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Critical Reviews in Toxicology

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The oral health impact of electronic cigarette use:

a systematic review

Irene Yang, Shelly Sandeep & Jeannie Rodriguez

To cite this article: Irene Yang, Shelly Sandeep & Jeannie Rodriguez (2020) The oral health
impact of electronic cigarette use: a systematic review, Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 50:2,
97-127, DOI: 10.1080/10408444.2020.1713726

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2020, VOL. 50, NO. 2, 97–127


The oral health impact of electronic cigarette use: a systematic review

Irene Yanga , Shelly Sandeepb and Jeannie Rodrigueza
Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing, Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA; bEmory University Midtown Hospital, Emory University,
Atlanta, GA, USA


Introduction: Electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) use is becoming more prevalent and is particularly Received 2 November 2019
popular among adolescents and conventional smokers. While the oral health sequelae of conventional Revised 6 January 2020
smoking are well-established, the impact of e-cigarettes on oral health is still unknown. This study aims Accepted 7 January 2020
to systematically review the available research evidence on the oral health impact of e-cigarette use.
Methods: This systematic review was conducted according to PRISMA guidelines and used the ENDS; e-cigarettes; vaping;
Effective Public Health Practice Project Quality Assessment Tool to evaluate the evidence. Three elec- oral health; systematic
tronic databases (PubMed, Web of Science, and Embase) were systematically searched for studies review
including case reports. Two independent reviewers extracted data and synthesized the findings.
Results: Ninety-nine articles were included in this systematic review. Analyses of the articles yielded
seven categories based on symptom similarity and/or focus: mouth effects, throat effects, periodontal
effects, dental effects, cytotoxic/genotoxic/oncologic effects, oral microbiome effects, and traumatic/
accidental injury. The majority of mouth and throat symptoms experienced by e-cigarette users were
relatively minor and temporary, with some evidence that conventional smokers who switched to e-
cigarettes experienced mitigation of these symptoms. E-cigarette exposure increased the risk for deteri-
orating periodontal, dental and gingival health as well as changes to the oral microbiome. Extensive
dental damage as a result of e-cigarette explosions were described in case reports. Components of
e-cigarette vapor have known cytotoxic, genotoxic, and carcinogenic properties.
Conclusions: Although switching to e-cigarettes may mitigate oral symptomatology for conventional
smokers, findings from this review suggest that a wide range of oral health sequelae may be associ-
ated with e-cigarette use. Well-designed studies to investigate oral health outcomes of e-cigarette use
are needed.

Table of contents
Introduction ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 97 ORCID ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 124
Materials and methods ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 98 References ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 124
Data collection ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 98
Study selection ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 98
Data extraction ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 98 Introduction
Results ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 98 Electronic cigarettes, also known as e-cigarettes, are battery-
Mouth effects ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 98 powered electronic devices designed to heat and aerosolize
Throat effects ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 110 liquids with constituents like propylene glycol, glycerol as
Periodontal effects ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 110 humectants, varied flavors, and in most cases, nicotine
Dental effects ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 114 (McRobbie et al. 2015). Since becoming commercially avail-
Cytotoxic, genotoxic, and oncogenic effects ... ... ... ... ... 115 able in the United States and Europe in 2006 (Rahman et al.
Oral microbiome effects ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 118 2014), e-cigarette usage has rapidly increased in certain glo-
Trauma/accidental injury ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 121 bal markets including the United States, Russia, and Germany
Discussion ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 121 (Gordon and MacGuill 2012). In the United States, over 15%
Limitations and recommendations for future research 123 of adults have ever used an e-cigarette, with the majority
Conclusion ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 123 being between the ages of 18 and 44 years of age
Acknowledgments ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 124 (Schoenborn and Clarke 2017). The products are particularly
Declaration of Interest ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 124 popular among conventional cigarette users (Syamlal et al.
2016) who may be drawn to the marketing of e-cigarettes as

