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MC: my guest tonight include Lord bullsby and miss my zettling but first one of

our rising stars of the theater a member of the royal Shakespeare company once

described as the sex queen of that company indeed the point about her is

that the critics spend as much time discussing her physical attributes as

assessing her acting ability one called her an Amorous Burr constrictor others

have called her sensual graceful and the final Accolade and I quote she's

especially telling in projecting sluttish eroticism she is miss Helen Mirren

Helen: sluggishly erotic for you

MC: that was that was nice what do you think when people say things like that about you

Helen: they are afraid of their own opinions of me

MC: does it bother you

Helen: no, i mean ah…

MC: does it flatter you

Helen: no

MC: does it annoy you


MC: just doesn't move you at all

Helen: not in the slightest in any direction whatsoever

MC: do you get fed up at being so branded in

that way in a sense though you know of

saying that she's a source

Helen: yeah I think

there must be some truth in it people

keep saying it
there's uh

MC: I think they're right

Helen: I hope they're not but you are what you

are and you are what other people think

you are and you can't avoid that

MC: do you

think I mean you are in quotes a serious



so you know it's a kind of cliche of

people have a serious actress as opposed

to non-serious actors

um but do you find in fact that this

what could be best described as your

equipment in fact hinders you perhaps in

that Pursuit

Helen:I'd like you to explain

what you mean by

MC: people watching (?)

well well your physical attributes

Helen: you mean my fingers??

MC: no I meant your… your figure

Helen: my figure uh sorry what was the

beginning of the question I forgotten

MC: the question was do you find that your

figure your physical attributes which

people always gone about

um Hindu in your pursuit of of the

ambition of being a successful actress

Helen: serious actress because serious

actresses can't have big boosom

MC: well I think that they might sort of

detract from a performance if you know

what I mean

Helen: oh I I can't think that can necessarily

be true I mean what a crummy performance

if people are obsessed with the size of

your bosom or anything else

I would hope that

the performance and the play and the

living relationship

between all the people on stage and all

the people in the audience overcome such

boring questions


MC: boring questions

Helen: pretty boring in

the end yeah

MC: what's that

Helen: that was going to be my headdress but I

had decided it looked

rather silly so I thought I'd carried

instead is also my nervous misgauge I


I don't if I dare hold it up and test it


MC: it's doing

Helen:not there not very good

you is it a

MC: tattoo Mark there

Helen: yes and

it's a tattoo I'll pick that up in the

merchant name

when I'm drunken night

MC: when you're a


Helen:yes that's right

MC: did you really

though I mean I mean how did you

Helen: did i really

um actually I got it on an Indian

Reservation it was done by an Indian

girl the Indians tattoo themselves very

casually it's no big deal with them

and I got sort of inspired with their

attitude to it

MC: Are you… (đoạn này kh nghe rõ 3:48)

Helen: not bottles glasses of Brandy and had it

done fainted on the spot and woke up

with my permanent mark on it on myself

yes I'm

very very pleased I did it it's because

MC: in fact you can't get them off can you

Helen: no I never would have it taken off yeah

MC: tell me Helen you've got as we've talked

a bit about uh when we'll leave off this

sort of um the sexy image thing that the

critics wrote about but in fact for

somebody who has achieved that you came

from uh uh remarkably sort of sober

background didn't you

Helen: no it's listening to hear you say

yeah my parents were pretty sober I


MC: 4:30 ông này lại nói gì í mấy c vào xem coii

Helen: um I hate calling people anything there

are my parents my beloved parents I hope

they're watching

MC: well I presume that

they have jobs people are different they

look different they talk different

Helen: yes


MC: they have different jobs I mean

I mean it's absurd to pretend that

they're not

Helen: yes but it's very dangerous

to stick labels I mean if I was to say

my parents were middle class everyone's

got a different idea of what middle

class means

MC: well were they middle class in your view

Helen: 4:56.. lại kh nghe rõ huhu

MC: as well didn't you

Helen:yeah I went to a

Convent grammar school

MC: you enjoy that

Helen: not very much I don't like schools I was

a teacher later on I didn't enjoy that

either I don't find the school system at

all uh conducive to education

MC: did you

find being at Convent in any sense


Helen: I find all schools repressive I don't

think the fact that it was confident

made it any more impressive there were a

few silly rules like not sitting down on

the grass on a hot sunny day when all he

wanted to do was sit down on the grass

and not undoing your top button here and

not rolling up your sleeves

and wearing long gray woolly socks but

those are unimportant things a much

greater question

of lack of Liberties what happens to

people's minds in schools

MC: what happened

to yours

Helen: um

I don't know I'm still finding out I

suppose I think you go on

living with what happened to you in your

early life for the rest of your life

MC: did you want to be an actress at that

point when you were at Convent

Helen: yes I did

oh very much so yes

it was uh

no I first discovered I want to be an

actress when I was at Primary School

actually I played the Virgin Mary

why do they laugh?

MC: i didn’t laugh, i keep straight face

Helen: and I was really rather good people said

I was good anyway and I got that

terrific feeling of

I don't know uh of being good at

something I suppose and other people

recognizing it I remember that very

clearly that feeling

MC: and you've never been sidetracked in

that ambition at all then since then

Helen: oh greatly sidetracked yes I've been

wanted to be practically everything I

can think of and I admire the people who

are more than one thing enormously I

admire your guest who's coming on soon


MC: my exactly

Helen: that reason she's achieved

many different things in her life and


I would like to be that I don't find

acting would be all an end-all of

existence at all

MC: so how else then do you

think you might in future perhaps

fulfill yourself would it be in

directing writing like nizetting or what

Helen: i’m not plasn (?) i don’t like plans so I believe in a true following of

instinct and that's

a difficult thing to describe because

it's not just doing what you want

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