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Exercise 1. In her e-mail Eleanor Hutchinson is reporting about a recent workshop on

workplace violence she attended. However, Eleanor presents the information in a rather
haphazard fashion.
Analyze the e-mail. List its weaknesses and then outline an appropriate writing plan. Can
you think of a way to improve readability? If your instructor directs, revise it.

To: Mitchell Moraga <>

From: Eleanor Hutchinson <>
Subject: My Report Cc:
This is in response to your request that I attend the Workplace Issues and tell you about it. As
you know, I attended the Workplace Issues conference on November 3, as you suggested. The
topic was how to prevent workplace violence, and I found it very fascinating. Although we have
been fortunate to avoid serious incidents at our company, it's better to be safe than sorry.
Because I was the representative from our company and you asked for a report, here it is. Kit
Adkins was the presenter, and she made suggestions in three categories, which I will
summarize here.
Ms. Atkins cautioned organizations to prescreen job applicants. As a matter of fact, wise
companies do not offer employment until after a candidate's background has been checked.
Just the mention of a background check is enough to make some candidates withdraw. These
candidates, of course, are the ones with something to hide.
A second suggestion was that companies should prepare a good employee handbook that
outlines what employees should do when they suspect potential workplace violence. This
handbook should include a way for informers to be anonymous.
A third recommendation had to do with recognizing red-flag behavior. This involves having
companies train managers to recognize signs of potential workplace violence. What are some
of the red flags? One sign is an increasing number of arguments (most of them petty) with
coworkers. Another sign is extreme changes in behavior or statements indicating depression
over family or financial problems. Another sign is bullying or harassing behavior. Bringing a
firearm to work or displaying an extreme fascination with firearms is another sign.
I think that the best recommendation is prescreening job candidates. This is because it is most
feasible. If you want me to do more research on prescreening techniques, do not hesitate to let
me know. Let me know by November 18 if you want me to make a report at our management
meeting, which is scheduled for December 3.

Exercise 2. Jim Morales’ e-mail request is confusing to say the least. It would benefit
from a better organization and visual presentation. Your task. Analyze the e-mail
message. List its weaknesses. If your instructor directs, revise it.
To: Greta Targa <>
From: Jim Morales <>
Subject: HELP!
As you already know, we have been working hard to plan the Gamma Fall Training Conference.
It will be held in Miami. Here are the speakers I have lined up for training sessions. I’m thinking
that on Tuesday, November 12, we will have Nicole Gold. Her scheduled topic is “Using E-Mail
and IM Effectively.” Anthony Mills said he could speak to our group on November 13
(Wednesday). “Leading Groups and Teams” is the topic for Mills. Here are their e-mail
addresses: and
You can help us make this one of the best training sessions ever. I need you to send each of
these people an e-mail and confirm the dates and topics. Due to the fact that we must print the
program soon (by September 1), I will need this done as soon as possible. Don’t hesitate to call
if you have any questions.
Exercise 4. The following memo reports information from a symposium, but it is poorly
written. Analyze the message. List its weaknesses and then outline a writing plan. If
your instructor directs, revise the message.
Date: March 4, 201x
To: Trevor Kurtz, CEO
from: Emily Lopez-Rush
Subject: Instant Messaging
Thanks for asking me to attend the Instant Messaging Symposium. It was sponsored by Pixel
Link and took place March 2. Do you think you will want me to expand on what I learned at the
next management council meeting? I believe that meeting is March 25.
Anyway, here's my report. Jason Howard, the symposium leader told us that over 80 million
workers are already using instant messaging and that it was definitely here to stay. But do the
risks outweigh the advantages? He talked about benefits, providers, costs involved, and risks.
The top advantages of IM are speed, documentation, and it saves costs. The major problems
are spam, security, control, and disruptive. He said that the principal IM providers for
consumers were Windows Live Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, and AOL Instant Messenger.
Misuse of IM can result in reductions in productivity. However, positive results can be achieved
with appropriate use. Although some employees are using consumer IM services, for maximum
security many organizations are investing in enterprise- level IM systems, and they are
adopting guidelines for employees. These enterprise-level IM systems range in cost from $30 to
$100 per user license. The cost depends on the amount of functionality.
This is just a summary of what I learned. If you want to hear more, please do not hesitate to

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