CONTACT Irene Yang Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing, Emory University, 1520 Clifton Road NE, Room 424, Atlanta, GA
30322, USA
This article was originally published with errors, which have now been corrected in the online version. Please see Correction (
! 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

safer alternatives to conventional cigarettes. Reported e-cigar- applied to each database search to include articles up to and
ette use among conventional cigarette users range from including December 2019.
15.9% in the United States (Schoenborn and Gindi 2015) to
21.9% in the United Kingdom (Brown et al. 2014).
Study selection
The deleterious effects of tobacco smoking are numerous
and well established. Included among these are conditions After removal of duplicates, the title, abstract, and in some
affecting oral health, which the World Health Organization cases, the full manuscript of the 265 resulting articles were
describes as any condition, disease or disorder impacting reviewed to ensure that the study partly or exclusively con-
oral, dental, and/or craniofacial tissues (Petersen 2003). Oral cerned oral health effects related to use of e-cigarettes or dir-
health sequelae related to tobacco smoking include oral can- ect contact with e-cigarette liquid or devices. Oral health was
cer (Gandini et al. 2008) and periodontal disease (Bergstro €m defined as any condition impacting the exterior or interior
2006) leading to tooth loss (Dietrich et al. 2015). E-cigarettes aspect of the mouth, up to and including the throat.
are aggressively marketed as a healthier, cost-effective, and Both researchers independently analyzed the search
more socially acceptable alternative to conventional ciga- results to find potentially eligible studies. Because research
rettes (Rom et al. 2015), but the impact of these products on on the impact of e-cigarettes on oral health is just beginning
oral health is still unknown. In fact, toxicology studies have to emerge, this review included all designs, including case
identified components in e-cigarette products that are con- reports. Studies pertaining to the secondhand exposure of
cerning. These include nicotine, diacetyl, ultrafine particular e-cigarettes and studies focused exclusively on dual use
matter, volatile organic compounds like benzene, and heavy (e-cigarettes and combustible cigarettes), however, were
metals like nickel, tin, and lead (U.S. Department of Health excluded. No limitations were placed on type of study
and Human Services 2016). This study, therefore, aims to sys- participant, e-cigarette device, or e-liquid/flavor used.
Recommendations, expert statements, reviews, technical
tematically review the available research evidence on the oral
reports, and other non-original papers were excluded; how-
health impact of e-cigarette use.
ever, reference lists from these documents were closely
examined for further articles that fit the inclusion criteria.
Materials and methods With the addition of 13 articles identified from the review of
reference lists, a total of 99 articles were fully reviewed and
This systematic review was conducted according to PRISMA
included in this systematic review (Figure 1).
guidelines (Moher et al. 2009). Studies were evaluated using
the Effective Public Health Practice Project (EPHPP) Quality
Assessment Tool in terms of the evidence provided for oral Data extraction
health outcomes (Thomas et al. 2004). The EPHPP was
Both resesarchers reviewed the full text of each eligible
designed to evaluate quantitative study designs. It is deemed
study: study location, aim/objective, study design, oral health
appropriate for systematic reviews (Deeks et al. 2003) with
outcome of interest, and conflict of interest (Table 1).
proven content and construct validity (Thomas et al. 2004;
Jackson and Waters 2005). The EPHPP has six subscales,
including participant selection bias, study design, confound- Results
ing, blinding, data collection methods, and participant with-
Of the 99 articles, there were eight randomized control (or
drawals and drop-outs. The subscales pertaining to study
crossover) trials, 11 quasi-experimental studies, 46 correl-
design, confounding, and blinding are appropriate evaluation ational or descriptive studies, 15 case reports, and 19 in vitro
metrics for intervention studies but not for nonintervention studies. Publication dates of the reviewed studies were from
studies. Therefore, a modified version of the assessment tool 2010 to 2019, and the majority of studies with human partici-
excluding these subscales was used for nonintervention pants were conducted in Europe or North America. The out-
studies. comes were grouped by symptom similarity and/or focus.
Categories included: mouth effects, throat effects, periodontal
Data collection effects, dental effects, cytotoxic/genotoxic/oncologic effects,
oral microbiome effects, and traumatic/accidental injury.
Two researchers independently performed a comprehensive While several of the studies in this review did not identify or
search for research literature from three databases: PubMed, describe the contents of the e-liquid being vaped by cases/
Web of Science, and Embase. The following terms were used participants (Table 1), the underlying assumption in these
to search PubMed and Web of Science databases for articles studies, based on introduction or discussion sections of the
written in English: e-cig!/“electronic cigarette”/ecig AND oral/ articles, is that the e-liquids contained nicotine.
periodon!/gingivitis/caries/cavities/throat/mouth. Emtree (list
of subject headings unique to Embase database) preferred
Mouth effects
terms were used to search Embase as follows: electronic cig-
arette/vaping AND mouth disease/mouth/gingivitis/periodon- Thirty-five of the reviewed articles reported symptoms of
tal disease/sore throat/tooth disease. Date ranges were e-cigarette use pertaining to the lips, tongue, hard palate,

