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Hong Kong Contemporary Issues: Hong Kong Protest 2019 through Realism:

National Interest through China’s Rising Hegemony and Its Impacts in Local
Hong Kong
Group 9:
Ayisha Imana Rahman 2501977992
Mutiara Putri Mantika 2502006404
Sarah Fadilah Wiyani 2502011303
Shamira Azalia Ramadhina 2502039503
Tiara Nair Nauli 2502137476

Contemporary Issues in East Asia – Final Exam

Hong Kong’s long history towards being a sovereign special city rooted from the
British colonies. After the handover of Hong Kong islands to the government of mainland
China, the two areas are under the “One Country, Two Systems” system. After decades of
Hong Kong living under a significantly different system than the mainland, recently the
government of China introduced the Extradition Bill that goes against the main principles of
One Country, Two Systems, which triggered a discomfort within Hong Kong civilians.
Within the Extradition Bill, it shows the government of China is allowed to intervene and
conduct a direct influence over Hong Kong’s local government (Yeung, 2019). Through the
Extradition Bills, it also shows mainland China’s interests in uniting Hong Kong with Beijing
(Yeung, 2019). Protesters started to roam the streets voicing their concerns on the special
region’s democracy, accountability, local police behaviors, economic inequality, and
mainland’s direct influence towards Hong Kong’s laws and they were met with violent
treatments from the police, few have also been arrested by the local authorities (Yeung,
The motion as to why Beijing would take an interest in uniting the special
administrative region with Beijing has been debated. Some studies expressed that it is due to
territorial as well as historical concerns (Yeung, 2019), while some others expressed that it
came from China’s engrossment in rising as a hegemonic power in the Asian region (Godwin,
n.d.). The question of Beijing’s motive behind introducing the bill could be viewed through
multiple perspectives.
Throughout this paper, Beijing’s actions will be viewed through realism, which
focuses mainly on the question of Beijing’s interests in becoming a hegemonic power in Asia.
Regardless of the interests, the actions taken by Beijing on Hong Kong have made several
impacts within Hong Kong local socio-political conditions, which will be reviewed in this
paper. This paper will focus on correlating Beijing’s interests to the impacts it created in
Hong Kong’s domestic situation. To display comprehensive and empirical understanding of
the topic chosen, the paper will be structured with the Introduction section to provide
descriptive background that includes several literature reviews. Followed by a theoretical
framework elaborating the theory chosen – realism – to provide an understanding of Beijing’s
actions as well as its direct influence towards Hong Kong and the region. Entering the core of
this paper will be the discussion, which will be split into two subsections in the following: (1)
Political Impact of Hong Kong Protest and (2) Societal Impact of Hong Kong Protest; while
using the understanding of realism.

Realism is a theory that can explain the reality of international politics, including
competition in a country's political world (Antunes & Camisão, 2018). In the case of the
Hong Kong protests in 2019, realism theory provides a relevant reasoning. The theory of
realism is an approach in international relations that examines the importance of the strength
and national interests of a country (Lomia, 2020). Competition between countries is a very
important factor in determining policies or steps to be taken. In the view of realism, the state
as an actor that plays an important role in policy making tends to maintain its interests and
power. The state will view the internal policies of other countries as sovereign territory that
does not need to be interfered with, and will avoid intervening in the internal affairs of other
countries. In the case of the 2019 Hong Kong protests, China sought to adopt an approach
based on sovereignty (Purbrick, 2019). China seeks to strengthen its control over Hong Kong
by responding decisively to the protests. Rather than considering Hong Kong's demands for
democracy or political freedom, China is protecting its national interests.
The realism approach emphasizes that the protests carried out by Hong Kong are felt
to be a threat to China's political stability. China's response to this has the clear aim of
maintaining its power. Hong Kong's critical action is the practice of struggling to restore
national identity without Chinese interference (Chan, 2020). The Hong Kong protests are a
form of democratic demands to fulfill political freedoms in Hong Kong. The protesters took
action because they thought there was a reduction in Hong Kong's autonomy. Several western
countries have criticized China's actions in the Hong Kong case, but not many have provided
input because it would be seen as interfering and would have an impact on the cooperation
that had been carried out. The realism perspective also highlights competition and conflict as
inherent aspects of international relations. The Hong Kong protests can be seen as a conflict
between the Chinese government and groups pressing for greater democracy and autonomy.
The Chinese government affirms the principle of non-interference in responding to
the Hong Kong protests, insisting that the protests are China's internal affairs and must not be
intervened by outsiders. Therefore, many countries are reluctant to simply criticize for fear of
disturbing China's sovereignty. The realism approach also considers the actions and interests
of other countries in the context of the Hong Kong protests. Many democratic countries
criticize China's actions, however they consider several important factors such as regional
stability and geopolitical interests with both China and Hong Kong. Realism provides the
right view to understand the dynamics of the Hong Kong protests, competition for power and
interests are factors that cannot be separated from a super power country. However, on the
other hand the people of Hong Kong cannot allow their homeland to be destroyed due to the
reduction of the autonomy that has been agreed before. The realist approach also highlights
realpolitik, a tendency for states to act on the basis of national interests and power rather than
values or moral principles.

