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The world’s view at Prayer

“A world at prayer is a world at peace.” There is a great need to pray because of

the many problems that the world and our country faces. In prayer, we find the
courage to face these problems, knowing that God always accompanies us.

- People consider prayer as weapon in difficult moment of our life. It gives us

comfort and assurance that everything will fall into its proper place.


- Prayer is a loving, conscious, personal relationship with God, the Father,

through Jesus Christ, His Son, in the Holy Spirit

- Prayer is an essential part of our life as followers of Jesus.

The 4 Kinds of Prayer

- In prayer we express our :


Jesus as a Man of Prayer

Matthew 26 : 36 - 45

- The Agony of Jesus in the Garden

Mark 6 : 46

" And when he had sent them away, he departed into a mountain to pray. "

Luke 6 : 12

- And it came to pass in those days, that he went out into a mountain to pray and
contiuned all night in prayer to God.

Mark 1 : 35

" Very early in the morning while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house
and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. "

Luke 5 : 16

- But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.


- Often done in solitude and secret

- Hear and obey His Father's will even until His death on the Cross.

- Authentic prayer would always lead Christian to mission

- When prayer is rooted in the heart, one cannot turn away from the needs of His
neighbor in loving compassion and service.

Therefore, our challenge...

- To pray with a pure heart, with a lively and persevering faith, just like Jesus.

- Pray to accept and do the Father's will.

Prayer in the Bible

Alternative Medicines

- We hear a lot of people who host of alternatives to cure diseases: exercise,

diets, alternative medicine.

- In the story that we will hear below we will see the effective way of healing
deceases, but preventing their occurrence as well

The Healing Power of Prayer

- Fr. John Murray when he tripped, he was paralyzed from chest down after the bone
chips from his neck sliced into his spinal cord the doctors told him that he will
no longer have voluntary movement for the rest of his life.

- It changes reality. It changes things or hearts. - Pope Francis

- It strengthens and encourages. It helps people overcome temptation and the

problems of life and brings them closer to God.

- It is meant to be one’s spiritual and emotional life-line.

Faith and Wellness

According to medical studies, religious people have:

- better mental health,

- are less likely to experience depression, and cope better when they do people
who pray daily are

- 40 percent less likely to have high blood pressure

- And generally, have greater well being.

The Bible is a book of Prayer

- Many of the common prayers we recite everyday comes from the Bible
The Annunciation

- The scripture we found below… the announcement of the birth of Jesus.. two
prayers are derived

The Church Teaches Jesus Message

- The church teaching from CCC explains the dynamics of prayer and how it unfolds
in the course of the history of salvation.

The Universal Call to Prayer

- Man may forget his creator or hide from a far, he may run after idols or accused
the deity of having abandoned him, yet the living and true God tirelessly calls
each person to that mysterious encounter known as prayer.


- In prayer , the faithful God’s initiative of love always comes first, our own
first step is always a response

God reveals Himself in prayer

- As God gradually reveals Himself, prayer appears as a reciprocal (inversely

related, mutually corresponding call), a covenant drama.

CCC describes prayer as

- A response to God’s love. Where God would reveal Himself gradually engages the
heart. A heart-to-heart conversation with God

- It unfolds through out the hole whole history of salvation


- The power of prayer is well-documented in the Bible.

- Prayer has been shown to be the refuge of those who are sad, fearful, abandoned,
and in need of God’s help and means to express a person’s most profound praise and
thanksgiving to God

Bible Passage
Genesis Chapters 1-2 God’s Creation in the Book of Genesis –
It is a source of prayer. The account of
creation itself is hymn to God, the Creator
of all that lives.

Genesis Chapters 12-13, 15; Prayer is illustrated in the story of

Hebrews 11:8 Abraham who always listened
and obeyed God. Listening and obeying
are two important elements of prayer.

Exodus 32, 33:12-15, Psalm 27:8-9 Moses shows us how it is to

pray. He is more of contemplative
prayer. He would often converse with
God for long period of time, beholding
God’s glory as he stays with Him in the
mountain, after which He goes down to tell
the people the will of God. The basic types of
prayer, ACTS, were evident in Moses’ prayer.

Two Important Elements of Prayer

- Listening to and obeying God are two important elements of prayer.

- In prayer we listen to what God wants us to do and then we submit ourselves

wholly to His will

Moses a more Contemplative Prayer

- He also shows us the meaning of intercessory prayer that is, he prays not for
himself but for the people of Israel

David's submission to the will of God

- his praise and repentance will always be a model of prayer for us.

- The psalms are attributed to him

- He is called the as the first prophet of Jewish and Christian prayer

The New Testament is a valuable source of prayer

- The Account of the announcement of Jesus birth gives us two beautiful prayer:

Hail Mary

Mary’s response to Elizaebth: The Magnificat

* The Gospel show us the importance of praying by presenting many instances of
Jesus in Prayer

The Beatitudes

- The beatitudes is wonderful prayer we recite to express our commitment to the

gospel values of trust, simplicity, mercy, justice, fidelity and meekness

The Eucharastic Prayer
- The Eucharistic prayer that the priest recites at every Mass captures Jesus’
prayer during the last supper

The Our Father

- The most important prayer

- This prayer presents a summary of the whole gospel and is called the prayer of
the church

The Bible helps us to pray

- The bible is our source of prayer

Personal and Communal Prayer

Father's Dream

- God desires one thing when we pray that is to be sincere and focus our mind and
heart on Him.

* Prayer can be separated into two categories, communal prayer and personal prayer.
Yet these terms can be deceptive. For individual and communal prayer has little to
do with the number of people physically present up in a given space at a given

The Pharisee and Tax Collector

- Jesus teaches His disciples the proprt attitude in prayer:

- Prayers must be done in all humility

- Must not focus on sin of others and ones righteousness but of ones recognition of
ones standing before God

The Two Basic Levels of Prayer

Personal and Communal Prayer

Personal Prayer

- Is defined as a personal communication between God and a person

Communal Prayer

- Is defined as conversation with God offered in the context of the community of


* Jesus most personal prayers are often directed beyond himself but towards his
mission of salvation
* All that the mircale, healings, and preaching that he did sprang from a vibrant
personal prayer life.

* There is something communal even in our personal prayer, because we pray not just
for ourselves but most especially for our community, our country and the world.

The Lords Prayer

- Is considered the perfect and fundamental Christian prayer

* Our prayers will still be meaningless if they do not come from your heart.

Communal prayer is liturgical prayer

– prayer that is prayed by and on behalf of the Church. The most notable form of
communal prayer is the Holy Mass, but there are other forms of communal prayer as
well. The celebration of the sacraments, as well as the recitation of the Liturgy
of the Hours is always communal prayer. This does not mean, however, that there is
always a community of people on earth gathered together when the prayer is prayed.
Many people, for example, pray the Liturgy of the Hours alone in their room. Yet,
even in such a situation this prayer is communal prayer. For, the person praying
the Liturgy of the Hours is united to the Universal Church in a mystical way such
that the prayer is not his or her own individual prayer or devotion, but is the
prayer of the Universal Church that exists throughout time and space. In a very
real way, liturgy is prayed not by individuals, but by the entire body of Christ.

Holy Eucharist

– It is the highest form of community prayer. In the Eucharist, we celebrate as

community God’s love for us and, we give thanks to God and lift up to him our
petitions as a community.

* Because liturgical prayer belongs to the entire Body of Christ, it is usually
accompanied by instructions (often called general instructions) as to how the
prayer is to be prayed. These instructions cover a range of things from the order
of prayers, gestures and postures, and roles of different people during the prayers
(to name only a few). This ritualization of the prayer ensures that, since the
prayer is being prayed by the one body of Christ, everyone who prays the prayer is
united, expressing not their own personal ideas and notions, but those of the
universal Church.

* Personal prayer, on the other hand is that in which an individual, or even group
of individuals, offer their own personal praise to God. Such prayer is called
individual prayer, even if is prayed in large groups (for example 1000 people
praying a rosary for peace constitutes personal prayer), for in this prayer it is
not the entire body of Christ that is praying, but individuals.

* In the life of a Catholic, both forms of prayer are necessary. There are times
when we need to be united with the entirety of the Body of Christ. In such times we
band together, united with Jesus Christ as our head, to offer proper worship to
God. There are also times when we need to come to the Lord as individuals,
worshipping God in ways specific to our own identity as individuals. Such worship,
of course, must not contradict our communal worship (e.g. we cannot participate in
the sacraments communally, and then privately worship the pagan god, Ba’al).
Rather, our personal prayer must flow from our communal prayer, i.e. it must flow
from our membership and participation in the Universal Prayer of the Church.

* By developing habits of participating in both communal and personal prayer, we
can develop a life of prayer that is unique to us as individuals, while at the same
time is part of something much bigger than our individual selves.

Be mindful that….

• We should not separate personal prayer from communal prayer. Catechism of the
Catholic Church cites Christ as the best example of the link between personal and
communal prayer. It states that Jesus’ most personal prayers are often directed
beyond himself but towards his mission of salvation. Salvation is not for Christ
but for God’s people. His prayer then, done in the most personal way is communal,
since it is always in line with his mission of saving others. On the other hand,
all that the miracles, healings, and preaching that he did sprang from a vibrant
personal prayer life.

• There is always something communal even in our personal prayer, because we pray
not just for ourselves but most especially for our community, our country, and the

• All prayers are meaningless if they do not come from the heart.

• Prayer must be done with humility and with sincere recognition of one’s standing
before God.

• Prayer is essential in our daily life because it helps us to do good and avoid
the temptation around us.

• Prayer becomes complete when translated into concrete loving action.

• There is no other way of Christian prayer than Christ. Whether our prayer is
communal or personal, vocal or interior, it has access to the Father only if we
pray "in the name" of Jesus. The sacred humanity of Jesus is therefore the way by
which the Holy Spirit teaches us to pray to God our Father.

Elements of Prayer


– The first attitude of man acknowledging that he is a creature before His

Creator. It exalts the greatness of the Lord who made us. The one who prays in
adoration always express humility and love for God.


“Praise be to God!” – Psalm 68:35


– It is an attitude of man acknowledging that he is a sinner. Interior conversion

usually expresses in visible signs, gestures and works of penance. It also entails
the desire and resolution to change one’s life, with hope in God’s mercy and trust
in the help of His grace.

“Have mercy on me, O God, according to your unfailing love; according to your great
compassion blot out my transgressions.” Psalm 51:1


– It is an attitude of man acknowledging divine favour or kindness. A heart full

of gratitude has a life focus only to God, the source of all gifts.

“I will give to the Lord the thanks due to His righteousness, and I will sing
praise to the name of the Lord, the Most High.” Psalm 7:17
“Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and
the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.” (Job 1:21)


– In the prayer of petition, every event and need become an offering of

thanksgiving. We express awareness of our relationship with God by making our
request known to Him.

So now, our God, listen to the prayer of Your servant and to his supplications, and
for Your sake, O Lord, let Your face shine on Your desolate sanctuary. –Daniel 9:17


Introduction to App Inventor

Overview, History and Development of App Inventor

- an online development platform that anyone can leverage to solve real - world

- provides a web - based " What you see is what you get " ( WYSIWYG )
editor for building mobile phone applications targeting the Android and iOS
operating systems

- uses a block - based programming language built on Google Blockly and inspired by
languages such as StarLogo TNG and Scratch, empowering anyone to build a mobile
phone app to meet a need

- To date, 6.8 million people in over 190 countries have used App Inventor to build
over 24 million apps.

- It's interface is offered in more than a dozen languages.

- People around the world use App Inventor to provide mobile solutions to real
problems in their families, communities, and the world.

- It has also been adapted to serve requirements of more specific populations, such
as building apps for emergency / first responders and robotics.
Prof. Hal Abelson

- Conceived the idea of App Inventor while on sabbatical at Google Labs in 2007

- Had previously taught a course at MIT on mobile programming, but at that time
mobile app development required significant investment on the part of developers
and development environments


- publicly announced the Android operating system in 2007

- Also in 2007, Abelson and Mark Friedman Google began developing an intermediate
language between the blocks language and Java APIs for Android, called Yet Another
Intermediate Language ( YAIL ).

Yet Another Intermediate Language (YAIL)

- Intended to help younger learners program for Android

- Generated from a block-based language based on OpenBlocks and the design of which
was drawn from StarLogo TNG

- Its user interface and related components embodied Papert’s idea of “powerful
ideas in mind-size bites”

- Its Google version terminated at the end of 2011, but the educational technology
was transferred to MIT so that development and educational aspects could continue

* Prof. Abelson joined Prof. Eric Klopfer of the Scheller Teacher Education Program
Lab and Prof. Mitch Resnick of the MIT Media Lab, forming a group called the MIT
Center for Mobile Learning to Carry on the App Inventor Vision.


- In late 2011, Google transferred stewardship of the App Inventor project to MIT.
Much of the development focused on increasing capabilities to support educational
goals of the project.

- At this time, the team developed additional curricula, making them freely
available to teachers for computer science and computational thinking education.

* The MIT team also hosted a number of 1-day workshops, primarily around the
northeast United States, training teachers in the pedagogy of App Inventor. They
now focus on guided and open exploration in their materials rather than presenting
students with step-by-step instructions in order to encourage self-guided learning.

* By making mistakes, students have the opportunity to practice more of the
computational thinking principles, such as debugging, described by Brennan and

Technical development at MIT focused on development of new components including:

- Cloud - oriented data storage ( CloudDB ),

- Robotics ( LEGO™ EV3 )

- Geographic Visualization ( Map )

App Inventor team also developed Internet of Things related extensions so learners
could interact with physical hardware external to their mobile devices, and to
leverage the growing collection of small computer boards, such as:

- Arduino

- BBC micro : bit

- Raspberry PI

* To this day, the team continues its work of development, creating complementary
educational materials in parallel.

