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 M.

C Goel
 General Manager

 Water quenching refers to a heat treatment process in metallurgy where a material, typically a metal or

alloy, is rapidly cooled by immersion in water. The purpose of water quenching is to achieve specific

mechanical or metallurgical properties in the material.

 The information you provided includes a temperature of 910 degrees Celsius and a soaking time of 1.5

hours. Let's break down what this means:

 Temperature (910 degrees Celsius): This is the temperature to which the material is heated before the

quenching process begins. The high temperature is often used to modify the internal structure of the

material, making it more suitable for certain applications. In this case, the material is heated to 910 degrees


 Soaking Time (1.5 hours): After the material reaches the specified temperature, it is held at that

temperature for a certain duration. This duration is referred to as the soaking time. In your case, the

material is kept at 910 degrees Celsius for 1.5 hours. This allows for the temperature to be uniformly

distributed throughout the material and ensures that the desired changes in its structure occur.

 In summary, the process involves heating the material to 910 degrees Celsius and holding it at that

temperature for 1.5 hours before rapidly cooling it by immersion in water. This specific heat treatment is

designed to achieve desired material properties, such as hardness, strength, or other metallurgical

characteristics. The exact specifications can vary based on the type of material and the desired outcome.

 Tempering Temperature (620 degrees Celsius): This is the temperature to which the material is heated
during the tempering process. Unlike the high temperature used in quenching, tempering is done at a lower
temperature. In your case, the material is heated to 620 degrees Celsius.

 Soaking Time (2 hours): Similar to the soaking time in quenching, during tempering, the material is held at
the specified temperature for a certain duration. This duration is referred to as the soaking time. In your
case, the material is kept at 620 degrees Celsius for 2 hours. This allows the temperature to be uniform
throughout the material and facilitates the desired adjustments in its properties.

 The purpose of tempering is to reduce the hardness that may have been increased during the quenching
process, while improving other mechanical properties such as toughness and ductility. The combination of
quenching and tempering is often employed to achieve a balance of hardness and toughness in a material.
 In summary, after the material has been quenched and hardened, it undergoes tempering at 620 degrees
Celsius for 2 hours. This process helps to achieve the desired balance of mechanical properties for the
specific application or requirements of the material.

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