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Physical Education and Health 4

Quarter 3 – Module 3
Mountaineering as a Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity
This module will help us engage in MVPA’s most days of the week. Here, the focus will be on mountaineering
activities namely; hiking and trekking, camping, and orienteering.

From the article in redbuzz, “mountaineering can be best described as the
accent of any hill or mountain where the gradient and severity of the
terrain require some form of climbing and the sustained use of technical
equipment”. Technically, anyone can climb and walk a mountain but this
does not mean they are mountaineers.

Unlike other countries in the world, mountaineering is also known in the

Philippines. Since there are only two seasons in the Philippines, it is most
likely that they prefer to do mountaineering during dry season. It is an
ideal season for the mountaineers to reach their objective which is the
summit. For summer or dry season, mountaineers must have the following
equipment: George Leigh Mallory, a famous
 Helmet British mountaineer, once famously
 Rope responded to the question of why he
would want to climb Mt. Everest with
 Harness
the answer, “Because it’s there.”
 Karabiner
 Protective climbing equipment

Health Benefits of Mountaineering

Nowadays, many are already health-conscious. They are afraid of getting illnesses. Without knowing,
mountaineering can help you to improve yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually.

In an article cited from (, n.d), there are many benefits to mountaineering. It helps
to boost greatly your confidence and team working skills. Aside from it, the obvious benefits are improving
both our physical fitness and cardiovascular fitness.

In addition, according to Lasclo (2016), “hiking is not just walking: it activates other muscle groups, too, not
just the lower limbs: the upper and lower back carries your pack; the shoulders assist in balance and helps lift
you when the trail becomes steeper. Some studies have demonstrated that hiking helps in the prevention of
osteoporosis by strengthening the bones in your back”.

Moreover, it is also great for our spiritual health because it molds not just our bodies, but also our character.
Perseverance, patience, confidence, and camaraderie, and courage, faith: these are courses you take at the
University of the Mountains. Presence of mind, too: and this is a valuable asset in an increasingly uncertain
world. When storms and floods come, a hiker is always prepared. Finally, when we dream of high mountains
but realize that we have to start with the low ones first, we appreciate the value of discipline and humility, and
we allow ourselves to learn from others ahead of us.

Mountaineering Activities

A. Hiking And Trekking

Hiking involves a long energetic walk in a natural environment on

hiking trails or footpaths for a day or overnight.

Trekking involves a long vigorous hike in the wild natural environment

for multiple days. It can be done off hiking trails.
Difference between Hiking and Trekking

Ziaeku (2020), introduces these differences between hiking and trekking:

Done for fun or pleasure, to reconnect with nature Also done for pleasure and fun, but with a particular
and calm the mind. destination. Pilgrimages often include a search for
spiritual or moral significance.
Establishes hiking trails and footprints. Cross-country hiking trails, or areas without any
roads in complete wilderness.
Anything that can be done overnight. Form 2.5 mi (4 Trekking lasts multiple days and can be anywhere
km) to 30 mi (50 km) from 30 mi (50km) to 15,000 mi (24,000 km) and up.
It can be a short day hike or an overnight hiking Usually more than two days. As long as it takes to get
experience. to the destination.
For day hikes, usually a light day pack with a bottle For solo treks, a 50-60 L backpack is necessary. You
of water, lunch, and spare socks will suffice. For an will have to pack a tent, sleeping bag, food cookware,
overnight hike, you might need to bring a change of clothes, medication, compass, etc. to last you for at
clothes, more food, a tent, and a sleeping bag, least a week or as long as it takes to reach a supply
depending on the accommodation. Hiking shoes or station. Sturdy hiking boots with ankle support are
boots. essential.
You should be able to walk for at least 5 hours. Trekking can be mentally and physically challenging.
You have to be in a pretty good physical condition
and able to hike for about 7 hours a day, for a few
days in a row.

Health Benefits of Hiking and Trekking

As well as fun and riveting, hiking and trekking can improve your mental and physical health. Here are just a
few benefits of hiking and trekking:

 It lowers the risk of heart disease and improves your blood pressure.
 Better overall fitness.
 Improves your mental health.
 It burns calories.
 It makes you creative.

