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My Rough journey My name is Jessa Mae Remolleno, and I'm 18.

I am the one
who suffers from appendicitis. When I was a child, I only dreamed of having a TV and a
refrigerator in our house because when I was young, we didn't have a TV and a fridge,
and we couldn't buy the things I wanted, and our life was tough because my mom didn't
have a job. And I was young my father left and because they did not understand my
mother, my father left our house and no they don't communicate each other and the day
came when my mom had a job and we could buy what we wanted such as delicious
dishes that were eaten by those we couldn't buy before and now on at the age of 18 I'm
trying hard to study so I can show my mother that I didn't neglect my studies and my self
and also became a working student because I combine my studies and my school works
but tragedy struck in my life that I never expected I would get a Acute appendicitis and
that's what causes my distraction in my life in during my operation we'll be safe, because
I also feel sorry for my mother because she is the only one who is always by my side and
after the operation went well for me I became a Strong because there were many tabooss
for me and I praised to God that I become more robust and I hope that when the day
comes I can repay my parents for the good things they did and raising me well even
though I am an headache to my mom, she is also a mother of us she has given me
strength and I pray to God to give my mother a good health and I hope she well be strong
in a trials.g again.

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