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In recent years, many have had a growing interest in exploring the alternative sources of
protein to meet the nutritional and dietary needs of the growing population of the world while
taking in account its sustainability and environmental impact. One alternative that has
garnered quite the attention is mushrooms, which has viable reasons to how it can be a viable
substitute or alternative for meat products. We aim to prove why it can be a sustainable and
healthy alternative to meat products, evaluating its composition, culinary applications,
environmental impact and potential health benefits.

In our study, mushrooms can be a viable alternative for meat products due to how similar its
texture, taste and nutritional values are. It is packed with protein, vitamins and minerals that
make them a good alternative for vegans and people with a meat diet. To point out,
mushrooms enhance the flavor of dishes greatly, making them a versatile and compact
ingredient in plant-based cooking. Studies also suggest that mushrooms can actually reduce
the risk of cancer, promote lower cholesterol and control sodium intake.

All of the steps we will take now will contribute to our research to give light to the
underappreciated edible mushrooms and how it can replace meat products as an alternative or
substitute effectively.

So this research aims on evaluating the viability of mushrooms being an effective ingredient to
produce mushroom products, seeing to how it can potentially rival products like sausage,
burger patty and steak. We will start conducting our research on the start of April. We will be
focusing our study in Pili, Bicol as our respondents are also here.

The questions this research aims to be stated and explored in this research are:

1. How similar the texture and taste of mushroom-based products to meat-based products

● Depending on how they're prepared, mushrooms can visually resemble certain types of

meat, more specifically when cooked to a certain color and time can help.

● Now for the texture, mushrooms can feel like meat when prepared with a certain

technique like grinding it so it can resemble ground beef, or grilling a mushroom like
Portabello so it can be similar to steak.

● Mushrooms contain a natural compound like glutamate which makes it have that similar

umami flavor to meat.

2. What are the most effective and efficient culinary techniques will be used to produce
mushroom-based products like sausage, steak and burger patty?

● One technique is the Saute, saute the mushrooms in a hot pan with a small amount of oil

or butter can enhance their flavor and texture. This technique is commonly used to cook
mushrooms for dishes like pasta sauces, stir-fries, and risottos.

● Stuffing is a technique which involves the inserting of ingredients inside the mushroom,

this will resemble stuffed meats like beef rolls and meat patties. We will be exploring
more of this in this research.
3. What marketing techniques are best to sell mushroom-based products sell against their
meaty counterparts in the market?

● The highlighting of health benefits play a crucial role in this, showing how it is more

body-friendly compared to meat. Our research team must see to it to analyze more
about it.

● Social Media is a very good platform for this, as there is many diverse people with

unique preferences who might discover about the products.

Having this been stated, this research will give valuable insights to the stakeholders across the
food industry and contribute to the advancement of modern food systems preferably in Pili,

Through this research, we make the assumption that mushroom-based products we will produce
for this study might be able to gain the attention of vegetarians and become unique in the
market. However, mushrooms like portobello and white-oyster can be a bit troublesome to
grow due to needing the right humidity and temperature.

This research team predicts that mushroom products will be made as a great alternative to meat.
We also bank on the fact that mushrooms might possibly be a healthier and safer option than
meat, since diseases like salmonella, trichinosis and more from improper preparation of meat
can be deemed deadly for people.

Nutritional Value: Many mushrooms are rich in essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and
fiber, making them a valuable addition to a balanced diet.

Medicinal Properties: Certain mushrooms, such as portobello and white-oyster are discovered
and studied for their health benefits like boosting the human immune system, reducing
hypertension and supporting brain health.

Environmental Impact: In growing mushrooms, you can feed them decomposing bio-material
like vegetables, etc.

Cultural and Culinary Importance: Mushrooms are an important ingredient in many dishes
nowadays dining at home or outside. They also represent cultures which use mushrooms in
rituals or ceremonies.

Overall, mushrooms contribute to human health, environmental friendliness, and cultural

representation or practices in various ways.

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