a. Political Impact of the Protest

Hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong residents who committed various forms of

violence when demonstrating against the Extradition Bill, inevitably caused various negative
impacts from various sectors, one of which was political impact. The Hong Kong government
decided to enact the Hong Kong National Security Act in 2020. Broadly speaking, the
purpose of enacting the Security Act is as an effort to end protests over the extradition bill
that have been going on for almost a year. The policies in the Law on National Security are
expected to be able to provide security stability after the anarchic actions of the protesters. In
this law, in short, people can express and exercise their rights and civil liberties without
discriminatory actions. The decision of this Law is effective since the National Security Law
was promulgated (BBC News, 2022).
In addition to the enactment of the national security law in 2020, in the following year
2021 the Hong Kong government carried out major changes in Hong Kong's electoral system.
The goal of changing the electoral system is so that the Hong Kong government can strive for
a more democratic electoral system, but still based on the law of one country, two systems
and the election committee is responsible for the qualification of candidates for election in a
transparent manner. Changes to the general election system took effect since this decision
was made official (VOA Indonesia, 2021).
Although various efforts have been made to resolve the violent conflict over the Hong
Kong Bill protests, it is undeniable that public relations and trust in the Hong Kong
government have declined drastically. This is closely related to the crisis of people's
democracy with the Hong Kong government in the protest action. More specifically, the
pro-democracy community asked Chief Executive Lim to step down from his position as he
was deemed incapable of carrying out the mandate of his government and unable to find an
effective resolution to the protests (VOA Indonesia, 2014).
In addition to the overall political impact, the accountability and image of the police
in the eyes of the Hong Kong public has drastically changed. as the public's trust in the Hong
Kong Government is decreasing as well as that of the country's security officials, the Police
(BBC News Indonesia, 2019). More specifically, this includes how the police, who were
expected to be able to protect and help defuse violent protests and demonstrations, turned out
to be the opposite, there are many cases of violence, this is also the independence of the Hong
Kong police's performance. all briefly motivated by the democratic crisis between the people
and the government in the protests over the past year.

b. Societal Impact of the Protest

In 2020, it was difficult for the entire planet, and many people blamed the COVID-19
pandemic for it. But prior to COVID-19, Hong Kong experienced a terrible period as a result
of escalating demonstrations that continued for over a year, starting in June 2019 (Ismangil &
Lee, 2021). The Hong Kong population has experienced tremendous trauma and loss as a
consequence of the demonstrations' regular brutality and repression. A lot of protesters
believed their concerns had not been sufficiently solved, and there was an increasing sense
that the administration did not care about the requirements and ambitions of the populace. As
a result, many Hong Kong citizens lost faith in and authority of the administration (Ismangil
& Lee, 2021).