Figure 1. Strategy used to select articles used in analysis.

and/or soft tissue (Table 2). In addition to mouth effects for reported improved taste and mouth odor for conventional
firsthand e-cigarette users, mouth effects for secondhand smokers who switched to e-cigarettes (Etter 2010; Farsalinos
exposure were only considered if they involved direct contact et al. 2013; Hua et al. 2013; Van Staden et al. 2013).
with a device or with the e-liquid. The majority of these stud- While oral symptomatology was decreased in e-cigarette
ies were weak in terms of the quality of evidence provided users compared to conventional smokers, other researchers
with regard to oral symptoms since the effects were, by and found that e-cigarette use was associated with greater oral
large, self-reported, descriptive, and without consideration of symptomatology compared to nonusers/nonsmokers. Cho
other confounders. Commonly reported mouth symptoms (2017) found that e-cigarette users were more likely to have
related to e-cigarette use or direct e-liquid exposure included oral discomfort compared to never-users. Hajek et al. (2019)
dryness (Etter 2010; Hua et al. 2013; Adriaens et al. 2014; reported that mouth irritation was more frequently reported
Farsalinos et al. 2014; Polosa et al. 2014; McRobbie et al. 2015; by e-cigarette users compared to people using nicotine
Baweja et al. 2016; Cravo et al. 2016; Gomes et al. 2016; Li et al. replacement therapy.
2016; Rahman et al. 2016; Stein et al. 2016; Holliday et al. 2019; Other mouth symptoms reported by e-cigarette users
King et al., 2019; Lewek et al., 2019), burning (Nides et al. 2014; included various oral mucosal lesions, black tongue, and
Li et al. 2016), irritation (Bullen et al. 2010; Caponnetto, burns (Hua et al. 2013; Farsalinos et al. 2014; Bartram et al.
Campagna et al. 2013b; Dawkins et al. 2013; Hua et al. 2013; 2016; Cravo et al. 2016; Yao et al. 2017; Cant et al. 2017). In
Adriaens et al. 2014; Dawkins and Corcoran 2014; Nides et al. particular, nicotine stomatitis and hairy tongue were signifi-
2014; Polosa et al. 2014; Hajek et al. 2015; Oncken et al. 2015; cantly more prevalent in e-cigarette users compared to for-
Hughes and Hendrickson 2019; Hajek et al., 2019; King et al., mer smokers (Bardellini et al. 2018) and significantly more
2019), bad taste (Etter 2010; Adriaens et al. 2014), bad breath exclusive e-cigarette users (former smokers) complained of
(Baweja et al. 2016), pain/discomfort (Cravo et al. 2016; Cho mouth or tongue sores/inflammation compared to dual users
2017; Holliday et al. 2019). (Farsalinos et al. 2014). Holliday et al. (2019) found that
Researchers for six of the studies noted that oral symp- mouth ulceration was only reported in the intervention
tomatology was decreased in e-cigarette users compared to (e-cigarette using) group.
conventional smokers. Adriaens et al. (2014) found that Asgharian et al. (2018) sought to model the deposition of
e-cigarette users had significantly less adverse complaints individual e-cigarette constituents by studying droplet
and more positive symptoms compared to conventional cig- dynamics. They found that only a very small fraction (4%) of
arette users. Bullen et al. (2010) compared e-cigarette users commonly found e-cigarette aerosol constituents (nicotine,
to nicotine inhalator users and found the e-cigarette users propylene glycol, and glycerin) were deposited in the oral
were less likely to report mouth irritation. Caponnetto, cavity (mouth and throat), while the remainder traveled
Campagna et al. (2013b) found that former smokers who beyond the mouth and throat and were likely deposited in
used e-cigarettes, regardless of nicotine concentration, expe- the airways. The effect of these oral depositions, however,
rienced a decrease in mouth irritation. Other researchers was not clear.

Table 1. Description of included publications (n ¼ 99 articles).