Getting Started with App Inventor

The App Inventor Environment

- You can begin programming with App Inventor by opening a browser to this site

- Opens the newest version of App Inventor, which was relased in December, 2013.
Some people call it App Inventor 2, but it is formally just named App Inventor, and
the previous version is called App Inventor Classic.

The App Inventor Programming environment has three key parts:

The Designer Editor

- Used to select components for your app and specify their properties.

The Blocks Editor

- used to specify how the components will behave ( e.g., what happens when a user
clicks a button ).

Emulator or An Android Device

- You can actually run and test your app as you are developing it. If you don't
have an Android device handy, you can test the apps you build by using the Android
emulator that comes with the system.

Adding Components in the Designer Editor

- The pieces of your app that do actions for you

- Chosen on the Design screen and dragged onto the phone

- Its properties such as color, font, height, width, etc. can be changed

- Found on the left hand side of hte Designer View This palette

- Contains different drawers such as User Interface, Layout, Media, Drawing and
Animation, etc.

Two Main Types of Components

Visible Components

- part of the User Interface

Examples : Button, TextBox, Label, etc.

Non - Visible Components

- not seen and thus not a part of the UI screen but they provide access to built-in
functions of the Android device

Examples : Accelerometer, Sound, OrientationSensor, etc.

User Interface Components


- detects clicks and many aspects of its appearance can be changed, as well as
whether it is clickable ( Enabled )


- detects user taps and can change their Boolean state in response

Date Picker

- launches a popup dialog to allow the user to select a date on the Gregorian


- displays images and basic animations


- shows text

- displays a list of texts for the user to choose among


- places a list of text elements in your Screen to display


- displays alert messages and creates Android log entries through an assortment of


- same as the ordinary TextBox component, except that it does not

display the characters typed by the user


- displays a Slider


- displays a dialog with a list of elements


- detects user taps and can change their Boolean state in response and identical
to CheckBox except in appearance


- lets the user enters text


- opens a dialog to allow the user to select a time


- used for viewing Web pages

Layout Components


- displays a group of components laid out from left to right

Horizontal Scroll Arrangement

- places components that should be displayed from left to right

Table Arrangement

- places components that should be displayed in tabular form

Vertical Arrangement

- displays a group of components laid out from top to bottom, left-aligned

Vertical Scroll Arrangement

- places components that should be displayed one below another

Media Components


- records a video using the device’s camcorder


- uses a camera component to take a picture on the phone


- a special-purpose button wherein when the user taps it, the device’s image
gallery appears, and the user can choose an image


- plays audio and controls phone vibration


- plays sound files and optionally vibrates for the number of milliseconds
specified in the Blocks Editor


- records audio


- listen to the user speaking and convert the spoken sound into Text using the
device’s speech recognition feature


- speaks a given text aloud


- plays videos


- needs Internet access to translate words and sentences between different

languages using the Yandex.Translate service


- characterized every component

- the attributes that the component has


- Blocks can also be used to get and set most component properties.

Manipulating Component State: Using Getters & Setters

Setter Blocks

- are commands that change the value associated with the property.

Getter Blocks

- are expressions that get the current value of the property.



- Isang uri ng tuluyan ang maikling kuwento. May elemento ito gaya ng sumusunod na
nagpapatingkad sa pagiging akdang pampanitikan nito.

Elemento ng Maikling Kuwento

1. Tauhan

- Ang gumaganap at nagbibigay - buhay sa kuwento. May protagonista ( bida ) at

antagonista ( kontrabida ).

2. Tagpuan at Panahon

- Lugar na pinagganapan ng kuwento at kung kailan ito naganap na maaaring buwan,

okasyon o pagdiriwang, klima, at iba pa na tumutugon sa panahon.

3. Banghay

- Pagkakasunod - sunod ng mahahalagang pangyayari

4. Tunggalian

- Ito ang suliranin ng kuwento

5. Kasukdulan

- Kapana - panabik na bahagi ng kuwento.

6. Kakalasan o resolusyon

- Ito naman ang kalutasan ng suliranin sa kuwento.

7. Wakas

- Katapusan ng kuwento na maaaring iniiwan sa mambabasa ang pagwawakas ng kuwento.

Mga kilalang manunulat

- Sa England, Kinilala si Geoffrey Chaucer sa kaniyang Canterbury Tales, isang

kalipunan ng mga kuwento mula 1387 hanggang 1400

- Sa Italy naman, ang Decameron ni Giovanni Boccaccio ang itinuturing na pasimula

ng maikling kuwento sa wikang Italyano

- Ayon kay Boyd ( 2006 ), Si Edgar Allan Poe ang siyang unang nagsuri ng pagkakaiba
ng maikling kuwento at nobela.

- Narating naman ng maikling kuwento ang rurok ng katanyagan bilang genre ng

panitikan sa panahon ni Anton Cheklov, ang itinuturing na " pinakamahusay na
manunulat ng maikling kuwento "

Paggamit ng Pananaw sa isang Akda

- Itinalaga ang pananaw sa panitikan ang paraan kung paano inilalahad ang kuwento.

- Ito ang modang nililikha ng isang may - akda upang ilatag sa mambabasa ang mga
tauhan, diyalogo, akto, tagpuan, at mga pangyayaring bumubuo sa naratibo.

- Ang perspektibang unang panauhan, limitado lamang ang naratibo sa alam, danas, at
hinuha ng unang panauhang nagsasalaysay, kasama na ang kaniyang mga natuklasan sa
pamamagitan ng pakikipag - usap sa iba pang tauhan.

- Sa ikalawang panauhang " ikaw ", hiwalay na tagapagsalaysay ang kalahok sa


- Sa ikatlong panauhang naratibo, ang tagapagsalaysay ay tahasang nasa labas ng

kuwento. Tinutukoy niya ang bawat tauhan bilang " siya " o " sila "

Sa Ngalan ng Rosas

Pagkakaiba ng Nobela sa Iba Pang Akdang Pampanitikan Ayon sa Elemento ng Tauhan


- Isang bungang - isip ang nobela na nasa anyong tuluyan. Kadalasang halos pang -
aklat ang haba na ang banghay ay inilalahad sa pamnamagitan ng mga tauhan at

- Pangunahing layunin ng nobela ay manlibang, bagaman sa di-tahasang paraan,

maaaring magturo, magtaguyod ng isang pagbabago sa pamumuhay o sa lipunan, o
magbigay ng isang aral.

- Ang lalong mahusay na nobela ay naglalarawan ng tauhan.

- Sa isang mahusay na nobela, ang mga tauhan ay hindi pinagagalaw ng may akda.

- Pangunahing layunin ng nobela ay manlibang, bagaman sa di-tahasang paraan,

maaaring magturo, magtaguyod ng isang pagbabago sa pamumuhay o sa lipunan, o
magbigay ng isang aral.

- Ilan sa mga mahuhusay na halimbawa ng nobelang Pilipino ay ang “ Noli Me Tangere”

“ El Filibusterismo” ni Dr. Jose P. Rizal.

Kaligirang Kasaysayan ng Nobela o Kathambuhay sa Daigdig

- Ayon kay Rufino Alejandro , ang nobela ay isang kathang pampanitikan na binubuo
ng maraming pangyayaring magkakasunod at magkakaugnay-ugnay .

- Ayon din kay Alejandro, ang nobela ay paglalarawan ng isang buhay o isang bahagi
ng buhay. Taglay nito ang tatlong sangkap.

1. Kasaysayan o kuwento,

2. Isang pag-aaral, at

3. Ang paggamit ng malikhaing guniguni

- Ayon naman kay Patrocinio V. Villafuerte, ang nobela ay naglalahad ng maraming
pangyayaring kinasasangkutan ng isa o dalawang pangunahing tauhan at iba pang
katulong na tauhan at ang buong pangyayari ay sumasaklaw nang higit na mahabang


Pananaw Humanismo
- Pinalulutang ng pananaw humanismo ang kabutihan ng tao sa pagtuon sa kalakasan at
mabubuting katangian ng tao.

- Mapagpalaya ang teoryang ito sapagkat kinikilala nito ang kakayahan ng isang tao
na mag-isip at magpasiya para sa kaniyang sariling tadhana


Exact and Approximate Time

Pre - requisite Concepts


- A normal year has 365 days

- A leap year has 366 days ( the extra day is the 29th of February )


- One form of the mnemonic is done by counting on the knuckles of one's hand to
remember the number of days in each month. Count knuckles as 31 dats, depressions
between knuckles as 30 ( or 28/29 ) days.


EXACT TIME ( 28/29/30/31 days each month and 365 / 366 every year )

- in using the exact time, the correct number of days for each month is used. Thus,
the total number of days in a year is 365 or 366 if it is a leap year.

APPROXIMATE TIME ( 30 days each month / 360 every year )

- We assume each month have 30 days even if it is a leap year, even if that month
does not actually have 30 days. Thus, each month from January to December has 30
days and the total number of days in a year is 360 days.



1) Exact Time / 360 ( Banker's Rule )

( for computing ordinary interest )

2) Approximate time / 360

3) Exact Time / 365

( for computing exact interest )

4) Approximate Time / 365


- Is calculate on the basis of a 360 - Day Year or A 30 - Day Month ( Time in Days
Divided by 360 )


I = Prt


I = Interest
P = Principal
r = rate of interest
t = time


- Calculated on the Basis of a 365 - Day Year ( Time in Days Divided by 365 even if
it is Leap Year )


I = Prt


I = Interest
P = Principal
r = rate of interest
t = time


Balancing Chemical Equation


- Chemical Reactions happen absolutely everywhere. While we sometimes associate

chemical reactions with the sterile environment of the test tube and the laboratory
- nothing could be further from the truth. In Fact, the colossal number of
transformations make for a dizzying, almost incomprehensible array of new
substances and energy changes that take place in our world every second of every

- In nature, chemical reactions can be much less controlled than you'll find in the
lab, sometimes far messier, and they generally occur whether you want them to or
not! Whether it be a fire raging across a forest, the slow process of iron rusting
in the presence of oxygen and water over a period of years, or the delicate way in
which fruit ripens on a tree, the process of converting one set of chemical
substances (the reactants) to another set of substances (the products) is known as
a chemical reaction.

- Chemical reactions are also important in many professions. Dieticians create

tasty, healthful meals by combining the right and nutritious ingredients. Chemical
engineers and chemists make calculations based on chemical equations. Whether one
is a research chemist investigating new chemical reactions in the laboratory, an
engineer involved in the industrial preparation of important chemicals, or anyone
else who must use chemical reactions, the same principles apply.



- Antoine Lavoisier was a French nobleman in the 1700s who experimented with
different chemical reactions. At that time, chemistry still couldn’t be described
as being a true, quantitative science. Most of the theories that existed to explain
the way that substances changed relied upon Greek philosophy, and there were
precious little experimental details attached to the alchemist’s tinkering.

- However, during the second half of the 18th century, Lavoisier performed many
quantitative experiments and observed that while substances changed form during a
chemical reaction, the mass of the system – or a measure of the total amount of
“stuff” present – did not change. In doing so, Lavoisier championed the idea of
conservation of mass during transformations. In other words, unlike the alchemists
before him who thought that they were creating matter out of nothing, Lavoisier
proposed that substances are neither created nor destroyed, but rather, changed
form during reactions. Lavoisier’s ideas were published in the seminal work Traité
élémentaire de Chimie in 1789 (Lavoisier, 1789), which is widely hailed as the
birth of modern chemistry as a quantitative science.


- Joseph Proust was a French actor who followed in Lavoisier’s footsteps. Proust
performed dozens of chemical reactions, starting with different amounts of various
materials. Over time he observed that no matter how he started a certain chemical
reaction, the ratio in which the reactants were consumed was always constant. For
example, he worked extensively with copper carbonate and no matter how he changed
the ratio of starting reactants, the copper, carbon, and oxygen, all reacted
together in a constant ratio (Proust, 1804). As a result, in the last few years of
the 18th century, Proust formulated the law of constant composition, also referred
to as the law of definite proportions.

- He realized that any given chemical substance (that we now define as a compound)
always consisted of the same ratio by mass of its elemental parts regardless of the
method of preparation. This was a huge step forward in modern chemistry since it
had been previously believed that the substances formed during chemical reactions
were random and disordered.


- The English chemist John Dalton helped make sense of the laws of conservation of
mass and definite proportions in 1803 by proposing that matter was made of atoms of
unique substances that could not be created or destroyed.

- Dalton extended Proust’s ideas by recognizing that it was possible for two
elements to form more than one compound, but that whatever the compound was, it
would always contain elements combined in whole number ratios (Dalton, 1808). This
observation is known as the law of multiple proportions and with his atomic theory,
helped to cement Lavoisier’s observations.
- These advancements, taken together, laid the groundwork for our modern
understanding of chemical reactions, chemical equations, and chemical
stoichiometry, or the process of expressing the relative quantities of reactants
and products in a chemical reaction.

Evidence of Chemical Reactions

- The other vital aspects of chemistry are to understand and identify what take
place when two substances interact with one another. Evidence of chemical reactions
or changes can often be seen when two unlike solutions are combined. A chemical
reaction’s manifestations may often be detected through the following:

- Change in odor

- Change in color

- Evolution of gas

- Formation of precipitate (insoluble particles)

- Evolution of light and heat

- Change in temperature or energy

- Change in form

Chemical Equation

- The Law of Conservation of Mass says that "Atoms are neither created, nor
destroyed, during any chemical reaction." Thus, the same collection of atoms is
present before and after a reaction. The changes that occur during a reaction just
involves the rearrangement of atoms.