The widespread demonstrations had a negative impact on Hong Kong's economy,

social life, and psychological wellness. First of all, the economic harm brought on by the
current turmoil in society is unparalleled. Main transportation systems and government assets
have been damaged, government ownership financial institutions and enterprises that support
China have been set on fire, and numerous local firms have been forced to close.
Lai-LaGrotteria (2023) mentioned that she did an interview with one of Hong Kong’s
residents named Carlos, who works in the finance sector in Hong Kong. He stated that since
many businesses are experiencing losses and the efficiency of the Hong Kong market as a
whole is decreasing, a few workers may be let go. Numerous Hong Kong residents actually
lost employment throughout the mass protests because the demonstrations were already going
on continuously over nine months at that point, although it wasn't their involvement or lack
of engagement in the demonstrations that caused the restructuring of numerous firms.

Second, their social relationship may have impacted their daily lives. Many people
could not live safely & happily. Undoubtedly, large-scale protests have made their daily lives
much more difficult. The public transportation system will be in utter disarray when people
strike and take over the main thoroughfares. Police personnel are patrolling all around,
stopping and searching minors in particular. Protesters harmed the infrastructure.
Furthermore, for student’s school life, exams were even delayed. All classrooms, college
activities, and events were canceled. Societies have become incredibly divisive, with
opposing viewpoints constantly berating one another. It's a significant factor in Hong Kong's
ineffective pandemic response as well (Lai-LaGrotteria, 2023).

Last but not least, the protracted period of upheaval and the stress that went along
with it affected people's mental health in Hong Kong. Lai-LaGrotteria (2023) also mentioned
that many locals suffered psychological impacts as a consequence of being exposed to the
stress, anxiety, and dread that accompanied the protests. The fact that many people reported
having trouble sleeping and that some remembered being agitated when debating with
relatives and close friends who had opposing viewpoints confirms why the demonstrations
have fractured and politicized the Hong Kong population. Or Hong Kong may forfeit
competitiveness if youngsters ultimately choose to move out of the area, the Hong Kong
government must quickly come up with strategies to support Hong Kong residents with their
psychological health and offer motivation for young workers to continue living in the

The protests that took place in Hong Kong in 2019 are an important phenomenon in
the political and social dynamics of the Hong Kong region. The demonstrators, most of
whom were Hong Kong residents, voiced their concerns and demands regarding the
autonomy and civil rights that had been written down in the "One Country, Two Systems"
agreement. Through a realism approach, national interests and dominance between China,
which is increasingly powerful, and Hong Kong, which continues to try to maintain its
autonomy. China's intervention had a significant impact on Hong Kong. Basically, the people
and local government in Hong Kong feel that they have not fully obtained their right to
autonomy due to threats from China. Various domestic affairs, political and economic
freedoms are restricted by China so that they feel that China is taking their full rights. The
processes carried out by China have created tension and conflict among Hong Kong people.
Opinions differ as to the direction and strategy to take in response to China's intervention.
The division that occurred in Hong Kong was inevitable.
The 2019 Hong Kong protests raised the political awareness and participation of the
Hong Kong people. The large crowd has shown the people's strong will to fight for Hong
Kong's right to autonomy. This protest seems to be an arena for Hong Kong people to fight
for political change. This paper examines the political and social impact on Hong Kong
society after the protests, but there is one large-scale impact, namely the impact on the
economy. There was a decrease in the number of tourists and this affected Hong Kong's
economic growth after the protests. China's increasing hegemony has an impact on local
dynamics in Hong Kong, so it plays an important role to explore contemporary issues in
Hong Kong. In conclusion, the Hong Kong protests increased a sense of solidarity and built
awareness of the existence of collective interests which in these protests shaped different
responses regarding Hong Kong identity. Aspirations for freedom and the right to autonomy
have become stronger after the protests.
Godwin, P. (n.d.). CHINA AS REGIONAL HEGEMON? Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies,


Yeung, J. (2019). From an extradition bill to a political crisis: A guide to the Hong Kong protests.

CNN. Retrieved July 1, 2023, from

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