Location of Nicotine Conflict
Author Participant(s) Aim/Objective Study design containing e-cigs Outcome of interest of interesta
1. Adriaens Belgium Investigated the efficacy of second-generation e-cigarettes on Randomized control Yes # Mouth effects No
et al. 2014 acute craving reduction, smoking reduction, and experienced trial (RCT) # Throat effects
benefits and complaints # E-cigarette groups x 2
# Control group
(Conventional cigarette

2. Al-Aali et al. 2018 Pakistan Compared clinical and radiographic peri-implant parameters Comparative descriptive Not stated # Periodontal effects No
and levels of tumor necrosis factor alpha and interleukin-1b # E-cigarette users
levels among individuals using e-cigarettes and never # Never smokers
3. Alanazi et al. 2019 Canada Examined impact of e-cigarettes on expression of virulent In vitro Yes # Oral microbiome No
C. albicans genes and effect of e-cigarette vapor-exposed effects
C. albicans on gingival epithelial cell morphology, growth,
and LDH activity
4. ALHarthi Saudi Arabia Assessed impact of conventional smoking and vaping on Comparative descriptive Not stated # Periodontal effects No
et al. 2019 periodontal tissues following ultrasonic scaling # E-cigarette users
# Conventional smokers
# Waterpipe smokers
# Non-smokers
5. AlQahtani Saudi Arabia Compared clinical and radiographic peri-implant parameters Comparative descriptive Not stated # Periodontal effects No
et al. 2018 and proinflammatory cytokine profile in peri-implant sulcular # E-cigarette users
fluid among conventional smokers, waterpipe smokers, # Conventional smokers
vapers, and non-smokers # Waterpipe smokers
# Non-smokers
6. AlQahtani Saudi Arabia Compared cotinine levels in the peri-implant sulcular fluid Comparative descriptive Not stated # Periodontal effects No
et al. 2019 among conventional smokers, waterpipe users, e-cigarette # E-cigarette users
users, and nonsmokers. # Conventional smokers
# Waterpipe smokers
# Nonsmokers
7. Andresen USA Reported a case of an e-cigarette striking the posterior pharynx Case report Not stated # Traumatic/ No
et al. 2018 during a fall Accidental injury
8. ArRejaie Saudi Arabia Compared clinical and radiographic peri-implant parameters Comparative descriptive Not stated # Periodontal effects No
et al. 2019 and levels of matrix MMP-9 and IL-1b levels among # E-cigarette users
conventional smokers, e-cigarette users, and non-smokers # Conventional smokers
# Non-smokers
9. Asgharian USA Developed a deposition model for EC aerosol in the oral cavity Descriptive Yes # Mouth effects No
et al. 2018 based on realistic vaping scenarios
10. Atuegwu USA Determined association between electronic nicotine product Comparative descriptive Yes # Periodontal effects No
et al. 2019 use and periodontal disease # Never vapers
# Long-term regular vapers
# Occasional vapers
11. Bardellini Italy Evaluated the prevalence and characteristics of oral mucosal Comparative descriptive Not stated # Mouth effects No
et al. 2018 lesions in former smokers compared to e-cigarette # Former smoker # Cytotoxic,
consumers # E-cigarette consumer genotoxic, and
oncogenic effects
# Oral microbiome
12. Bartram United Presented a case of lichen planus after e-cigarette usage Case report Not stated # Mouth effects No
et al. 2016 Kingdom