- A chemical equation is the symbolic representation of a chemical reaction. The

reactants (the starting substances) are written on the left, and the products (the
substances found in the chemical reaction) are written on the right. The
coefficients to the left of the symbols of entities indicate the number of moles of
a substance produced or used in the chemical reaction.

Notation for Chemical Equation

- A chemical equation consists of the chemical formulas of the reactants (on the
left) and the products (on the right). The two are separated by an arrow symbol
(“→”) usually read aloud as “yields”. Each individual substance’s chemical formula
is separated from others by a plus sign. The state of matter of each compound or
molecule is indicated in subscript next to the compound by an abbreviation in
parentheses. For example, a compound in the gas state would be indicated by (g),
solid (s), liquid (l), and aqueous (aq). Aqueous means dissolved in water. It is a
common state of matter for acids, bases, and dissolved ionic compounds. See next
page for the table of symbols used

- In order to obey the law of conservation of mass, there must be exactly the same
number of atoms on each side of a correct chemical equation. When we have exactly
the same number of each atom on each side of the equation, we say that the chemical
equation is balanced.
+ Used to seperate two reactants or two products
→ Means " yields " or " produces ", seperates reactants from
↔ Used in place of → for reactions that can go either
forwards or backwards
(s) Appears after the formula, the compound or molecule is
in the SOLID state.

(l) Appears after the formula, the compound or molecule is

in the LIQUID state.
(g) Appears after the formula, the compound or molecule is
in the GASEOUS state.
(aq) Appears after the formula, the compound or molecule is
dissolved in water.

* The chemical equation can be balanced by inspection, a trial-and-error process,
which is simply putting coefficients before any of the formula until there is
exactly the same number of each atom on both sides of the equation.


- are the whole numbers written in front of the symbols or formula, which represent
the number of its atom.

General Guidelines for Balancing Chemical Equations

1. Determine the correct formula for all the reactants and products in the
reaction. Count the number of atoms of each element in the reactants and products.

2. Find out which atoms are unbalanced. Balance each element at a time by placing a
coefficient before each symbol or formula.

3. Most gaseous elements such as Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Fluorine, Chlorine,

Bromine, and Iodine are diatomic molecules. They exist in free uncombined state and
should be written in the equation as H2, N2, O2, F2, Cl2, Br2, I2.

4. If there are many elements or atoms to be balanced, balance the Hydrogen and
Oxygen last. Look at the compound on either side of the equation that appears to
have the greatest number of atoms of an element other than Hydrogen and Oxygen.

5. The groups of atoms acting as a unit like polyatomic ions, appearing intact on
both sides of the equation, should balance themselves as self-contained groups. The
elements in that group should not be separated from other elements in the same

6. Between Hydrogen and Oxygen, balance first the one that is present in the fewer
number of compounds first (usually its Hydrogen but not all the time).

7. Changing the coefficient of the monoatomic elements will not affect the balance
of the other elements so it can be adjusted last.

8. Check each atom of elements if it is already balanced. The final balanced

equation should have coefficients in the lowest possible whole number.


- A chemical reaction is a process generally characterized by a chemical change in

which the starting materials ( reactants ) are different from the products.
Chemical reactions tend to involve the motion of electrons, leading to the
formation and breaking of chemical bonds. There are several different types of
chemical reactions and more than one way of classifying them

A. Synthesis Reaction
( A + B -> AB )

- In a synthesis reaction, two or more substances ( either elements or compounds )

react to form one product.

- The letter A and B stands for either the element or compound, and AB stands for
the compound consisting of A and B


1. Metal + Non-metal → Binary Compound ( such as oxide, sulfide, or halide )

For the IA and IIA metals, as well as aluminum, zinc, and silver, we can always
predict the product that will form. For other metals, which have variation
oxidation states, the final product depends on the reaction conditions, and
generally more information is needed to predict the product.

- The synthesis reaction of Magnesium and Sulfur to form Magnesium sulfide

• Chemical equation: Mg + S → MgS

• Balanced chemical equation: Mg + S → MgS

- The aluminum metal reacts with oxygen in the air to form aluminum oxide.

• Chemical equation: Al + O2 → Al2O3

• Balanced chemical equation: 4Al + 3O2 → 2Al2O3

- The combination of iron and sulfur to form iron (II) sulfide

• Chemical equation: Fe + S8 → FeS

• Balanced chemical equation: 8 Fe + S8 → 8 FeS

2. Nonmetal + Oxygen → Nonmetal oxide

- In general, there are variety of products that can be formed in reaction of this

- Carbon combines with oxygen

-If there is limited amount of oxygen present, the product is carbon monoxide
( CO ); if there is an excess of oxygen, the product is carbon dioxide ( CO2 ).
Nonmetal + Oxygen → Nonmetal oxide

Chemical Equation Chemical Equation

C + O2 -> CO C + 02 -> CO2

Balanced Chemical eq. Balanced Chemical eq.

2C + 02 -> 2CO C + O2 -> CO2

Oxygen Present Oxygen Present

Limited Excess

3. Metal oxide + Water → Metal hydroxide (base)

- Calcium oxide (CaO) combines with water to form calcium hydroxide

• CaO + H2O → Ca(OH)2

• The formula of the hydroxide formed is determined from the knowledge of the
oxidation number of the metal and the charge on the hydroxide ion (OH).

• If the metal has more than one oxidation state, the oxidation state in the
hydroxide is always the same as it was in the oxide.

- Iron (III) oxide forms Iron(III) hydroxide

• Fe2O3 + H2O → Fe(OH)3

* Due to the formation of a metal hydroxide or base, from a metal oxide in water,
the metal oxide is sometimes called a basic oxide or basic anhydrite.

B. Decomposition Reaction

AB -> A + B

- In a decomposition reaction, a compound is broken into smaller

chemical species. A decomposition reaction is a reaction in which a single compound
is broken down into two or more smaller compounds or elements.

- AB represents a compound in the reactant side while A and B represent elements or

compounds in the product side.

1. The electrolysis of water into oxygen and hydrogen gas

Chemical equation: H2O → H2 + O2

Balanced chemical equation: 2 H2O → 2 H2 + O2

2. Aluminum oxide → Aluminum + oxygen

Chemical equation: Al2O3 → Al + O2

Balanced chemical equation: 2 Al2O3 → 4 Al + 3 O2

3. Most carbonates, when heated, decompose to form metallic
oxides and CO2.

* Calcium carbonate, when heated, forms calcium oxide and

carbon dioxide.

Chemical equation: CaCO3 → CaO + CO2

Balanced chemical equation: CaCO3 → CaO + CO2

C. Combustion Reaction

CxHx + Ox -> CO2 + H2O

- A combustion reaction is a chemical reaction wherein a fuel undergoes oxidation

by reacting with an oxidizing agent, resulting in the release of energy ( usually
in the form of heat ). Combustion reactions are generally highly exothermic redox
reactions between an oxidant and a fuel. The product formed in a combustion
reaction is usually the oxidized fuel ( which is mostly liberated in the gaseous
state ). This is often referred to as smoke. It is not uncommon for combustion
reactions in fires.

- Solid fuels like coal and wood are known to initially undergo endothermal
pyrolysis, resulting in the creation of gaseous fuels, The combustion of these
gaseous fuels is known to provide the heat required to drive more combustion. Also,
it is not uncommon for combustion to also be sufficiently hot to generate
incandescent light in the form of either a flame or some flickering. The
transformation of hydrogen and oxygen into water vapor, a process widely used to
power rocket engines, can be seen as a simple example of combustion. Here, hydrogen
is used as a fuel and oxygen is used as an oxidizing agent. This combustion
reaction is known to release over 242 kilojoules of heat per mole of fuel subjected
to combustion.

Examples of Combustion Reaction

- The combustion of LPG fuel in gas stoves for the cooking of food involves a
combustion reaction between the oxygen present in the atmosphere and the liquefied
petroleum gas.

- The engines of cars, bikes and other fossil - fuel based automobiles source their
power to the combustion reaction between petrol ( or diesel ) with oxygen.

- The lighting of matchsticks is also based on a combustion reaction. The red

phosphorus at the tip of the matchstick is heated up by striking it on a rough
surface, sparking a combustion reaction between the phosphorus and the atmospheric

- The explosion of fireworks is also a combustion reaction. In these redox

reactions, certain specific ions are incorporated into the fuel to impart a color
to the flame

1. Alkane






Single Bond


2. Alkene






Double bond


3. Alkyne






Triple bond

* Prefixes are used to determine the number of carbons in the parent compound. The
end of the name is given by the number of bonds between carbon atoms. If there are
only single bonds the name ends with '-ane', if there is at least one double bond
(and no triple bonds) the name ends in '-ene', and if there is at least one triple
bond the
name ends in '-yne'.

Recall: Chemical Reactions
- Chemical reactions are processes wherein one or more substances are converted
into new substances with different physical and chemical properties. A chemical
reaction is always accompanied by a chemical change. The rusting of iron, the
fermentation of sugar into alcohol, and
the eruption of a volcano involve a chemical reaction. Chemical reactions are
classified into five general types.

Replacement Reactions

- A replacement reaction occurs when elements switch places in compounds. This type
of reaction involves ions (electrically charged versions of atoms) and ionic
compounds. These are compounds in which positive ions of a metal and negative ions
of a nonmetal
are held together by ionic bonds. Generally, a more reactive element replaces an
element that is less reactive, and the less reactive element is set free from the
compound. There are two types of replacement reactions: SINGLE AND DOUBLE.

D. Single Replacement Reaction
A + BC - > AC + B

- A single replacement reaction occurs when one element replaces another in a

single compound.

- The most common type of this reaction is one in which a metal or nonmetal
replaces another metal ion or nonmetal ion from a solution. In order to do so, the
free metal/nonmetal must be more active than the metal/nonmetal that is in the
solution. The metal/nonmetal can be arranged in a series called the electromotive
series or activity series. These activity series are listed on the table on the
next page (Table 2-NonMetal, Table 3-Metal). In using these series, any free
metal/nonmetal higher on the list will displace another metal/nonmetal that is
lower in the solution.

E. Double Replacement Reaction

AB + CD - > AD + CB

- A double replacement reaction occurs when two ionic compounds exchange ions.

- AB and CD are the two reactant compounds, and AD and CB are the two product
compounds that
result from the reaction. During the reaction, the ions B and D exchange places.

- How to recognize: You can recognize a double replacement reaction in a chemical

equation by checking whether the cations exchange anions with each other. If the
states of matter of the reactants and products are listed, look for a reaction
between two aqueous solutions that yields one aqueous product (aq) and one that
precipitates to form a solid product (s). If you don’t know the reactants but you
see precipitate formation upon mixing them, suspect a double replacement reaction.
If you can’t visually observe the reaction, you can predict whether or not the
reactants will dissolve, and a precipitate will form (indicating a double
replacement reaction) using solubility rules

Factors affecting rates of Chemical RxN
- For a reaction to occur, the particles that are reacting must collide with each
other. Only some of all the collisions that take place cause a chemical change to
happen. These are called 'successful' collisions. The greater the number of
'successful' collisions, the faster the rate of a reaction. This is called the
'collision theory’.

- The rates at which reactants are consumed and products are formed during chemical
reactions vary greatly. Four factors typically affect the rates of chemical
reactions: Temperature, concentration, particle size, and use of a catalyst.

Applications of Factors Affecting Rates

1. Food and pharmaceutical products preservation

- High temperatures cause high collision and reactions promote microorganism growth
that is why most food medicinal products are stored in low temperatures. This
condition inhibits the actions of microorganisms thus preventing food and drug
spoilage and allowing longer shelf life.

2. Preservation or decomposition of specimen

- Biochemical laboratories make use of liquid nitrogen as cryogenic freezer in

preserving laboratory samples of specimen. This process is called cryopreservation
where cells or whole tissues are preserved by cooling to low sub-zero temperatures,
such as 77 K or -196oC (boiling point of Nitrogen liquid). At these low
temperatures, any biological activity, including biochemical reactions that would
lead to cell death, are effectively stopped.

3. Medication or poison affecting the body

- It is essential to know the right concentration of the drugs that we take. Some
drugs are more effective if taken in higher concentrations. There are also drugs
that may poison our bodies if we take an amount more than the prescribed

4. Dating, Restoration, preservation of artifacts

- To preserve wood and leather artifacts, these must be soaked in polyethylene

glycol. Polyethylene glycol is a waxy substance that is absorbed into wood and
leather and makes wood stronger thus making the leather flexible again. Also,
wooden artifacts have to be soaked in a chemical used to strengthen wood if they
have been soaked in water for a long time. These chemicals minimize the surface
area between the reactants thus the chemical reaction which damage these items are

5. Control of fires

- The surface area of the combustible material is also taken into consideration in
controlling fires. Usually, gases have higher surface area and spreads out easily.
In gasoline stations, smoking is strictly prohibited
since a single spark of fire may come in contact with the gas molecules in the air,
causing an explosion.

- The reaction rate tells how fast or slow a reaction takes place. Some reactions
are over in microseconds while others take years. Those which take longer time to
occur are believed to be the most rewarding and satisfying. Just as in the
fermentation of wine, the longer it takes to ferment, the richer its taste become.

- Events in our lives may happen fast or slow. The rate in which they occur is
almost unpredictable. But through the action/effects of different factors, we, in a
way can control or choose the way how we want our life to be.




