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CSUK:BrainQuest Operating Systems

Task 1: Complete the following table to state and describe the roles Task 3: Operating systems provide users with ways to interface with
of an operating system. the computer. Explain the ways in which each of the following
interfaces, allow users to interact with computers.
Role Description
Command Line Interface
The Operating System (OS) manages the RAM,
ensuring that the various running programs are each
allocated their own memory areas. The OS also
manages virtual memory.

Peripheral Menu Driven Interface



Graphical User Interface

Computers may be used by multiple users. A role of

the OS is to manage these users, ensuring that a user’s
data is only seen by them and not by others, via user
accounts with usernames and passwords.

User Interface Task 4: What is a ‘Device Driver’ and why are they needed in a
computer system?

Task 2: What is the kernel, in an operating system?

CSUK:Teacher Computer Science UK Membership Site Licence: Do not share outside your centre.

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