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Certainly, here's the answer key for the quiz:

**Quiz: British Empire and Colonial Rule**

**Section 3.12: Parnell and Home Rule**

1. Who was the leader of the Home Rule Party in Ireland during the 1880s?
**Answer: a) Charles Stewart Parnell**

2. What did Parnell support as a means of achieving Home Rule for Ireland?
**Answer: a) Peaceful negotiations**

3. What event took place one week after the signing of the Home Rule treaty in
**Answer: a) The Easter Rising**

4. Why did many Members of Parliament (MPs) oppose Home Rule for Ireland? (Choose
two reasons)
**Answer: a) Fear of increased violence and b) Concerns about economic

5. What led to the split in Parnell's party, ultimately causing his decline and
death in 1891?
**Answer: a) A scandal involving an affair**

**Section 3.13: The Easter Rising**

6. What two groups attempted to seize control of Dublin in the Easter Rising of
**Answer: c) The Irish Volunteers and the Irish Citizen Army**

7. What concept involved creating martyrs to inspire support for the Irish
independence struggle?
**Answer: a) Blood Sacrifice**

8. How did the British government respond to the Easter Rising in Dublin in 1916?
**Answer: b) They used artillery and attacked the rebels.**

**Section 3.14: The Division of Ireland, 1920-1922**

9. What did the British government do in 1922 that resulted in the partition of
**Answer: b) They established the Irish Free State.**

10. What was the consequence of the Anglo-Irish Treaty in 1922?

**Answer: a) The Irish Free State was created.**

**Section 4.1: The Britain and the World, 1700-1918**

11. Who introduced smallpox inoculation in Britain in 1717?

**Answer: c) Lady Mary Wortley**

12. What important naval victory occurred in 1805, preventing Napoleon from
invading Britain?
**Answer: a) The Battle of Trafalgar**

13. Who conducted the first controlled, sustained, and powered flight in 1903?
**Answer: c) Wilbur and Orville Wright**
14. In which year did the British government abolish the slave trade?
**Answer: c) 1807**

15. What term describes the system of buying and selling slaves between Africa, the
Americas, and Europe in the 18th century?
**Answer: c) The triangular trade**

**Section 4.4: British Colonial Rule in the West Indies**

16. What event marked the beginning of British control in the West Indies?
**Answer: a) The American Declaration of Independence**

17. What were Maroons in the context of the West Indies?

**Answer: a) Escaped slaves who established their own communities**

18. In what year was slavery abolished within the British Empire?
**Answer: d) 1833**

**Section 4.5: Clarkson and the Abolition of the Slave Trade**

19. Who is known for producing diagrams and collecting items to reveal the horrors
of slavery?
**Answer: a) Thomas Clarkson**

20. Which organization did Thomas Buxton believe should be abolished to end all
forms of slavery?
**Answer: d) The Society for the Abolition of the Slave Trade**

21. What was the significant piece of legislation that led to the abolition of the
slave trade in Britain?
**Answer: a) The Slave Trade Act of 1807**

**Section 4.6: Wilberforce and the Abolition of Slavery in 1833**

22. What did William Wilberforce campaign against in the late 18th century and
early 19th century?
**Answer: b) The slave trade**

23. In which year did the British government pass the Slavery Abolition Act,
granting freedom to all slaves in the British Empire?
**Answer: c) 1833**

24. What two consequences resulted from the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833?
**Answer: a) Slave owners gained compensation, and all slaves were immediately

25. What did many plantation owners do after the abolition of slavery in 1833?
**Answer: b) They hired workers from Asia and Europe.**

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