- Ang mga gawaing nakapaloob sa tinatawag na Disaster Risk Mitigation ay

naglalayong mapigil ang nakapipinsalang epekto ng kalamidad.

- Ang pagpaplano at pagpapatupad ng mga gawaing ito ay kadalasang nagmumula sa

pamahalaang Pambansa. Sa Pilipinas itinatag ang National Disaster And Risk
Reduction and Management Council (NDRMMC) bilang ahensyang namumuno sa paghahanda
at pagtugon sa mga kalamidad na nararanasan ng bansa.


(1) Pagpapatupad ng mga building code at matitibay na disensyo ng imprastraktura

upang makayanan ng mga gusali at imprastraktura ang tindi ng mga kalamidad

(2) Pagpaplano ng maayos at sustainable na paggamit at pamamahala ng lupa, kabilang

na ang pagbabawas o pagpigil ng mga konstruksyon sa mga seismic fault lines, sa
mga baybaying rehiyon na madalas tamaan ng bagyo at storm surge at mga tabing-ilog
na madalas bahain,

(3) Pagpapakalap ng kamulatan at kaalaman tungkol sa mga kalamidad.

Mga Ahensya ng Pamahalaan na Nagtutulungan para sa Kaligtasan ng Mamamayan

Kagawaran ng Kagalingang Panlipunan at Pagpapaunlad (KKPP) o Department of Social

Welfare and Development ( DSWD )

- Ito ang namamahala sa mga programa ng pamahalaan para sa paglilingkod sa lipunan

lalo na sa mga mahihirap.

- Tinutulungan nito angmahihirap at mga walang tahanan, nagpapatayo ng mga day care
center,tinutulungan ang mga may kapansanan, tinuturuan ang mga tao kung paano
maghanap-buhay sa pamamagitan ng mga industriyang pantahanan marami pang iba.

- Kapag may kalamidad, ito ang nangunguna sa pagtulong sa mga nasalanta ng


Current Secretary: Erwin T. Tulfo

- Pababain ang antas ng kahirapan

- Mamahagi at mag-ugnay ng mga serbisyong panlipunan

- Proteksyunan ang mga dukha, nangangailangan at may kapansanan

Kagawaran ng Interyor at Pamahalaang Lokal (KIPL) o Department of Interior and
Local Government (DILG)

- Ito ang namamahala sa mga yunit na local na pamahalaan tulad ng mga barangay,
bayan, lungsod, o lalawigan.

- Pinamamahalaan nito ang pamahalaang local sa pamamagitan ng pagbibigay ng badyet,

pagpapanatili ng kaayusan at katahimikan sa lungsod, bayan at lalawigan,
pagpapatupad ng mga ordinansa sa mga lugar at marami pang iba.

Current Secretary: Benjamin Abalos Jr.


- Pagtataguyod ng kapayapaan at kaayusan sa lokal na pamayanan

- Pagpapanatili ng kaligtasan ng mga mamamayan

- Pagpapalakas ng kakayahan ng lokal na pamahalaan na naglalayon na maihatid ang

mga pangunahing serbisyo sa mga mamamayan

Pangasiwaan sa Pagpapaunlad ng Kalakhang Maynila (PPKM) o
Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA)

- Nilikha ito upang mabigyan ng tuwirang serbisyo ang mga mamamayan sa Metro Manila
o NCR.Naghahatid ito ng malawakang serbisyo sa buong Metropolitan Manila. Ayon sa
R.A. 7924

Kabilang sa tungkulin nito ang:

(1) pagbabalangkas at pagpapatupad ng mga patakaran, mga pamantayan, mga programa

at mga proyekto para sa pinagsama-samang paraan 0 sistema upang mapigilan at
makontrol ang patuloy na pagbaha., at

(2) mga pamamaraan upang makamit ang pampublikong kaligtasan, lalo na sa

paghahanda para makaiwas at maging ligtas sa panahon ng mga kalamidad.

Current Chairman: Carlo Dimayuga III


- Nagbibigay ng gabay sa ulat-panahon sa mga lagay ng kalsada sa Metro Manila

- Tumulong sa pagkontrol ng mga baha sa Metro Manila

Kagawaran ng Edukasyon (Ked) o Department of Education ( DEpEd )
- Ito ang namamahala sa mga bagay na may kinalaman sa pagpapaunlad ng batayang
edukasyon sa ating bansa.

- Pinamamahalaan nito ang edukasyonng pampubliko at pribado sa elementarya at

hayskul sa bansa, at nagtatalaga ng mga guro sa mga paaralang pampubliko sa buong

- Kapag parating na ang malakas na bagyo o may kalamidad, kadalasang ginagamit na

pansamantalang tirahan ng mga mamamayan pampublikong paaralan.

- Itinakda ng Kagawaran ng Edukasyon na lahat ng mga pampubliko at pribadong

paaralan sa Pilipinas ang magsagawa ng mga emergency drill bilang paghahanda sa mga

- Gayundin, ang disaster preparedness ay tuwiran nang itinuturo sa mga paaralan

bilang bahagi ng kurikulum. May mga paaralan ding nagpapadala na ng mga emergency
kit sa kanilang mga mag-aaral, guro at kawani.

Current Secretary: Vice Pres. Sara Z. Duterte


- Bigyang gabay ang mga magulang upang pangalagaan ang kapakanan ng kanilang mga
anak sa panahon ng kalamidad

- Pagpapatupad ng mga plano, programa, proyekto sa aspeto ng pormal at di-pormal na


- Pangasiwaan ang elementary at sekundaryang institusyon ng edukasyon kabilang ang

pribado at publikong eskwelahan

- Sustentuhan ng kumpleto at magkakaugnay na sistema ng edukasyon na naaayon sa

adhikain ng pambansang pag-unlad

Kagawaran ng Kalusugan (KNKL) o Department of Health ( DOH )

- Ito ang nangangalaga ng kalusugan ng mga mamamayan ng bansa tulad ng pagsugpo sa

pagkalat ng kolera, tigdas at iba pang nakahahawang sakit, lalong-lalo na kapag may

- Nagbibigay rin ito ng libreng gamot at pangangalaga sa maysakit at nagpapalaganap

ng kaalaman upang mapanatiling malusog ang mga mamamayan

Current Secretary: Francisco Duque


- Makapagbigay ng kaalaman at impormasyon sa mga pangunahing sakit dulot ng mga

iba-t-ibang kalamidad

- Pagbibigay ng mga alituntunin upang makaiwas sa mga sakit lalo na sa panahon ng


Kagawaran ng Pagawaing Bayan at Lansangan (KPBL) o Department of Public Works and
Highways ( DPWH )

- Ito ang nagsasaayos ng mga lasangan, daan, tulay, dike at iba pang imprastraktura
ng pamahalaan na nasisira kapag may baha o lindol

Current Secretary: Manuel Bonoan


- Magplano ng mga gawaing imprastraktura

- Magdisensyo, bumuo at pangalagaan ang mga pambansang kalsada, tulay at mga

sistemang pang baha

- Siguraduhing ligtas, mahusay at mataas ang kalidad ng mga pampublikong


Kagawaran ng Tanggulang Pambansa (KTP) o Department of National
Defense (DND)

- Pinangangalagaan nito ang kapayapaan at kaayusan sa ating bansa.

- Pinapangalagaan ang kaligtasan ng mga mamamayan laban sa mga krimen, tulad ng

kidnap, Holdap, nakawan, at marami pang iba.

- Tumutulong din ang mga sundalo sa paglilikas ng mga mamamayan kapag may

Current Secretary: Jose Faustino Jr.


- Responsable sa pagtatanggol mula sa mga panlabas at panloob na panganib sa

kapayapaan at seguridad sa bansa

Kagawaran ng Kapaligiran at Likas na Kayamanan (KKLK) o Department of Environment
and Natural Resources (DENR)

- Pinangangalagaan nito ang kapaligiran at likas na yaman ng bansa.

- Pinangangalagaan nito ang mga gubat, ipinagbabawal ang iligal na pagpuputol ng

mga punongkahoy at pagkakaingin.

- Pinauunlad ang programang reforestation, pinauunlad ang pagmimina, iniingatan ang

yamang dagat at ipinatutupad ang preserbasyon ng mga likas na yaman ng bansa.

- Kapag may matinding bagyo o kalamidad, tumutulong ang kagawaran ng pamahalaang

ito sa pagsasaayos ng ating kapaligiran.

Current Secretary: Ma. Antonia “Toni” Yulo- Loyzaga


- Kontrolin at pamahalaan ang eksplorasyon, pagpapaunlad at paggamit at

pagpapanatili ng likas na yaman ng bansa

- Magbigay ng payo sa pangulo sa pagpapahayag ng mga patakaran, regulasyon at mga

isyung may kinalaman sa pangangalaga at wastong paggamit ng likas na yaman

Pangasiwaan ng Palingkurang Atmosperiko, Heopisikal, at Astronomikal ng Pilipinas o
Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical
and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA)

- Ipinararating ng pangasiwaang ito ang lagay ng panahon. Nagbibigay

- Babala ito sa pagdating ng bagyo. Nag-uulat ito sa pagdating ng bagyo.

- Nag-uulat ito tungkol sa lakas ng hangin, ulan at galaw ng bagyo.

- Nagbibigay babala rin sa pagputok ng bulkan. Itinatalaga nito ang hangganan na

aabutin ng lava o lahar sa pagputok ng bulkan upang makalikas ang mga taong
naninirahan sa paanan ng bulkan. Isinasagawa ito upang maproteksyonan ang buhay at
mga ari-arian ng mga mamamayan.

Current Chairman: Vicente Malano


- Magbigay ng impormasyon bawat anim na oras sa lahat ng bagyo para sa mga lugar
na maaapektuhan at tuwing ikalabindalawang oras kung walang bagyo na makakaapekto
sa Pilipinas

Surian ng Pilipinas sa Bulkanolohiya at Sismolohiya o Philippine Institute of
Volcanology and Seismology (PHILVOCS)

- Ito ang ahensya na nagbibigay babala sa pagputok ng bulkan upang mapaliit ang
epekto ng sakuna.

- Itinatalaga nito ang hangganan na aabutin ng lava o lahar sa pagputok ng bulkan

upang makalikas ang mga taong naninirahan sa paanan ng bulkan.

- Naatasan din ang ahensya na paliitinang epekto ng sakunang dulot ng lindol,

tsunami, at ibang heotektonikong penomenon.

Current Chairman: Renato Solidum Jr.


- Obserbahan ang bulkan, paggalaw ng lupa, tsunami at iba pang heotektonikong


- Nagbibigay ng mga ulat at babala upang makapaghanda ang pamahalaan at mga

mamamayan na maaapektuhan

- Makagawa ng mga programang mitigasyon para sa mga sakuna

Mga Paghahanda na Nararapat Gawin sa Panahon ng Kalamidad
- Manood ng balita tungkol sa paparating na kalamidad upang makapaghanda na agad

- Siguraduhing may nakahandang pagkain sa panahon ng kalamidad

- Maghanda rin ng first aid kits

- Maghanda ng flashlight sakaling mawalan ng kuryente at mga resebang baterya

- Magplano kung saan maaring lumikas sakaling ipag-utos na lumikas

- Maghanda ng mga pangunahing pangangailangan sakaling lilikas tulad ng mga damit,

sabon shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste at iba pang pangangailangan

- Sakaling iutos ang paglikas, sundin agad at wag ng magreklamo pa

- Magdasal at humingi ng gabay sa Panginoon


- Ito ay pagbabago sa klima o panahon na nagdudulot ng pagbabago sa lakas at haba

ng tag - ulan, at dalang ng pag - ulan

- Nagdudulot ito ng mga kalamidad tulad ng heatwave, tagtuyo, matitinding bagyo

- May kaakibat na panganib sa ating ecosystem



- Ito ang tawag sa mga gas na nakapagpapainit sa daigdig tulad ng carbon dioxide,
methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons at iba pa.

- Ang greenhouse gases ay mga hanging-singaw na ibinubuga ng mga makinarya at mga

pagawaan na napupunta sa ating kapaligiran at atmospera.

- Tinatayang nagsimula ang pagtindi ng global warming noong pagtatapos ng ika-18


- Noong panahon ng Industrial Revolution, nagkaroon ng mga makabagong makinarya at

mga pagawaan.

- Noong 1712, nag-umpisa ang paggamit ng coal at steam engine.

- Pangalawa ay ang paglaki ng populasyon ng tao sa buong mundo at ang pagtugon sa

kanilang mga pangangailangan.

- Dahil dito mas lumalala ang pollution at patuloy na tumataas ang konsentrasyon ng
mga natural at sintetikong gas sa ating atmospera.


- Pinakamarami ito sa ating atmospera na dahilan ng pagkakaroon ng mga ulap,

presipitasyon na nagdadala ng ulan, at nagkokontrol ng lubhang pag-init ng

- Mula ito sa mga natural na proseso tulad ng paghinga ng mga tao at hayop at
pagsabog ng mga bulkan.

- Nabubuo rin ito tuwing sinusunog ang mga fossil fuel tulad ng langis, coal, at
natural gas.


- Kemikal ito na nakasisira ng ozone layer ng ating mundo. Ginagamit ang

chlorofluorocarbons bilang refrigerants o pampalamig at aerosol propellants at iba

- Ginagamit ang refrigerants sa mga air conditioner, automotive industry,

chemical/pharmaceutical industry at food industry.


- Mula ito sa natural na proseso sa kapaligiran tulad ng mga nabubulok na bagay

tulad ng mga basura, dumi ng mga hayop at dayami ng palay.


- Nabubuo ito sa pamamagitan ng paggamit ng mga komersyal at organikong pataba,

pagsunog ng biomass, kombustyon ng fossil fuel at paggawa ng nitric acid.