Table 1. Continued.
Location of Nicotine Conflict
Author Participant(s) Aim/Objective Study design containing e-cigs Outcome of interest of interesta
13. Baweja et al. 2016 USA Described perceptions that e-cigarette users have about Descriptive Not stated # Mouth effects Yes
e-cigarettes and factors they believe are important from a # Throat effects
public health prospective
14. BinShabaib Saudi Arabia Compared clinical periodontal status and gingival crevicular Comparative descriptive Yes # Periodontal effects No
et al. 2019 fluid cytokine profile among cigarette-smokers, e-cigarette # Conventional smokers
users and never-smokers # E-cigarette users
# Non-users
15. Brooks et al. 2017 USA Presented a case of extensive intraoral injuries after e-cigarette Case report Yes # Traumatic/ No
usage Accidental injury
16. Brownson USA Presented various injuries related to e-cigarette explosion Case report Not stated # Traumatic/ No
et al. 2016 Accidental injury
17. Bullen et al. 2010 New Zealand, Measured the short-term effects of an electronic nicotine Randomized repeated Yes # Mouth effects Yes
Auckland delivery device on desire to smoke, withdrawal symptoms, measures cross-over trial # Throat effects
acceptability, pharmacokinetic properties and adverse effects # E-cigarette 16 mg nicotine
# E-cigarette 0 mg nicotine
# Nicotine inhalator
# Conventional cigarettes
18. Bustamante USA Analyzed N0 -Nitrosonornicotine in the saliva of e- cigarette Comparative descriptive Yes # Cytotoxic, No
et al. 2018 users # Conventional smokers genotoxic, and
# E-cigarette users oncogenic effects
# Non-users
19. Cant et al. 2017 United Presented a case of palatal necrotic ulcer after e-cigarette use Case report Yes # Mouth effects No
20. Caponnetto, Italy Monitored possible modifications in the smoking habits of Quasi-experimental Yes # Throat effects Yes
Auditore conventional smokers with schizophrenia experimenting with
et al. 2013 a popular brand of e-cigarette
21. Caponnetto, Italy Investigated the efficacy and safety of an electronic cigarette RCT Yes # Mouth effects Yes
Campagna # 7.2 mg nicotine for 12 # Throat effects
et al. 2013 weeks
# 7.2 mg nicotine for 6
weeks, followed by 5.4 mg
# No nicotine for 12 weeks.
22. Cason et al. 2016 USA Presented a case of e-cigarette explosion injury to the user Case report Not stated # Traumatic/ No
Accidental injury
23. Chi et al. 2018 USA Presented a case of e-cigarette explosion causing orofacial Case report Not stated # Traumatic/ No
trauma Accidental injury
24. Cho, 2017 South Assessed the relationship between e-cigarette use and oral Comparative descriptive Yes # Mouth effects Not stated
Korea health # Daily e-cigarette users # Periodontal effects
# Past month e-cigarette # Dental effects
# Former e-cigarette users
# Never e-cigarette users
25. Cichon"ska Poland Estimated changes in selected physicochemical properties of Comparative descriptive Yes # Oral microbiome No
et al. 2019 saliva e-cigarette users # E-cigarette users effects
# Conventional smokers
# Non-users
26. Cravo et al. 2016 UK Evaluated the safety profile of an e-cigarette product in RCT Yes # Mouth effects Yes
smokers of conventional cigarettes switching to use the e- # E-cigarette user # Throat effects
cigarette for 12 weeks Dental effects

