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Imię i nazwisko: ____________________

I. Przetłumacz wyrazy.
ramka szafa
spłuczka kran
żarówka przytulny
Czuj się jak u siebie. zlew
szanować strych
rozweselić urodziny
pogrzeb dziadkowie
ojciec chrzestny mąż
zaprosić wdowa
córka wziąć prysznic

II. Uzupełnij brakujące litery.

1. My sister has a son, so I have a(n) _ _ p _ _ w .
2. I would just like to say that I really a _ _ r _ _ _ _ t _ your help.
3. You must apologise to Mandy. She got _ f _ _ _ _ _ d when you said she looked like a frog in her glasses.
4. People in Poland c _ _ _ b _ _ _ _ name days rather than birthdays.
5. After the c _ r _ _ _ _ _ in the church, there was a wedding reception in the town’s best restaurant.

III Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami w nawiasie w czasie present simple lub present continuous.
1. I ______________________________ (not / think) it’s a good idea to start climbing now. The weather
______________________________ (change).
2. Your sweater ______________________________ (feel) really soft. What washing powder
______________________________ (you / wash) your clothes in?
3. A: ______________________________ (you /smell) that book?
B: Well, yes… I like the smell of new books.

IV. Ułóż pytania do odpowiedzi.

1. ............................................................................................................. I’m Polish.
2. ............................................................................................................. My sister is 15.
3. ............................................................................................................. I live at 20 Kopernika Street.
4. ............................................................................................................. It’s 48 102 502 325.
5. ............................................................................................................. I have a sister and two brothers.

V. Zamień zdania na pytania i przeczenia.

1. They went home very late. …………………………………………………………………………………………
2. He worked very hard. …………………………………………………………………………………………….
3. She drew a beautiful picture. ……………………………………………………………………………………
4. Mike bought a new car. ...........................................................................................................................

VI. Uzupełnij zdania stosując czas simple past lub past continuous.

1. The children .................................................. (sleep) all night.

2. When I ....................................... (come) into the office my boss ....................................... (wait) for me.
3. When we ................................... (see) Brian he ...................................... (drive) a taxi.
4. While she .......................................... (tidy) up her room he ................................. (wash) his car.
5. Susan and Sally ...................................... (play) tennis when it .................................... (begin) to rain.
6. .............................................. (they paint) the walls when your mother .............................. (come) home?
7. We ....................................... (play) computer games for three hours yesterday.
VII. Połącz słowa lub wyrażenia.
1. sleep a nap
2. take to you
3. give somebody home
4. It’s up like a log
5. be back well-kept

VIII. Do każdej z wypowiedzi (1–5) dopasuj odpowiednią reakcję (A–F). Jedną reakcję podano dodatkowo i nie
pasuje ona do żadnej z wypowiedzi.

1. What is there in your neighbourhood? a. Actually, I lay awake for hours.

2. This room looks different. b. I think it’s been two years since she moved in.
3. How long is she going to stay here for? c. New wardrobe and a desk.
4. How long has your grandma lived with you? d. The usual: a supermarket, two cafés, a gym and a
5. Did you sleep well? e. Until she finds a flat to rent.
f. We changed the curtains and hang a few posters.

IX. Opisz w 4-5 zdaniach swój dom/pokój.


VI Przeczytaj polecenie. Napisz e-mail nie dłuższy niż 100 słów.

Zaczęłaś/Zacząłeś korespondować z rówieśniczką/rówieśnikiem z Australii. Napisz do niej/niego
e-mail, w którym:
 przedstawisz członków swojej rodziny,
 opiszesz swoje relacje z członkami rodziny,
 opowiesz, co zazwyczaj robisz w weekendy.

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