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Hey Mariana,

I hope finds you well. I wanted to send an invitation to you for a personal
presentation and event I'm hosting next weekend. It's a small gathering with
close friends and family, and I'd love for you to be a part of it.
The event will start at 5 PM at my place, and we will have a barbecue
dinner prepared by my brother, who is a fantastic cheft. He'll be grilling up
some mouth-watering steaks and veggies, so I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
when night falls, we'll have some games and activities planned to keep
everyone entertained. It'll be a great opportunity for us to catch up and
spend some quality time together.
I understand if you have prior commitments, but I really hope you can
make it. Let me know if you're able to attend, and if there's anything
specific, you'd like me to prepare for you.
I hope you respond soon.
Best regards, Benji.

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