# Conventional cigarette user #

# Oral Microbiome
Table 1. Continued.

Location of Nicotine Conflict

Author Participant(s) Aim/Objective Study design containing e-cigs Outcome of interest of interesta
27. Cuadra et al. 2019 NA Tested impact of flavorless e-cigarette aerosol on oral In vitro Yes # Oral microbiome No
commensal streptococci effects
28. Dawkins and UK Explored the effect of using an 18-mg/ml nicotine e-cigarette Descriptive correlational Yes # Mouth effects Yes
Corcoran 2014 on blood nicotine, tobacco withdrawal symptoms, and urge # Throat effects
to smoke

29. Dawkins Europe Characterized e-cigarette use, users, and effects, in a sample of Comparative descriptive Not exclusively # Mouth effects Yes
et al. 2013 one particular brand of e-cigarette users # Ex-smokers (i.e. former # Throat effects
smokers now exclusive e-
cigarette users)
# Dual users
30. Diamantopoulou Greece Examined characteristics and patterns of e-cigarette use and Descriptive Range of nicotine # Throat effects None in past 36 months
et al. 2019 smoking of of vape shop customers in Greece concentrations
31. D’Ruiz et al. 2015 USA Compared the nicotine pharmacokinetics, impacts on smoking Randomized crossover trial Yes # Throat effects Yes
urge and tolerability of various formulations of one brand of # Five formulations of e-
e-cigarette with that of a conventional cigarette cigarette (varied flavor,
nicotine concentration,
glycerin concentration, and
propylene glycol
# Conventional tobacco
32. Duggar et al. 2018 NA Tested hypothesis that exposure to e-cigarette vapor would In vitro Range of nicotine # Cytotoxic, Not stated
adversely affect the growth of cells that reside in the oral concentrations genotoxic, and
cavity. oncogenic effects
33. Etter, 2010 France, Canada, Assessed usage patterns of e-cigarettes, reasons for use, and Descriptive Yes # Mouth effects No
Belgium, and users’ opinions of these products. # Throat effects
34. Farsalinos Greece Examined profile and e-cigarette use patterns in a specific Quasi-experimental Yes # Mouth effects No
et al. 2013 group of ex-smokers who have switched completely to # Throat effects
e-cigarette use without using any other aid. # Periodontal effects
35. Farsalinos Europe, USA, Asia, Assessed characteristics and experiences of e-cigarette users Comparative descriptive Yes # Mouth effects No
et al. 2014 Australia, Africa and examine differences between those who partially and # Former smokers # Throat effects
completely substituted smoking with e-cigarette use # Current smokers # Periodontal effects
36. Flieger et al. 2019 Not stated Estimated salivary thiocyanate levels in conventional smokers Comparative descriptive Not stated # Cytotoxic, No
compared to e-cigarette users and nonsmokers # Conventional smokers genotoxic, and
# E-cigarette users oncogenic effects
# Non-smokers
37. Franco et al. 2016 Italy Assessed the safety of e-cigarettes and establish its role in Comparative descriptive Yes # Cytotoxic, No
primary prevention of oral cavity cancer # Conventional smokers genotoxic, and
# E-cigarette users oncogenic effects
# Non-smokers
38. Frossard USA Presented a case of acute uvulitis secondary to e-cigarette use Case report Not stated # Throat effects No
et al. 2015
39. Ganapathy NA Determined the genotoxicity and the mechanisms induced by In vitro Range of nicotine # Cytotoxic, No
et al. 2017 e-cigarette aerosol extracts on human oral and lung concentrations genotoxic, and
epithelial cells oncogenic effects
40. Gomes et al. 2016 UK Sought community pharmacists’ perception on use, safety and Descriptive Yes # Mouth effects No
possible effectiveness of e-cigarettes as quit smoking tools, # Throat effects
and their future regulation
41. Hajek et al. 2015 UK Described a pilot expanding an existing smoking cessation Quasi-experimental Yes # Mouth effects Yes
service to include free e-cigarettes with refills for 4-weeks # Throat effects
42. Hajek et al. 2019 UK RCT Yes # Mouth effects Yes