- Nagdudulot ng pagkakasakit ng mga tao tulad ng sunburn, blister, skin cancer at

heat stroke na maaaring ikamatay ng mga tao






7. Pagkatuyo, pagbabaha, pagkasira ng mga coral reef, pagkakasakit at kamatayan ng
mga hayop at halaman


- Pangingibang pook ng ibat ibang species: pagpapalit ng lugar ng pagkukunan ng
pagkain at pagkasira ng flight patterns ng migratory birds.

- Pagkawala ng ilang halaman at mga hayop sa kabundukan.

- Ang mga ecosystem and kanlungan ng napakaraming mga species at genetic diversity
ng buong mundo. Ang mga halaman at mga hayop ay sensitibo sa pagbabagubago ng
klima, kung kayat ang pinakamadaling maapektuhan ay mga ekosistem sa higit na
matataas na bahagi, tulad ng tundra forests. Higit na mararamdaman ng mga polar
regions ang epekto ng pag - init kays iba.

* Sa pagbabago ng klima ay naapektuhan ang hanapbuhay at pang - araw araw na gawain
ng tao


Republic Act 9729 - Local Climate Change Commission ( 2009 )

- Naglunsad ang ating pamahalaan ng mga proyekto upang matugunan ang suliranin ng
pagbabago ng klima. Ipinasa ng ating Kongreso ang Republic Act ( RA ) 9729 o Local
Climate Change Action Plan ( LCCAP ) noong 2009.

- Ito ay nagbigay-daan sa pagkakatatag ng Climate Change Commission na nakatuon sa

pagsasakatuparan ng ilang mga programa tungkol sa climate change.

- Binuo rin ang National Framework Strategy on Climate Change (NFSCC) (2010-2022)
at National Climate Change Action Plan noong taong 2012 upang amyendahan ang RA
9792 ng RA 10174 para mapalakas ang mga programa at pagkilos laban sa climate


- Republic Act 9729 na kilala rin bilang Climate Change Act of 2009

- Naglalaman ng mga programa ng lokal na pamahalaan para mapigilan at mabawasan ang

masamang epekto ng climate change at panatilihing ligtas ang kanilang nasasakupan
at mga mamamayan.

- Ito ay naaayon sa NCCAP na inaprubahan ni dating Pangulong Benigno Simeon “

Noynoy ” Aquino III noong taong 2011.

Pandaigdigang Polisiya Hinggil sa Climate Change

- United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ( UNFCCC )

- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC )



Ikaw bilang mag-aaral, sa paanong paraan ka makakatulong upang mabigyang lunas ang
patuloy na suliranin ng ating bansa tungkol sa climate change ?

- Isang hamon sa atin bilang mga tao ngayon ang magkaroon ng kamalayan, kaugalian
at gawi na makahaharap sa mga hamon ng Climate Change

- Kinakailangan ang pakikipagtulungan at kooperasyon, ang buhay ng sangkatauhan ay

nanganganib dahil sa masamang epekto ng Climate Change

- Kung kaya’t ating simulan ang pagkilos at pagbabago tungo sa isang ligtas na
kapaligiran para sa lahat


Polusyon sa Hangin

- Malala na ang polusyon sa hangin sa ating kapaligiran dulot ng mga greenhouse


- Ito ay dahil sa paggamit ng fossil fuels. Malala rin ang problemang ito sa mga
pangunahing lungsod ng Metro Manila.

Polusyon sa Tubig

- Ang mga basura, maruming tubig, at nakalalasong kemikal na galing sa mga tahanan,
pabrika, planta, ospital, at minahan ay napupunta sa mga daluyan ng mga tubig tulad
ng sapa, kanal, ilog, at naiipon sa mga lawa, dagat at karagatan

Epekto ng Polusyon sa Tubig

- Kung magpapatuloy na ganito ang mangyayari. Ang mga tao rin ang maaapektuhan

Polusyon sa Lupa

- Nagkakaroon din ng polusyon sa kalupaan. Ito ay dulot ng nakalalasong kemikal, ng

mga basura, mine tailings, at ang katas at amoy ng mga karaniwang landfill

- Ang mga polusyon sa lupa ay karaniwang nagmumula sa mga sumusunod:

A. Waste management

B. Pagmimina at quarrying

Mga Panganib na mawala ang Iba't ibang uri ng Hayop at halaman

- Maraming uri ng hayop at halaman ang naganganib na dahil sa pagkakaroon ng

climate change. Hindi sila makaangkop sa pagbabago ng klima.

Pagkakalbo ng Kagubatan o Deforestation

- Nakakalbo ang kagubatan dahil sa pagtotroso at pagkakaingin. Matagal nang

ipinatitigil ng pamahalaan ang illegal na gawaing ito, ngunit patuloy pa rin ang
mga tao sa gawaing ito.

Paglaki ng Populasyon

- Dahil sa paglaki ng populasyon, tumataas din ang pangangailangan sa mga likas na

yaman. Ang sobrang pagkuha ng mga likas na yaman ay nagdudulot ng pagkasira ng
ecosystem sa ating kapaligiran.

Biglaang Pagbaha

- Ang biglaang pagbaha o flash flood ay maaaring maranasan din ng isang pamayanan.
Ang nakakalbong kagubatan, mga nakabarang basura sa kanal, mga sirang daluyan ng
tubig, makipot na ilog, at malakas na buhos ng ulan ay ilan sa mga salik ng flash


- Pagtatanim ng mga puno at halaman

- Pagbawas ng paggamit ng enerhiya

- Pagtitipid sa paggamit ng tubig

Paggamit ng Alternatibong enerhiya

Solar Energy

- ang enerhiya mula sa init ng araw

Photovoltaic cells

- sinag ng araw na ginagawang kuryente tulda ng sa solar calculator o solar na relo

Solar thermal power

– pagkolekta ng init ng araw sa mga solar panel o solar thermal power plant; ang
init mula sa araw ay nagiging steam na ginagamit naman para magkaroon ng kuryente

Solar heating

– ginagamit ang init ng araw sa pagpapatuyo ng damit, paggawa ng asin, pagdadaing

at iba pa.

Enerhiya mula sa lupa o geothermal

– ang enerhiyang geothermal ay mula sa init ng mga bukal o ilalim ng mundo. Ito ay
ginagawang kuryente ng geothermal power plant.

- Enerhiya mula sa tubig o hydropower

- Enerhiya mula sa hangin o Windpower


- Persuasive writing can either be done to make the readers, viewers, or listeners
think or feel a certain way about an idea or a product, or to make people take
action. When you write to persuade, you try to way. In order to this, you must
catch and hold the attention of your audience from beginning up to the end.

The following are the fundamentals that you should keep in mind in order to come up
with an effective persuasive text :

1. Forming an Opinion

- In most persuasive writing, the writer states an opinion or urges an action, then
offers reasons to convince readers to accept or support what he / she has put
forward. Reasons are often supported by facts, statistics, examples. Once you take
stand on an issue, you must provide statements to support it. At the same time, you
should also consider the arguments your opponents might make against your position

Finding a Persuasive Writing Topic:

1. Do you feel strongly about this topic?

2. Do people disagree about this topic?

3. Do you have enough to say about this topic to persuade others to accept your

2. Considering your Readers

- You need to provide convincing reasons to prove why people should adopt your
ideas. Whenever you try to write a persuasive text, you need to keep your target
readers in mind. Consider the following questions.

Thinking about your Audience

1. Who is my reader?

2. How much does the reader know about the topic?

3. Does the reader care about this topic?

4. What evidence will be most interesting to my readers?

5. What evidence will be most convincing to my readers?

3. Supporting your Opinion

- Research is an important step in persuasive writing. Your opinions will carry

weight only if you can back them up with sufficient evidence. To gather support,
investigate your topic by reading, observing, discussing, and even by interviewing
people with special knowledge about the issue you are writing about. Though an
opinion is considered to be personal belief and therefore cannot be proven, the
opinion of an expert can still be powerful evidence. Facts are statements that can
be proven.
Evidence in Persuasive Writing

Kinds Examples

Facts According to a joint report by UNICEF,

WHO, and ASEAN, the Philippines is the “double burden
of malnutrition.”

Statistics In 1990, 34% of men and 38% of women spent 33

billion dollars on diets.

Examples A preteen boy guzzles protein drinks hoping to

increase his size and strength.

Opinion The well-known diet specialist, Dr. Luz

Waite, recommends regular exercise along with
any weight-loss plan.

4. Organizing your Argument

- After you gather your evidence, review it piece by piece. Which evidence is the
strongest or most convincing? Decide which order of evidence best supports your
goal. Make list of your evidence in the order that seems most persuasive.

- The structure of persuasive piece can resemble the three-part structure of a

report. The introduction states the topic and your opinion on it; the body provides
evidence to support your opinion; and the conclusion summarizes your argument and
suggests action.

Tips for Structuring a Persuasive Piece

- Decide how to arrange your evidence.

- Write a strong opening that states your position clearly.

- Present suitable supporting evidence in the best order.

- Anticipate and answer opposing arguments.

- Begin or end with your strongest point.

- Sum up your argument and give your conclusions.


( Reading and Looking for Key Words )

* Writers organize their ideas using different rhetorical patterns or ways of

paragraph development.

* These are signaled by key words or transitional words and phrases found in a


- The art or practice of presuasion through any symbolic system, but especially

- The ways we convince people to do, think, or say what we want.

- Rhetoric strategies or patterns are used to move and convince an audience.

Compare and Contrast


- It discusses the similarities and differences of two items.


- like, unlike, different from, similar to, while

Cause and Effect


- It explains why or how something happens and its results.


- because, due to, as a result, thus, since



- It defines a specific term or an abstract concept.


- it means that, as defined, the definition is



- It describes how something is done or to be done.


- first, next, after, finally, then, etc.



- It takes a stand and discussess its merits.


- should, to argue, in defense of



- It gives sample facts about a specific topic


- such as, for instance, to be specific


Uses / Properties / Functions of Eggs

Why do you need to eat eggs?

Increase HDL ( good ) cholesterol

Maintains good vision and eye health

Reduces risk of type 2 Diabetes

Boosts muscle development and strength

Lower risk of migranes

Reduces blood pressure

Keeps your weight down

Uses of Eggs in Culinary

Egg is cooked in many ways.

>> It can be the main protein dish;

>> It can be a main or accessory ingredient in dishes from appetizers to desserts.

>> It can be cooked by dry heat, moist heat, with or without oil,

Indeed it can be eaten anywhere.

Uses / Functions / Properties of Eggs


- One of the uses of eggs is aas a binder. A binder helps other ingredients bind
together ( eggs are used to help bind together meatballs, meatloaf and flour
mixtures ). When eggs are heated they coagulate, this helps stick together the
ingredients they are mixed with.

- Another use of eggs is as a coating agent. The breading on fried chicken sticks
because the chicken is dipped into an egg then a flour or crumb mixture. The eggs
help hold the crumb mixture to the food when heated during the cooking process.


- One of the most common uses of eggs is as a leavening agent. A leavening agent
helps to make a cooked product rise. When eggs are beaten they hold air. When heat
is added the structure will coagulate and traps the air. This is what gives angel
food cakes, meringues and souffles their light and fluffy texture.


- The one use of the egg you probably are not very familiar with is using eggs as a
clarifier. The egg is used to make a broth clear. Any unwanted particles in the
broth clear. Any unwanted particles in the broth will stick to the egg as it
coagulates in the broth


- Eggs have thickening properties. The protein in eggs will thicken when heated and
become firm. If an egg is overheated or cooked for too long of a time it will
become rubbery and tough in texture. Eggs are often used in custards and sauces to
thicken the finished product.


- When a liquid freezes, ice crystals form. When eggs are added to a mixture, It
helps prevent these crystals from forming. That is why another use of eggs is the
prevention of crystallization.


- is the process of incorporating air in a mixture as in scrambled eggs. In some

cases, the egg white is beaten using a wire whip to produce air cells before adding
the egg yolk. What is produced is a bigger volume, light, and tender scrambled egg.


- the lecithin in egg yolk has the ability to protect oil droplets from
coalescing/merging as in the making of mayonnaise. An emulsifying agent is an
ingredient which allows dispersion of tiny globules of one liquid in another agent
immiscible to each other. An example is mayonnaise in an oil-in-water mixture
called emulsion.


– as in egg yolk-water mixture used as egg washing for breads to be baked giving
the baked product a golden yellow and glossy surface.


– makes an existing dish richer with protein and other nutrients that eggs contain.
Meatballs, morcons, pork/beef asado, and adobo served with hard -boiled eggs are a
variation of the traditional asado/adobo recipes as they are enriched with the
addition of eggs. Egg yolk added in pancakes makes the dish enriching.


– as in morcon and embutido.


– or toppings of pancit palabok.


– as in lumpia wrappers. Chicken or duck eggs may be used.



- Are usually starchy pods or grains

- Cereal grains are the most important group of crops in the world

- Made from cultivated plants of the grass family

Foreign Cereals


- used in making flour


- used in flour and known as the hardest


- known as the smallest and used in making porridge, snacks and other types of


- used in making bread,stews, soup and health products


- commonly eaten in breakfast as oatmeal and can lower cholesterol level.


- is a white odorless ,tasteless, granular or powdery complex carbohydrate that is

the chief storage form of carbohydrate in plants is an important foodstuff.

Sources and kinds of starch and cereals


1. Alimentary paste

- refers to the family of macaroni products of varying sizes and shapes.


