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The term history entered the English language in 1390

 "relation of incidents/story" via the Old French historie, from Latin historia, or "narrative/account."
 Ancient Greek ἱστορία meaning "a learning or knowing by inquiry, history, record, narrative”
 from the verb ἱστορεῖν, historeîn, which means "to inquire".
 German equivalent ‘geschichle’ means “intelligible and significant narration of the past events.
 In Tagalog, Filipino historian Ambeth Ocampo translates history as “kasaysayan” which means,
“salaysay” na may “saysay” (“story with meaning”).

History defined

 Both facts and interpretation

 Refers to the historian’s reconstruction of the past
 Is about our knowledge of past events and is based on:
-Written records
-Oral traditions
-Artifacts/Physical evidences


Herodotus ‘Father of History’ wrote about the Graeco-Persian wars which contains a mine of information
including those relating to the ancient Egyptians and Persians.
Thucydides ‘Author of the History’ He wrote the “Pelopenesian Wars’ on the basis of evidence and showed
the relation between causes and effects or results.


Edward Hallett Carr: "History is an unending dialogue between the present and the past and the chief function
of historian is to master and understand the past as a key to the understanding of present.”
A.L. Rowse: “History is essentially the record of the life of men in societies in their geographical and their
physical environments. Their social and cultural environments arise from the interaction of the one with the
other, the society and its geographical condition.”
John Jacob Anderson: "History is a narration of the events which have happened among mankind, including
an account of the rise and fall of nations, as well as of other great changes which have affected the political
and social condition of the human race."
Carl G. Gustavson: “History is a mountain top of human knowledge from whence the doings of our own
generation may be scanned and fitted into proper dimensions. History enables a person to see himself as part
of that living process of human growth which has emerged out
of the past and will inexorably project itself out beyond our own life time. We are the product of the past but not
the complete product.”
Arnold J. Toynbee: "History not used is nothing, for all intellectual life is action, like practical life, and if you
don't use the stuff well, it might as well be dead."
Numa Denis Fustel de Coulanges: "History is and should be a science ... History is not the accumulation of
events of every kind which happened in the past. It is the science of human societies."
Teodoro Agoncillo: a. “History deals with the past, not with the future. We use history to avoid the mistakes of
the past, not to recreate the very same events. You cannot.”; b. “History is written by every generation. Every
generation writes its own history using the same sources. The interpretations vary according to time.”


History and Political Science
Development of political institutions, rules, regulations, right and duties, law and mode of justice, executive,
legislative and administrative functions, economic and financial implications, nature of bureaucracy,
fundamental principles of state policy are all defined under the constitution history.

History and economics

-There has been a new orientation in our historical outlook from the days of the materialistic interpretation of
history by Marx and such class struggle, man’s skill in earning, arts and crafts, trade, business and commerce,
land revenue, taxes and a host of all other economic activities of the past figure very prominently in history.
-At present, history is so closely interlinked with the study of economic problems that it would not be possible to
reconstruct history without knowledge of the relevant economic problems.

History and sociology

Sociology is helping history to study ‘social dynamics’ which is a study not of society at rest but constantly in
social change and development social processes and social causation are giving a new perspective to history.

History and ethics

We must know about the ethical principle of the time which influenced the conduct of the people in the past.
Probably in the past, there was not reliable ethical science and much of followed were merely a reflection of
the bigotry, partial and complexes of the different writers.
History and psychology
-A historian must have to show some psychological insights while making an analysis of the motive and actions
of men and societies.
-An understanding of the group psychology can enable a historian to determine the role of masses in the
various revolutions such as Jingoistic patriotism has been described as the cause of certain wars but historian
can discuss this cause with the help of the social psychology.

History and geography

Geography also plays an important role in the national character formation and influence the human behaviour.
As we know that climate of a country greatly affected the civilization of a country. Hence the knowledge of
geographical is very essential for historians. It would be wise to accept the limited interpretation of
geographical influence on man’s conduct or on his history.

Political History- It deals with the analysis, development and evolution of political leaders, ideas, events,
movements, activities and so on, along with the making of government policies (constitutions etc).
-This branch of history focuses on the study of normative beliefs as it is believed to be the reason behind the
historical changes.

Social History- Social history primarily devotes to the social life of the people ‘viz’ religion, national economy,
morals, manners, foods, dress, art, culture etc.
-It deals with the general patterns of social development.
-The history which focuses on the study of various societal norms like ways of living, standard, customs,
disciplines, status and so on of the people, alongside the demography. Simply, it is a branch of history which
looks at the lived experience of the past. Today, social history is otherwise called the New Social History.

Economic History- The study of the pattern of the production, consumption alongside industry, market and so
on concerning the past, economic history aims to understand the historical events of the economical

Legal History- The study of legal development and tried to show how the law adjust itself according to the
changing social conditions.
-The other contributions in the field of legal history are the works, like the codification of the Laws of Manu, the
codes of Hammurabi, Napoleonic codes etc.

Diplomatic History- Diplomatic history is the branch of history that focuses on the study of international
relations between nations (between states). This history tends to be more concerned with the history of
diplomacy and the ideas of diplomacy and much more.

Intellectual History- Aims to understand the ideas (ideology and philosophy) by understanding the political,
cultural, intellectual, and social context of the past. Intellectual history is about the human (historians) actions
and how they developed history.

Religious History- It deals with the study and investigation of ecclesiastical structures, the link between
denominations and social change, the history of doctrines, study of formal beliefs, and how did these originate
and evolved overtime across cultures and generations
-Muslims pray at the Grand Mosque in Senegal. Religion is thriving in the global south, particularly in countries
in sub-Saharan Africa, which is projected to be home to a growing share of the world’s Muslims.



Theories constructed by historians in investigating history

FACTUAL HISTORY- backed up by videos and proofs (verified through evidence)
SPECULATIVE HISTORY- mainly involved with guesses about what would have happened

HISTORIOGRAPHY- practice of historical writing

- traditional method in doing historical research


 PRIMARY SOURCES- diaries and journals, autobiographies, sound recordings and interviews, artifacts
 SECONDARY SOURCES- articles, magazines, books


 Narrative or Literary
 Diplomatic or Juridical- legal documents that are usually sealed or authenticated (notarized)
 Social documents- info. pertaining to economic, social, political or judicial significance. Records kept by

HISTORICAL CRITICISM- source to be used as evidence in history

 External criticism- problem of authenticity
 Internal criticism- problem of credibility

Repositories of primary sources, and different kinds of primary sources

 National Archives of the Philippines
 National Library of the Philippines
 National Historical Commission of the Philippines
 National Museum of the Philippines


Content Analysis- identification of the historical importance of the text
Contextual Analysis- examination of author’s main argument or point of view

LIMASAWA- first site of mass in the Philippines

FIRST VOYAGE AROUND THE WORLD (Primer Viaje en Torno del Globo)
March 31, 1521- first mass in the Philippines happened in Mazaua
April 14, 1521- second mass

FERDINAND MAGELLAN- explorer who brought Christianity to the Philippines and held the first mass
RAJAH KULAMBU- native leader converted to Christianity during the first mass in the Philippines
FATHER PEDRO DE VALDERAMA- the priest who conducted the 1st mass in the Philippines
FRANCISCO ALBO- captain of the ship who cleared the other writings of Pigafetta about the first mass in the
ANTONIO PIGAFETTA- According to him, Butuan is the location of the first mass held on April 8, 1521.
EASTERN SUNDAY- The event celebrated by the Spanish in conducting the first mass in the Philippines

3 barko
Victoria- leader, tanging barko na nakabalik sa espanya

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