B. Camping
Most people go on camping trips because they're tired of the city or
ready for an adventure. Whether you enjoy biking, hunting, or any other
outdoor activity, camping offers you a way to focus completely on a
hobby for a few days without external distractions.

Camping defines as a recreational activity in which participants take up

temporary residence in the outdoors, usually using tents or specially
designed or adapted vehicles for shelter. Camping was at one time only
a rough, back-to-nature pastime for hardy open-air lovers, but it later
became the standard holiday for vast numbers of ordinary families.

Health Benefits of Camping

Most people go on camping trips because they’re tired of the city or ready for an adventure. One might
realize is that camping can help you live longer and a healthier life.
These are the benefits that we can get from camping:

The fresh air Socialization

Improved moods less stress
Exercise Sunshine
A good night’s sleep Good food
New challenges Meditation
C. Orienteering
An outdoor competitive sport that is similar to cross-country
running but with an emphasis on map-reading and direction-
finding skills. Through woods and over hills or rough plains,
contestants plot courses between isolated control points that
must usually be visited in sequence.

From an article in ( n.d.),

orienteering can gradually build your map-reading skills from exploring a local city park full of obvious
structures to navigating remote terrain with few, if any, man-made features.

Furthermore, on orienteering maps, a course consists of a triangle, circles, a double circle and
sometimes connecting lines all in purple. The triangle is the start. The double circle is the finish. All the
circles in between are checkpoints. Numbered orange and white flags are placed in the terrain to show
you that you have reached the correct location. At each checkpoint, you will punch registering that you
found the correct location. You may use any route you want between checkpoints.

Health Benefits of Orienteering

From the website of Health Fitness Revolution (2015), orienteering offers many benefits, but its
biggest attraction is fun. It is a joy to walk and run through forests and fields armed with a compass
and a map.

The following are the benefits of orienteering:

 Creates a balance between mind and body.

 Teaches self-reliance.
 Sharpens decision-making skills.
 Teaches how to think and act under pressure.
 Increase fitness levels.
 Increase cardiovascular capacity.
 Enjoying time with nature.
 Increases self-esteem.
 Can be very useful and even lifesaving.
 Become part of a community.
 Can be done anywhere globally.
DIRECTIONS: All activities below should be written in a yellow pad paper and each activity should be labeled
properly. (Example: Module3-Activity1, Module3-Activity2, Module3- PerformanceTask1, etc.) Once you’re
done answering all activities in this module compile all your papers and stable it/ bind it.


NAME: ____________________________________________________________ GRADE AND SECTION: ______________________________

DIRECTION: I. Multiple Choice. Read and understand the statement carefully. Select and write only the letter of
the correct answer in your yellow pad paper.

1. A group of sports that require navigational skills using a map and compass.

A. Hiking B. Mountaineering C. Orienteering D. Running

2. An outdoor activity involving overnight stays away from home.

A. Camping B. Hiking C. Orienteering D. Running

3. Orienteering offers many benefits, but its biggest attraction is _________.

A. Bike B. Fun C. Run D. Sleep

4. Which of the following is a physical activity where participants try to reach the summit of a mountain?

A. Hiking B. Mountaineering C. Orienteering D. Running

5. What is this activity that involves a long vigorous hike in the wild natural environment for multiple days?

A. Camping B. Hiking C. Orienteering D. Trekking

II. YES or NO. Write YES if you believe that the statement is true and correct; write NO if it is not.

_______1. There are no health benefits in mountaineering activities.

_______2. Mountaineering activities cannot be done anywhere globally.

_______3. Trekking and hiking are just the same mountaineering activities.

_______4. In mountaineering one of the health benefits is it lowers the risk of several diseases and various
health problems.

_______5. Orienteering is one of the mountaineering activities that cannot increase self esteem

COLLAGE MAKING: “Mountaineering Collage”
Instructions: Use a long bond paper in accomplishing the performance task.
1. Your task is to use your creative imagination in making a mountaineering collage.
2. Find and cut pictures of the different mountaineering activities.
3. Paste it in a long bond paper.
4. Make your work neat, clean, and
5. be sure to write your complete name at
the back part of your bond paper.
6. Your work will be graded according to
the criteria below:

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