Egg noodles

2. Noodles

- are made from rice, soft wheat, soybeans, cassava and other legumes and root



- Flat, yellowish noodles made from wheat flour, lye, salt, water and fat.

- long, thin, round, translucent noodles made from mung beans and cornstarch


- noodles made from soaked, ground, and repeatedly drained rice and corn with the
addition of cornstarch to make galapong.

Pancit canton

- made from a mixture of flour, duck eggs, salt, and soda ash

Instant noodles

- Dried noodles with various flavorings.



- for cooked dressings such as salad dressing and chocolate beverages


- for puddings, maja blanca, bibingka, sapin-sapin, kutsinta, candies and bread.


- for baking powder formulations.


- pie fillings, cake fillings, candies.

As Thickening Agent

- for gravies, sauces, soups, and filings in pies and pastries

As a Binding Agent

- for processed meats like embutido, luncheon meat, burgers, and chicken / meat /
fish croquettes.

For coating and dusting

- in yeast breads, biscuits, and candies.

For coloring

-as in polvoron, lechon sauce, and kare-kare. Starch when toasted turns into brown


- Useful amount of protein, HBV, gluten, growth

- Small amount unsaturated fat, energy

- Lots of carbohydrate, cellulose, starch, energy

- Vitamin B group for nerves and energy

- Calcium and Phosphorus for bones and Iron for the blood

- Very little water so they are easy to store


Reduce risk of cancer

Good source of energy

Lower risk of multimorbidity

Provide vitamins & protein to body

Rich in high mineral content

Help maintain blood sugar levels

Prevent constipation & colon disorders



- refers to any cooking technique where the heat is transferred to the food item
without using any moisture.


Pan Frying
Deep Frying
Shallow Frying
Stri Frying


- refers to any cooking technique where water and heat is mainly used to cook to
form moisture





- Define as the set of habits and customs that is influenced by the life - long
process of socialization, including social use of substances such as alcohol and
tobacco, dietary habits, and exercise, all of which have important implications for

- These are diseases associated with the way a person or group of people lives. It
includes atherosclerosis, heart disease, stroke: obesity and type 2 diabetes.


Behavioral Risk Factors

- Behavioral risk factors usually relate to ‘actions’ that the individual has
chosen to take. They can therefore be eliminated or reduced through lifestyle or
behavioral choices. Examples include:

Smoking tobacco
Drinking too much alcohol
Nutritional choices
Physical inactivity
Spending too much time in the sun without proper protection
Not having certain vaccinations
Unprotected sex.

Physiological risk Factors

- Physiological risk factors are those relating to an individual’s body or biology.

They may be influenced by a combination of genetic, lifestyle and other broad
factors. Examples include:

being overweight or obese

high blood pressure
high blood cholesterol
High blood sugar (glucose)

Demographic Risk Factors

- Are those that relate to the overall population. Examples include:

Population subgroups, such as occupation, religion, or income.

Environmental Risk Factors

- Environmental risk factors cover a wide range of topics such as social, economic,
cultural, and political factors as well as physical, chemical, and biological

Examples include:

Access to clean water and sanitation

Risks in the workplace
Air pollution
Social settings.


- A wholesome diet is absolutely essential for your health & wellbeing. You have to
acknowledge the fact that good health is all about taking charge and doing what’s
right for your body.

Eat more of green veggies, fresh fruits, calcium & fiber rich foods
Switch to whole grain/multi grain flour.
Reduce your portion size and eat at regular intervals (every 2 hours)
Eliminate or at least try to limit the consumption of oily food
Replace junk food with healthy snacks
Drink plenty of water

Tip 2

– It is essential to strike a perfect balance between food and physical activity.

In order to keep your immune system active and functioning properly, an adult
should participate in some or the other form of physical activity for a minimum of
30 minutes – 5 days a week. Walking is considered as the best and safest form of
exercise for people of all ages. It not only helps you burn calories but also
improves your strength, stamina and endurance. Besides this, there are many more
ways through which you can incorporate exercise in your daily routine

Take the stairs instead of lift & elevators

Walk from the bus stop to your home/office
Take your dog out for a walk daily
Do household chores for at least 30 minutes daily
If you have kids at home, play with them and burn some calories
Always take a short walk after your meals

Tip 3

– Any kind of addiction, whether it is of alcohol, nicotine or any other form of

drug, can ruin your health in the worst way possible.

Tip 4

– Make sure you keep a close watch on your body weight. Extra weight especially
near the tummy has been linked with cardiovascular deaths. People who are obese &
overweight are also at risk for many more serious health conditions like sleep
apnea, diabetes and cancer. Manage your weight by eating low-calorie, fat-free food
and incorporate some form of workout in your daily routine.

Tip 5

– Anything in excess is bad for health. High intake of Sugar, Salt, & Oil can lead
to serious repercussions in the form of diabetes, blood pressure and heart problems
(due to high cholesterol). Cut down the usage of these 3 ingredients in your food

Tip 6
– Take good care of your body – it’s the only place you live in. Periodic health
check-ups can offer a thorough analysis of your current health status. Moreover, it
also helps in early diagnosis and timely treatment of any kind of illness. Schedule
an appointment for a comprehensive health check-up once in every 6 months.


Good Nutrition

- Is an important part of leading a healthy lifestyle. Combined with physical

activity, your diet can help you to reach and maintain a healthy weight, reduce
your risk of chronic diseases ( like heart disease and cancer ), and promote your
overall health

- The risk factors for adult chronic diseases, like hypertension and type 2
diabetes, are increasingly seen in younger ages, often a result of unhealthy eating
habits and increased weight gain. Dietary habits established in childhood often
carry into adulthood, so teaching children how to eat healthy at a young age will
help them stay healthy throughout their life.

- The link between good nutrition and healthy weight, reduced chronic disease risk,
and overall health is too important to ignore. By taking steps to eat healthy,
you'll be on your way to getting the nutrients your body needs to stay healthy,
active, and strong. As with physical activity, making small changes in your diet
can go a long way, and it's easier than you think

Weight Management

- is the phrase used to describe both the techniques and underlying physiological
processes that contribute to a person's ability to attain and maintain a certain
weight. Most weight management techniques encompass long-term lifestyle strategies
that promote healthy eating and daily physical activity.

- There are many factors that contribute to a person's weight, including: diet,
physical activity, genetics, environment factors, medications, and illnesses. Each
of these factors affect weight in different ways and to varying degrees, but health
professionals most often stress the importance of diet and physical activity above
all other factors because they can be affected by conscious behavior modification.
The following is a review of some of the key components of weight management in



- Fresh, frozen, or canned fruits are great choices. Try fruits beyond apples and
bananas such as mango, pineapple, or kiwi fruit. When fresh fruit is not in season,
try a frozen, canned, or dried variety. Be aware that dried and canned fruit may
contain added sugars or syrups. Choose canned varieties of fruit packed in water or
in its own juice.


- Add variety to grilled or steamed vegetables with an herb such as rosemary. You
can also sauté (panfry) vegetables in a non-stick pan with a small amount of
cooking spray. Or try frozen or canned vegetables for a quick side dish—just
microwave and serve. Look for canned vegetables without added salt, butter, or
cream sauces. For variety, try a new vegetable each week.


- In addition to fat-free and low-fat milk, consider low-fat and fat-free yogurts
without added sugars. These come in a variety of flavors and can be a great dessert


- If you’re favorite recipe calls for frying fish or breaded chicken, try healthier
variations by baking or grilling. Maybe even try dry beans in place of meats. Ask
friends and search the internet and magazines for recipes with fewer calories ― you
might be surprised to find you have a new favorite dish!

- Healthy eating is all about balance. You can enjoy your favorite foods, even if
they are high in calories, fat or added sugars. The key is eating them only
occasionally and balancing them with healthier foods and more physical activity.

Some general tips for comfort foods:

- Eat them less often. If you normally eat these foods every day, cut back to once
a week or once a month.

- Eat smaller amounts. If you’re favorite higher-calorie food is a chocolate bar,

have a smaller size or only half a bar.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~HEALTH EDUCATION


Alternative medicines Complementary and Alternative Health Care Modalities

What is QUACKERY ?

- Quackery is the promotion of false or unproven method for profit (Barrett et al.

- Health scam that promotes bogus products and services that do not have scientific
and proven quality or effects.

- It derives from the Dutch word ‘kwakzalver’, literally meaning a hawker of salve.

- A salve being some kind of potion or cream used to treat a malady.

Quackery occurs when (Weinstein, 2003):

- Healthcare is administered by unlicensed health care providers.

- Promises of cures are made about products that are actually useless.

- Self-proclaimed therapeutic procedures are performed before they are

scientifically validated.
Guidelines for spotting quacks:

- Quacks may offer a “special” or “secret formula” or device. . .

- Quacks advertises . . . “case histories” and testimonials from satisfied


- Quacks may claim to know the “cause” of arthritis and talk about “cleansing your
body of “poisons” and “pepping up” your health.

- Quacks may say surgery, x-rays and drugs prescribed by a physician are

- Quacks may accuse the “medical establishment” of deliberately thwarting progress,

or of persecuting him . . . but he doesn’t allow his method to be tested in tried
and proven ways.

Victims often exhibit the following attitudes:


- They tend to believe easily something that is printed or broadcasted without

verifying the truthfulness of the particular service.


- They are facing an incurable health condition, leaving this their last option


- They become attracted to unconventional methods because they distrust medical


Belief in supernatural

- They tend to believe in the promising influence of mystical power.


- They firmly believe that they are more knowledgeable and skilled than scientific
researches and experts.



- Pertains to the malpractice in the medical profession where the pseudo-doctors

claim to be experts and competent in treating diseases

- The intention is always to make profit at the expense of deceiving the public.

- They capitalize on the hope, ignorance, and fear of people who want to change
some parts of their body and heal illnesses using the advancement in the medical


- It uses fake, ineffective and risky means for claimed medical cure. It includes
drugless therapy, risky abortion, and diagnosis by eye examination. Note that
delaying medical treatment or cure may result to complication and death.


- Though the cause of cancer is still not throughly discovered, quacks give false
cures like SECRET formulas. Some known quack cures are Koch treatment - using
distilled water and Mucorchincin - fermented wheat, yeast, salt, water, and molds.
Patients may die from delayed medical attention.


- Quacks sell food, in which ingredients do not contain substances good fo the body
and might be risky. These foods may oversupply certain substances that may lead to
kidney stone due to high - salt content, high blood due to high - protein content,
or lack of it like goiter, anemia, etc.


- Rheumatism still has no sure cure. Because this ailment keeps coming back, quacks
may claim credit through the usual use of massage device, uranium pads, liniments,
and copper bracelets. Rheumatism may become severe.


- Many individuals like to have a pleasing appearance. There are many quack
products being sold pretending to give beautiful skin, reduce weight, strengthen
hair, or do body parts enlargement. Effects would include skin infections and hair


- The quackery involves the abuse of minds. These psychic healing like faith
healers, psychic surgery, incompetent psychoterapy - quack therapies, and fake sex
therapy clinics. Patients may have the risk of delaying medical attention and add
up to present problems or illnesses.

2. Nutrition

- Any forms of fake or unclassified claims of nutritional value or impact.

- One of the most popular and profitable hoaxes that goes in the form of dietary
supplements, herbal remedies, weight loss products, energy boosters and medicines
which do not have any approval from Bureau of Foods and Drugs

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3. Devices
- pertains to the claims or information about the products that are “too good to be

- they deceive the customers by exaggerating the quality, efficiency and trying to
justify its cost, or they lower its price along with its quality

- is after the money or profit


- Quacks in the Philippines use neckless, pyramids and toning water to falsely
diagnose illness with these devices instead of medical equipment like x - ray,
electrocardiogram, and electroencephalogram.


- Alternative Medicine includes the following: herbal preparations, food

supplements, massage therapy, and other medicines considered to complement regular


- The word HERB refers to any plant or any part of a plant. Thus, HERBAL MEDICINE
refers to the use of plants or parts of plants like stems, roots, barks, seeds,
leaves, flowers, and fruits for medicinal purposes


ACAPULKO ( Acapulco )

- For the treatment of insect bites, itchiness, ringworms, infections, scabies, and

AMPALAYA ( Bitter melon or bitter gourd )

- As a supplement in treating diabetes, burns, coughs, and hemorrhoids

BAWANG ( Garlic )

- As a supplement in reducing blood cholestorol level; used also as antibacterial

and anti - inflammatory drug

BAYABAS ( Guava )

- Used as antioxidant, anti - allergy, antimicrobial, and anti - diabetic

LAGUNDI ( Five - leaved Chaste tree )

- For the treatment of cough, colds, and fever

NIYOG - NIYOGAN ( Chinese Honeysuckle

- For the eliminations of instestinal parasites


- For the treatment of skin allergies


- For treating arthritis and gout

YERBA BUENA ( Peppermint )

- For insect bites, coughs, and colds



- Ventosa is an alternative medicine in which glasses are placed on some important

points at the back of a person. This technique is effective in creating a kind of
suction because of the vacuum inside the glass. The suction created by the glass
and heat ( candle or fire ) supports blood flow and thus, promotes healing of the


- Another type of alternative medicine is reflexology. It is done by applying

pressure to the feet, ears, or hands by means of the thumb or a particular finger.
The area where pressure is applied includes reflex points. These reflex points are
pressed because they are believed to correspond to a person's major area of the
body or human organ.


- Massage therapy is another form of alternative medicine that is known to improve

one's well - being. It is generally believed to result in good circulation of
blood. It also helps reduce muscle pains and stiffness. It also provides relief
from stress. It is popular because of its relaxing effects.


- Acupuncture is used mainly to relieve discomfort associated with a variety of

diseases and conditions, including:


- induced and postoperative nausea and vomiting.