# Throat effects
Table 1. Continued.
Location of Nicotine Conflict
Author Participant(s) Aim/Objective Study design containing e-cigs Outcome of interest of interesta
Evaluated 1-year efficacy of refillable e-cigarettes compared to # Nicotine replacement
nicotine replacement combined with in-person behavioral group
support for smoking cessation # E-cigarette group
43. Harrison and USA Presented a case of e-cigarette injury resulting in intraoral Case report Yes # Trauma/Accidental No
Hicklin 2016 burns, luxation injuries, and alveolar fractures injury
44. Hirschi et al. 2017 NA Determined the effects of e-liquid on RAGE expression and In vitro Range of nicotine # Cytotoxic, Not stated
levels of several pro-inflammatory cytokines concentrations genotoxic, and
oncogenic effects
45. Holliday UK Assess the feasibility of delivering and evaluating a vaping RCT Range of nicotine # Mouth effects No
et al. 2019 intervention for smoking cessation within the dental setting concentrations # Periodontal effects
# Dental effects
46. Hua et al. 2013 International Documented the positive and negative short-term health Descriptive Not stated # Mouth effects No
effects produced by e-cigarette use through an analysis of # Throat effects
original posts from three online e-cigarettes forums
47. Hughes USA Described the cases involving e-cigarettes called into a poison Descriptive Range of nicotine # Mouth effects No
Hendrickson center concentrations # Throat effects
48. Huilgol et al. 2018 USA Measured associations between daily as well as intermittent e- Comparative descriptive Not stated # Periodontal effects Yes
cigarette use and poor oral health among adults in the USA # Good oral health # Dental effects
# Poor oral health
49. Iskandar NA Compared impact of exposure to e-cigarette aerosols with that In vitro Yes # Cytotoxic, Yes
et al. 2019 of conventional smoke on buccal epithelial and small airway genotoxic, and
epithelial cell cultures oncogenic effects
50. Ismail et al. 2019 Malaysia Investigate effects of e-cigarette use on oral health in 6-month Longitudinal descriptive Not stated # Periodontal effects Not stated
period # Dental effects
51. Jankowski Poland Compared health effects of conventional smokers and e- Comparative descriptive Not stated # Throat effects Not stated
et al. 2017 cigarette users, with special emphasis on their influence on # E-cigarette users
respiratory system # Conventional smokers
52. Javed et al. 2017 Saudi Arabia Assessed periodontal parameters and self-perceived oral Comparative descriptive Not stated # Periodontal effects No
symptoms among users of e-cigarettes, conventional # E-cigarette users
cigarettes, and non-users of either product # Conventional smokers
# Non-users
53. Jeong et al. 2019 South Korea Examined association of conventional smoking and e-cigarette Comparative descriptive Not stated # Periodontal effects Not stated
use with periodontal disease # E-cigarette users
# Conventional smokers
# Former smokers
# Non-users
54. Ji et al. 2016 NA Characterized e-cigarette aerosols and assess their biological In vitro using e-liquid with Yes # Cytotoxic, No
hazard on oral epithelial cells varying nicotine strengths genotoxic, and
oncogenic effects
55. Ji et al. 2019 NA Understood if e-cigarette aerosol exposure impacts the gene In vitro Yes # Cytotoxic, No
pathways of normal human oral keratinocytes genotoxic, and
oncogenic effects
56. Kim et al. 2018 NA Investigated changes in cariogenic potential when tooth In vitro Yes # Dental effects No
surfaces are exposed to e-cigarette aerosols with sweet # Oral microbiome
flavors effects
57. King et al. 2019 USA Examined prevalence of self- reported adverse symptoms Descriptive Not stated # Mouth effects No
attributed to e-cigarette use # Throat effects
58. Kumar et al. 2019 Not stated Presentation of two studies investigating: Study #1: Comparative Study #1: Not stated # Oral microbiome No
descriptive Study #2: Yes effects

