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Chapter 4 Study Guide Name:___________

1) Samuel Adams called April 19, 1775, “a glorious day for America” because
2) Which treaty ended the French and Indian War?
3) Which event confirmed American independence and set the boundaries of the new nation?
4) Which of the following men helped to found the Sons of Liberty?
5) How did the colonists react to the Intolerable Acts?
6) Whose concepts did Jefferson draw upon as he drafted the Declaration of Independence?
7) The formation of the Sons of Liberty was a response to
8) What halved the taxes on molasses and strengthened the enforcement of the law?
9) Who helped found a secret resistance group called the Sons of Liberty?
10) Why did Samuel Adams call April 19, 1775, “a glorious day for America”
11) What Virginia lawyer protested stating only a state’s representatives should be able to tax?
12) The ________ _____ were passed by King George in response to the colonists dumping tea into the
Boston harbor
13) Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?
14) ________ was the name given to those who supported independence.
15) During which event did the first fighting between redcoats and minutemen occur?
16) Who wrote a pamphlet called Common Sense, arguing that the time had come for American
17) Which European country supported the American colonies during the Revolutionary War?
18) What was a direct result of the Intolerable Acts was
19) Duties on materials imported from Britain such as glass, lead, paint, and paper went into effect after
Parliament passed the
20) The low point of the Revolutionary War for the Continental Army was
Fill In The Blank:
21-23) What were the three terms of Treaty of Paris 1783
24) What battle convinced the French to form an alliance with the colonists?
25) What battle did the colonists and French force the British to surrender ending the war?
26) The _______ ____ ______ involved colonists dumping tea into the Boston harbor in response to tax
on tea
27) __________ was the name given to those who opposed independence and supported the British

ID’s: Choose 5 IDS to write on

1) Boston Massacre 2) Battle of Bunker Hill 3) Olive Branch Petition 4) Common Sense
5) Declaration of Independence 6) Battle of Saratoga 7) Battle of Yorktown

Short Answer:

Name two advantages the British had in the war and two that the Continental Army had. In your
opinion, why were the Americans able to win the war? Think About:
• the location of the war • financial support
• training of the soldiers • allies

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