Dental pain
Headaches, including tension headaches and migraines
Labor pain
Low back pain
Neck pain
Menstrual cramps


- It is the word NATURE and thus, uses natural ways to treat a patient. The
physicians who employ this kind of treatment try to restore the balance of the body
and mind of the patients. They are more interested to treat not just the physical
causes of an illness but also the mental and emotional causes

Consumer Welfare and Protection Consumer Act of the Philippines and 8 Basic Rights
of the Consumer


- is the practice of safeguarding buyers of goods and services, and the public,
against unfair practices in the marketplace. measures are often established by law.
Such laws are intended to prevent businesses from engaging in fraud or specified
unfair practices to gain an advantage over competitors or to mislead consumers.

- They may also provide additional protection for the public which may be impacted
by a product (or its production) even when they are not the direct purchaser or
consumer of that product.

- For example, government regulations may require businesses to disclose detailed

information about their products—particularly in areas where public health or
safety is an issue, such as with food or automobiles.


- Consumer rights are privileges that a consumer is guaranteed. These rights make
individuals as smart consumers and prevent them from being deceived by inaccurate
information, thus, protecting their health as well as others.



July 15, 1992.

* Aside from promoting the consumers’ interest and protecting their general
interest, R.A. 7394 also established standards of conduct for business and
industry. The State shall implement measures to achieve the following objectives:

- Protection against hazards to health and safety.

- Protection against deceptive, unfair, and unconscionable sales, acts, and


- Provision of information and education to facilitate sound choices and to

properly exercise the rights of the consumer
- Provision of adequate rights and means of redress.

- Involvement of consumer representatives in the formulation of social and economic




DTI handles the following areas of concerns:

A. Consumer products and service warranties

B. Consumer product quality and safety
C. Deceptive, unfair, and unconscionable sales, acts, and practices
D. Price Tag
E. Weights and measures (metrication)
F. Labeling and packaging
G. Advertising and sales promotion
H. Liability for products and services
I. Service and repair shops


DA handles the following areas of concern:

A. Agricultural products
B. Quality and safety
C. Labeling and Packaging


A. Consumer Education and Information


A. Consumer credit transactions extended by banks and other financial




A. Credit facilities extended by financing companies



-Which guarantees survival, adequate food, clothing, shelter, health care,

education and sanitation. With this right, consumers can look forward to the
availability of basic and prime commodities at affordable prices and good quality.

- The consumer should be protected against the marketing of goods or the provision
of services that are hazardous to health and life.


- The consumer should be protected against dishonest or misleading advertising or

labeling and has the right to be given the facts and information needed to make an
informed choice.


- The consumer has the right to choose from among various products at competitive
prices with an assurance of satisfactory quality.


- The right to express consumer interests in the making and execution of government


- The right to be compensated for misrepresentation, shoddy goods or unsatisfactory



- Which is the right to acquire knowledge and skills necessary to be an informed



- The right to live and work in an environment which is neither threatening nor
dangerous and which permits a life of dignity and well-being.



( Surrealism, Abstract Expressionism, Op Art, Pop Art, Performance Art,

Happenings, Mob Art )


- Modern Art is Characterized by the contemporary styles of visual art produced

from the 1860s to the 1970s. During this period, artists experimented with other
materials to produce art as well as tried to find fresh ideas to interpret art.

- It includes all the movements, theories, and attitudes developed by painters like
Vincent Van Gogh, Paul Cezanne, Henri Matisse, and others. Modernism rejected the
traditional, historical, or academic forms and conventions and learned towards
abstraction with the aid of modern technology.

- Into the 21st century, art was transformed to show the transcendental, the
contemplative, and the timeless. Lyrical abstraction was a poetic style in art that
employs a sensuous use of color


- Surrealism is a cultural movement that began in the early 1920s and is best known
for its visual artworks and writings. The aim was to "resolve
the previously contradictory conditions of dream and reality." Artists painted
unnerving, illogical scenes with photographic precision,
created strange creatures from everyday objects and developed painting techniques
that allowed the unconscious to express itself.

- It is a movement that grew out of dada, fascinated by the studies of renowned

psychologist Sigmund Freud on the inner workings of the mind, the surrealists
appreciated the mysteries of dream and the unconscious and the appeal of the
bizarre and strange. For them, the world is made of pure imagination and personal


- The best part is that there is no set-in stone rue for what qualifies as

- A focus on the exploration of dreams and the Unconscious mind, inspired by

Sigmund Freud

- Incorporating Mystery, marvel, mythological, and the irrational

- Nothing was off the limit’s artists could explore their most innate desires,
hunger, sexual, dread, fear, etc.

- The desire to go past what was socially acceptable makes something spontaneous,
unique, and even plain ‘weird”

- Pushes the boundaries of what is reality and what is imagination


Giorgio De Chirico

- Created one of the first of those invented worlds of the surrealists and one of
the most enduring. The world he created is at once desolate and empty but filled
with suggestions, deserted yet full of mysterious presence

Other surrealist use AUTOMATISM

- the creation of art without conscious control as in intuition and dream

experience. Salvador Dali’s Soft Construction with Boiled Beans: Premonition of a
Civil War is a curious kind of dream or nightmare picture. Like dreams, the
painting shows the familiar changing and shifting of the subjects.
Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dalí

- was a Spanish Surrealist artist renowned for his technical skill, precise
draftsmanship, and the striking and bizarre images in his work. Born in Figueres,
Catalonia, Dalí received his formal education in fine arts at Madrid.

Meret Elisabeth Oppenheim

- was a German-born Swiss Surrealist artist and photographer. Besides

creating art objects, Oppenheim appeared as a model for photographs by Man Ray,
most notably a series of nude shots of
her interacting with a printing press.

Luis Buñuel ( Born February 22, 1900, Calanda, Spain—died July 29, 1983, Mexico
City, Mexico )

- Spanish filmmaker who was a leading figure in Surrealism, the tenets of which
suffused both his life and his work. He created disturbing and deliberately
confounding scenes


- Philippine art, from the time of the Pioneers until after the end of World War
II, owed much to the modern art movements that sprang up in Europe at the turn of
the century. For one, surrealists have
since been able to attract a few adherents and gave the artistic direction to what
Filipino modernists were looking for. Two prominent Filipino artists pioneered
surrealist style in the Philippine. They were


- Abstract expressionism is the term applied to new forms of abstract art developed
by American painters such as Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, and Willem de Kooning in
the 1940s and 1950s. It is often characterized by gestural brushstrokes or mark-
making, and the impression of spontaneity. Also called “action painting” abstract
expressionism stressed energy and Kinetics, in which what was to go on the canvas
was not a picture but an event – a “happening”. It is frenetic painting that is
much like music in 4/4-time signature.


- Unconventional application of paint, usually without a recognizable subject ( de

Kooning's Woman series is an exception ) that tends toward amorphous shapes in
briliant colors.

- Dripping, smearing, slathering, and flinging lots of paint on to the canvas

( often an unprimed canvas ).

- Sometimes gestural " writing " in a loosely calligraphic manner.

- In the case of Color Field artists : carefully filling the picture plane with
zones of color that create tension between the shapes and hues.



- Paul Jackson Pollock was an American painter and a major figure in the abstract
expressionist movement. He was widely noticed for his technique of pouring or
splashing liquid household paint onto a horizontal surface, enabling him to view
and paint his canvases from all angles.

- Pollock made a revolutionary breakthrough by abandoning the paintbrush altogether

– pouring, flickering, and dripping commercial paints onto a large canvas on the
floor. The image of Pollock is of a man possessed as he painted, in which such
artistic considerations as foreground, background, focal point, and perspective are
thrown out like many empty pain cans


- Willem de Kooning was a Dutch American abstract expressionist artist. He was born
in Rotterdam and moved to the United States in 1926, becoming an American citizen
in 1962. In 1943, he married painter Elaine Fried.

- A painter and decorator who went to New York and became one of the most
consistent longest – lived abstract expressionists. He developed a style where he
employed fierce and slashing brushstrokes.


- Franz Kline was an American painter. He is associated with the Abstract

Expressionist movement of the 1940s and 1950s. A leading
abstract expressionist, he painted in manner that was typical of his time:
gestural, personal, spontaneous, and full of emotions. “The final test of a
painting” he said, “is does the painter’s emotion come across?” In many of his
works, such as in UNTITLED, Kline started to build up texture, using broad brushes
to apply paint thickly, called IMPASTO.



- A National Artist of the Philippines, Jose Joya pioneered abstract expressionism

in the Philippines. He embraced the value of dynamic spontaneity and quick gestures
in painting that became significant artistic influences among his followers. His
paintings exhibited abstract expressionist features where paint is applied
spontaneously, in broad strokes, using brushes or directly squeezed from the tubes,
and splashed across the canvas.

- Through influenced by abstract expressionism, especially Kline’s style, Joya

developed his own technique.


- He was also a pioneer of modern art in the Philippines. His painting Homage to
Pollock from his " FLICK " series was inspired by the abstract expressionist


- In the 1950s, man’s preoccupation and fascination with the nature of perception
and optical effects and illusions combined with new technology and psychology. This
gave rise to modern art forms like op art and pop art. OP art or optical art uses
abstract patterns wit stark contrast of foreground and background – often in black
and white to create maximum contrast. They give the viewer the impression of
movement, hidden images, flashing and vibrating patterns, or of swelling or

- Op artists were typically concerned with the behavior of the eye which resulted
in abstract artworks that explored a variety of optical phenomena. After-images,
more effects, dazzling, and al kinds of other effects resulting from eye’s struggle
t read an image were of interest to these artists.

- OP ART is all about physical sensations. It was developed in the United States
sometime in the 1960s. Its artists create and organize lines, patterns, and designs
that sharpen up the viewer’s eyesight or eye perception.

- OP ART is like the constructivist practices of the Bauhaus, the German school
founded by Walter Gropius that stressed the relationship of form and function is
within a framework of analysis and rationality. Bauhaus students learned to focus
on the overall design or entire composition to present unified works.


- Op art works were first produced in black-and-white, later in vibrant color.

Historically, the Op-Art style may be said to have originated in the work of the
kinetic artist Victor Vasarely (1908-97), and from Abstract
Expressionism. Another major Op artist is the British painter Bridget Riley



- Because of its mathematical nature it is almost always non - representational.

- The elements ( Line, shape and form ) are used to achieve maximum effect.

- The critical methods used are perspective and careful use of color.

- In Op Art, positive and negative spaces are of equal importance.


- Optical art is strictly abstract that relies on optical illusions

- Fine lines in receding and emerging patterns to create three - dimensional effect

- Vary the length and waviness of the line to make a mind - boggling illusion

- From the 1960's


- Pop art is an art movement that emerged in the 1950s and flourished in the 1960s
in America and Britain, drawing inspiration from sources in popular and commercial
culture. Different cultures and countries contributed to the movement during the
1960s and 70s

- POP ART refers to a style grounded in consumer culture, the mass media, and
popular culture, thereby making it much more accessible to the average person. The
name pop art is short for popular art


Andy Warhol

- l is a prominent figure in po art. His background as a commercial artist and

illustrator explains why his works appear the way they do, in his painting, Green
Coca – Cola Bottles, the multiple images of the Coca – Cola bottle reflect not just
the dominance of consumer products in daily life but also the fact that life gas
become depersonalized and repetitive as well.

Roy Lichtenstein

- another well – known pop artist, he turned his attention to the comic book as
another mainstay in American Culture, He was remarkably faithful to the original
comic strip images that he painted. However, Lichtenstein did present his images in
new ways or greatly enlarged their sizes. In this way, he hoped to shake viewers’
accustomed ways of looking at the most trivial objects of modern life. He felt that
people had come to rely too readily on these products and hoped to make viewers
more conscious of that fact


- It too time for art critics to consider that pop art is an art movement. Some of
the general characteristics of this art include the following:

• Popular or designed for a mass audience

• Transients or short – term solution
• Expendable or easily forgotten
• Low cost
• Mass produced
• Aimed at youth
• Witty
• Sexy
• Gimmicky
• Glamorous
• Big business



- refers to a production presented to an audience anywhere possible. It is a

spontaneous performance and for any length of time. Performances may either be
scripted or unscripted and random or carefully orchestrated. The spontaneity of
performance art makes audience participate in it either by viewing or performing
with the group.


- One popular performance art that has been around since the start of the modern
period is the mob. In fact, it is occasionally becoming trending topics in the age
of social media as artists become very
creative in their performances. There are generally two classifications of mob: The
Flash mob and the smart mob


- A smart mob is a group whose coordination and communication abilities have been
empowered by digital communication technologies. Smart mobs are particularly known
for their ability to mobilize quickly. It is a group that behaves intelligently or
efficiently because of effective communication network among them.


- A flash mob (or flash mob) is a group of people who assemble suddenly in a public
place, perform for a brief time, then quickly disperse, often for the purposes of
entertainment, satire, and artistic expression.




- The 20th century brought various changes in music history. The Advancement of
science and technology led to the development of electronic devices such as
synthesizers, computers, cassette tape recorders, compact discs (CD), digital video
disc (DVD), MP3, MP4, iPod, karaoke, mobile phones, etc. These were utilized by
composers for recording and creating music. New musical styles emerged with the use
of these devices.

