and an infinitely stiff beam of effective
length 𝑳 = 𝟑𝒎. The mass of the building is concentered at the centroid (a lumped
sum mass) of the beam and is given as 𝑴 = 𝟏𝟎𝟎𝟎𝒌𝒈.

Section of Column

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a) Experimentally, during the vibrational response to free vibration of the

building, it’s noted that the ratio between two consecutive pic responses is
𝟏. 𝟑𝟕. Find the damping ratio 𝝃 for this building.

We later consider that the base (ground) of the building is subjected ground
motion, in this case, an earthquake. This ground motion is simulated as a
harmonic forcing force of the form 𝒙𝒈(𝒕)= 𝟓 𝐬𝐢𝐧(𝟑𝟎𝒕) 𝒄𝒎.
b) Find the dimension a of the rectangular column that will induce the
phenomenon of resonance in the above structure given that the Youngs
modulus of the column section is 𝑬 = 𝟐 × 𝟏𝟎4 𝑴𝑷𝒂.
Given Data:
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Question 11
An anti-vibration Fondation is to be cast in a mechanical workshop in which
the machinery induces vibrations of frequency 24 Hz and amplitude of 25
mm. As a civil engineer, you desire to isolate the Fondation block in the
Figure below of mass 1000 Kg and insure it does not exceed a displacement
of 0.05 mm.

a) Determine the nature frequence 𝒇𝒏 negleating the damping of the

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b) Determine the stiffness K1.

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End of Tutorial Sheet 5

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