- Avant-garde music is music that is at the forefront of innovation in its field,

with the term "avantgarde" implying a critique of existing aesthetic conventions,
rejection of the status quo in favor of unique
or original elements, and the idea of deliberately challenging or alienating

- Avant garde is a French word for “Advance guard” or “Vanguard”, which is used to
describe the musical styles that evolved after 1945. It is a term that is the
center of experimentation and innovation applied in music. It is also associated
with electronic music and deals with the parameters of sound. Avant- garde
composers includes George Gershwin, Leonard Bernstein, and Philip Glass

( American, September 26, 1898 – July 11, 1937 )
- George Gershwin was considered one of the most significant and
popular American composers of the 20th century. He was a great
pianist and regarded as the “Father of Jazz Music.”

- He was born September 26, 1898, in Brooklyn, New York to Russian

– Jewish immigrants. Gershwin began his musical education at age
11. When he dropped out of school at age 15, he became a pianist
in Broadway musicals. He also worked in Tin Pan Alley as a song –
plugger and soon started to write his own music.

Gershwin’s Major Composition:

• When You Want ‘Em (1916) – first published song

• Rialto Ripples (1916) – First piano composition
• Swanee (1919) – musical Sinbad which became a big hit
• La, La, Lucille – First Broadway musical
• Rhapsody in Blue (1924) - for piano and orchestra
• Someone to Watch Over Me
• Strike Up and Band, Embraceable You, Porgy and Bess
• Shall We Dance, An American in Paris (1928)
• Piano Concerto in F – for orchestra and film
• Primrose, Lady in Blue
• Funny Face, Show Girl, Of Thee I Sing

* In 1937, Gershwin experienced severe headaches, dizziness, and blackouts and was
diagnosed with malignant brain tumor. On July 11, 1937, Gershwin died during his
surgery in Hollywood, California at
age 38. Links access for listening activity (Selected) - Gershwin’s Major

( August 25, 1918 – October 13, 1990 )

- Leonard Bernstein was born in Lawrence, Massachusetts on August

25, 1918, from a Russian immigrant. A composer, musician, author,
lecturer, and a pianist. Bernstein received his big break when he conducted the New
York Philharmonic Orchestra in 1943. He was
one of the first conductors in the US who received a worldwide

Some of his best works include the:

• The Three Symphonies: No.1 Jeremiah, No.2 Age of Anxiety, No.3 Kaddish
• West Side Story (1957)
• Candice (1956) – the broadway hit
• The Joy of Music (1959)
• Young People’s Concerts for Reading and Listening (1962)
• The Infinite Variety of Music (1966)
• The Unanswered Question (1976)

( January 31, 1937, American )

- Philip Glass was an Avant – garde composer and exponent of minimalist movement.
He First Assisted Ravi Shankar on a film soundtrack as his first job, which started
his successful cinema career and scored over fifty movies.

- He was born in Baltimore on January 31, 1937 and studied with Nadia
Boulanger and Ravi Shankar and later formed the Philip Glass Ensemble in 1967.

- He worked with playwright Robert Wilson to produce his first opera, Einsten on
the Beach in 1967 at the New York Metropolitan Opera House. He wrote more operas
including Satyagbara in 1980 which was based on the life of Mahatma Gandhi. He
composed several symphonies and concertos which he performed internationally. Glass
also provided scores for movies namely Koyaanisqatsi (1982), Hamburger Hill (1987),
Candyman (1992), The Truman Show (1998) to name a few. He received academy award
nominations for musical scores of Kundum in 1997, The Hours in 2002 and Notes on a
Sandal in 2006. Glass alternately lives in Scotia, Canada and New Yok, USA today.


- Chance Music or Aleatory is the 20th century music in which undetermined elements
are left to chance and/ or some elements of composed work’s realization are left to
the performers’ discretion. The composers use the element of chance as part of the
composition that produces sound. The performers are given the freedom to choose the
order or to arrange the structure of the piece. IN some of the musical score, the
performers are allowed to improvise. John Case is the pioneer of “Aleatoric Music.”
In his composition 4’33” (Four minutes
and Thirty – Three Seconds), the pianist kept silent for the whole duration of the
piece while the audience inside and outside the concert hall listened to different

( September 5, 1912 – August 12, 1992 )

- John Milton Cage Jr. was born on September 05, 1912 in Los Angeles
California and dies on august 12, 1992 in New York. He was an American avant –
garde composer whose inventive compositions and unconventional ideas greatly
influenced 20th century music.

- His early compositions were written in the twelve – tone method with
Schoenberg as his teacher. IN 1939, he experimented and worked on
“prepared piano” where he inserted objects such as screws, woo, and
paper between the piano strings to produce percussive and other worldly sound
effects. In 1942, Cage marked the first step as a leader of the American musical
avant – garde with his percussive ensemble concert at the Museum of Modern Art in
New York City.

Some of the best works are:

• 4’33’’ (Four Minutes and Thirty – three Seconds) 1952 – wherein the performers
remained silent onstage for the duration of the piece
• Imaginary Landscape No.4 1951 – a work for 12 randomly tuned radios, 24
performers, and a conductor
• Sonatas and Interludes 1946 – 1948 - for prepared piano
• Fontana Mix 1958 – a piece based on a series of programed transparent cards that
gave a graph for the random selection of electronic sound when overlapped
• Cheap Imitation 1969 – an impression of Erick Satie’s music
• Roaratorio 1979 – an electronic composition that utilized thousands of words in
Finnegans Wake (A novel by James Joyce)

- Electronic Music refers to the music produced by synthesizers and other

electronic instruments and devices. Composers of this genre used electronic
equipment to produce sounds of their desired loudness, softness, pitch, rhythm,
duration, and tone color. A type of electronic music is “Musique Concrete”, a major
creative movement of the Avant – garde music that uses a tape recorder. It uses
different sounds from the environment recorded on magnetic tapes and played through
amplifiers. The sounds are arranged in different ways by playing
the tape recorder in a fast or slow mode, forward or reverse. Some of the composers
of this style are Karlheinz Stockhausen, Edgard Varese, and Mario Davidovsky.

( Germany, August 22, 1928 – December 5, 2007 )

- Karlheinz Stockhausen was born in Modrath, Germany on August 22, 1928. He was one
of the leading composers of electronic and serial music who strongly influenced the
avant – garde composers from 1950 through 1980s.

- Stockhausen experimented with tape recorders and electronic instruments. Some of

his works are Song of the Youth in 1956 where he mixed electronic sounds from the
voice of a boy singing. Kontakte from 1958 – 1960, a work between electronic sounds
and instrumental music.

- Mikrophonie in 1964 where performers produced a massive sound on large gongs with
highly amplified microphones and electronic filters; Stimmung or Tuning in 1968
composed of six vocalist with microphones
and text consisting of names, words, days of the week in German and English; Hymnen
or Hymns in 1969 was written for electronic sounds and several national anthems
around the world. He also wrote Helikopter –
Streichquartett from 1992 – 1995 where four musicians performed in flying
helicopters with electronic video and sound inter – com technology. His largest
work consists of seven operas, 24 – hour for each day of the week entitled Licht
which took him 25 years to complete. He wrote more than 300 works in different
genres of operas, orchestral pieces, electronic and complex compositions using
performers, producers, helicopters, recording equipment, and audience as his

( December 22, 1883 – November 8, 1965 )

- Edgard Victor Achille Charles Varese was a French – born American

innovative composer of the 20th century, was born on December 22, 1883, in Paris,
France. His music was characterized as dissonant, non – thematic, and rhythmically
asymmetric which he conceived as bodies of sound in space.

- He founded the International Composers’ Guild in 1921 and the Pan –

American Association of Composers in 1962, which is responsible in
performances, premiers, and promotion of the works of Bartok, Berg,
Webern, and others.

- His works include Hyperprism for wind instruments and percussion in 1923;
Ionisation for percussion, piano, and two sirens in 1931; and Density 21.5 for
unaccompanied flute in 1936. He employed tape – recorded sound in his Deserts in
1952 and with his Poema Electronique wherein the sound was intended to be
distributed by 425 speakers which he wrote for Brussels World Fair in 1958. Edgard
Varese died in New York, USA on November 8, 1965.



- Thaddeus Cahill, an American lawyer, and inventor was the first who
tried to produce electrical sound through his invention – the “Telharmonium” in
1895 and introduced in 1906. Electronic Music involves electronically produced
artificial sounds or tape - recorded natural sounds from the environment. These
sounds are altered
using specified tempo, tone and other elements which are simultaneously and / or
successively arranged to create a complex and unique pattern. It is not a musical
style but a technique to produce varied sound


- any musical instrument that produces or modifies sounds by electric, and usually
electronic, means. The electronic element in such music is determined by the
composer, and the sounds themselves are made or changed electronically. Instruments
such as the electric guitar that generate sound by acoustic or mechanical means but
that amplify the sound electrically or electronically are also considered
electronic instruments. Their construction and resulting sound, however, are
usually relatively like those of their nonelectronic counterparts.


- is the earliest known recording device and was patented in 1857. It transcribed
sound waves and considered as the forerunner of


- is also called dynamo phone, the earliest musical instrument to generate sound
electrically. It is invented in 1897 and used rotating electromagnetic generators
to produce electric impulses that were converted into sound by telephone receivers.
This is the ancestor of
the Hammond organ and the – day electronic music synthesizer.


- is considered as the great ancestor of electronic music which started in 1918 by

Russian physicist Leon Theremin. It is the first electronic instrument with
virtuoso performers playing solo and concert repertoire written specifically for it
by major composers. The performer has no
physical contact with the instrument, he literary “plays the air” around the
instrument. Players fluttered their fingers and waved their hands near the antennae
to raise or lower the Theremin’s pitch and volume.


- is an electric organ first invented by Laurence Hammond in 1935. This became the
basis of later models. It generated sound by creating an electric current from
rotating a metal tone wheel near an electromagnetic pickup. It has a built – in
vibrato effect that provides a small variation in pitch while a note is being
played, and a chorus effect where a note’s sound is combined with another sound at
a slightly different and varying pitch.

- The first synthesizer was first introduced in 1964 by Moog. It is also

called “mixer”. It is a voltage – controlled machine that allowed
changes in pitch, timbre, attack, and decay of sound for the use of


PIERRE SCHAEFFER (French, 1910 – 1995)

- Schaeffer is the first composer to make music using magnetic tape. He is

significant figure in experimental, electro – acoustic, and subsequently electronic
music. He is the founder of “Concrete Music” , a form of electro – acoustic music
which features recorded sound of musical instruments, voice, and the natural
environment which are manipulated by changing the speed of the playback to alter
pitch, cutting the tape to control duration then later, through computer – based
digital processes.


- is a medium for magnetic recording, made of a thins, magnetized coating on a

long, narrow strip of plastic film. It was developed in Germany in 1928, based on
magnetic wire recording.


- an electronic musical instrument, typically operated by a keyboard, producing a

wide variety of sounds by generating and combining signals of different frequencies


Roots and Factors of Polynomials

What is a zero or root of a polynomial ?

- The zero or root of a polynomial function P( x ) is the value of the variable x

that makes the polynoial function equal to zero or P ( x ) = 0

The Rational Zero or Root Theorem

- The Rational Zero Theorem gives a list of possible rational zeros of a polynomial
function. Equivalently, the theorem gives all possible rational roots of a
polynomial equation. Not every number in the list will be a zero of the function,
but every rational zero of the polynomial function will appear somewhere in the

- If f ( x ) = an-1x^n-1 + ... + a1x + a0 has integer coefficients and p/q ( where

p/q is reduced ) is a rational zero, then p is a factor of the constant term a0 and
q is a factor of the leading coefficient an

1. Determine all factors of the constant term and all factors of the leading

2. Determine all possible values of p/q, where p is a factor of the constant term
and q is a factor of the leading coefficient. Be sure to include both positive and
negative candidates.

3. Determine which possible zeros are actual zeros by evaluating each case of f
( p/q )


- A polynomial of degree n in x is an algebraic expression consisting of terms with

non - negative powers of x. Its general form is 𝑎_𝑛 𝑥^𝑛+𝑎_(𝑛−1) 𝑥^(𝑛−1)+𝑎_(𝑛−2)
𝑥^(𝑛−2)+ …+𝑎_2 𝑥^2+𝑎_1 𝑥+𝑎_0
where n is a non - negative integer, the coefficients an, an - 1, an - 2, a2, a1,
a0 are constants and x is a variable

- An algebraic equation is a mathematical statement stating that two algebraic

expressions are equal.

- Therefore, we can define polynomial equation of degree n in x as a mathematical

statement consisting of terms and non - negative powers of x. Its general form is

𝒂_𝒏 𝒙^𝒏+𝒂_(𝒏−𝟏) 𝒙^(𝒏−𝟏)+𝒂_(𝒏−𝟐) 𝒙^(𝒏−𝟐)+ …+𝒂_𝟐 𝒙^𝟐+𝒂_𝟏 𝒙+𝒂_𝟎=𝟎

where n is a non - negative integer, the coefficients an, an - 1, an - 2, a2, a1,

a0 are real numbers and an not disible by 0 and x is a variable

Descartes' Rule of Sign

- The number of positive real zeroes in a polynomial function f(x) is the same or
less than by an even number as the number of changes in the sign of the

- The number of negative real zeroes of the f(x) is the same as the number of
changes in sign of the coefficients of the terms of f(-x) or less than this by an
even number.

Finding the Real Zeros of a Polynomial Equation

- Determine the maximum numbers of real zeros using the degree of the polynomials.

- Determine the possible number of positive zeros and negative zeros using
Descartes’s Rule of Signs.

- Determine the rational numbers that are possible zeros using Rational Zero

- Test each possible rational zero using the synthetic substitution. Each time a
zero is found, repeat step 2 and 3 on the depressed equation. If the last depressed
equation is quadratic, use any method (factoring, completing the square, or
quadratic formula) to solve for the zero.


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