# impact of e-cigarettes on oral microbiome in subjects with

periodontitis (Study #1) # E-cigarette users
# Conventional smokers
Table 1. Continued.

Location of Nicotine Conflict

Author Participant(s) Aim/Objective Study design containing e-cigs Outcome of interest of interesta
# effects of sole and dual use of e-cigarettes on the oral # Non-users
metagenome of periodontally healthy young adults Study #2: Comparative
(Study #2) descriptive
# E-cigarette users

# Conventional smokers
# Non-users
# Former smokers
# Dual users
59. Kumetz et al. 2016 USA Presented two cases with severe injuries secondary to Case report Not stated # Trauma/Accidental No
e-cigarette use, one of which was to the oral area injury
60. Lewek et al. 2019 Social media Identified factors that influence decision to use e-cigarettes and Descriptive Both with and # Mouth effects No
their adverse effects without nicotine # Throat effects
61. Li et al. 2016 Not stated Mined potential relationships between symptoms and Descriptive correlational Range of nicotine # Mouth effects Yes
e-cigarette liquid components using data collected from concentrations # Throat effects
62. McRobbie UK Investigated exposure to carbon monoxide, nicotine and Quasi-experimental Yes # Mouth effects Yes
et al. 2015 acrolein before and after 4 weeks of e-cigarette use # Throat effects
63. Miler and UK Presented a case with positive effect of e-cigarette usage Case report Range of nicotine # Throat effects No
Hajek 2017 concentrations
64. Mokeem, Saudi Arabia Compared oral Candida carriage among users of cigarettes, Comparative Descriptive Range of nicotine # Oral microbiome No
Abduljabbar water pipes, e-cigarettes, and never-smokers # Conventional smokers concentrations effects
et al. 2018 # Water pipe users
# E- cigarette users
# Never-smokers
65. Mokeem Alasqah Saudi Arabia Compared the clinical and radiographic periodontal parameters Comparative Descriptive Range of nicotine # Periodontal effects No
et al. 2018 and whole salivary cotinine, interleukin (IL)-1b and IL-6 # Conventional smokers concentrations
levels among cigarette-smokers, water-pipe users, e-cigarette # Water pipe users
users and never-smokers # E-cigarette users
# Never-smokers
66. Moore et al. 2016 UK Presented a case of injury associated with e-cigarette explosion Case report Not stated # Trauma/Accidental No
67. Nelson et al. 2019 NA Compared impact of e-cigarette aerosol versus conventional In vitro Both with and # Oral microbiome No
smoke on planktonic growth of oral commensal streptococci without nicotine effects
68. Nguyen Not stated Presented two cases of oral carcinoma associated with chronic Case report Not stated # Cytotoxic, No
et al. 2017 use of E-cigarettes genotoxic, and
oncogenic effects
69. Nides et al. 2014 USA Evaluated nicotine delivery from an electronic nicotine delivery Quasi-experimental Yes # Mouth effects Yes
system and its short-term potential for smoking reduction or # Throat effects
70. Norii and USA Presented a case of oral injury and fracture of C1 and C2 Case report Not stated # Trauma/Accidental No
Plate 2017 vertebrae after e-cigarette explosion injury
71. Oncken et al. 2015 USA Examined overall changes in serum nicotine and cotinine Randomized crossover trial Yes # Mouth effects Yes
concentrations when using a popular e-cigarette and 18 mg/ # E-juice flavored with # Throat effects
mL nicotine e-juice, and explore effects of sex and flavorings tobacco and menthol
on these concentrations # E-juice flavored with
72. Pintado-Palomino NA Observed whether e-cigarette aerosol could alter the color of In vitro Range of nicotine # Dental effects No
et al. 2019 dental enamel concentrations
73. Polosa et al. 2014 Italy Evaluated smoking reduction/abstinence in smokers not Longitudinal descriptive Yes # Mouth effects Yes
intending to quit using an e-cigarette # Participants followed for 24 # Throat effects
months after a 24-week
intervention phase
Table 1. Continued.
Location of Nicotine Conflict
Author Participant(s) Aim/Objective Study design containing e-cigs Outcome of interest of interesta
74. Pratt et al. 2016 USA Evaluated behavioral appeal and addiction liability of Quasi-experimental Yes # Throat effects No
e-cigarettes in patients with psychiatric disorders
75. Rahman Malaysia Assessed smoking cessation rate, adverse effects, withdrawal Comparative Descriptive Range of nicotine # Mouth effects No
et al. 2016 symptoms, and smoking-related diseases in Malaysian vapers # Exclusive vapers concentrations # Throat effects
# Dual user (e-
cigarettes þ tobacco
76. Reuther UK Analyzed the effect of e-cigarettes on the flow of buccal Quasi-experimental Range of nicotine # Mouth effects No
et al. 2016 mucosal blood, before and immediately after vaping concentrations
77. Richmond Canada Explored the spectrum of injury related to e-cigarette exposure Descriptive Range of nicotine # Throat effects No
et al. 2018 among Canadian children and adolescents concentrations
78. Roger et al. 2016 USA Presented a case of oral and abdominal burns, oral lacerations, Case report Not stated # Trauma/Accidental Not stated
tooth fracture, and tooth avulsion from an explosion of an injury
79. Rosbrook and USA Measured the perception of menthol in an e-cigarette and Quasi-experimental Range of nicotine # Mouth effects No
Green 2016 assess its analgesic effect on the sensory irritation produced concentrations # Throat effects
by inhaled nicotine
80. Rouabhia Canada Investigated the effect of e-cigarette vapor on primary gingival In vitro Yes # Cytotoxic, No
et al. 2017 epithelial cell adhesion, cell morphology, cell apoptosis/ genotoxic, and
necrosis, and caspase-3 expression oncogenic effects
81. Rudy and USA Identified number and nature of electronic nicotine delivery Descriptive Not stated # Trauma/Accidental No
Durmowicz system -associated overheating, fire or explosion events in injury
2017 the USA
82. Sancilio NA Investigated the effects of e-cigarette liquids on human In vitro Range of nicotine # Cytotoxic, No
et al. 2016 gingival fibroblasts and compare the effects of nicotine- concentrations genotoxic, and
containing fluid to the fluid itself oncogenic effects
83. Sancilio NA Investigated the effects of e-cigarette liquids (with and without In vitro Range of nicotine # Cytotoxic, No
et al. 2017 nicotine) on human gingival fibroblasts concentrations genotoxic, and
oncogenic effects
84. Sinharoy Participants accessed Identified patterns of e-cigarette flavor use and adverse side Descriptive correlational Not stated # Mouth effects Not stated
et al. 2018 via online survey effects # Throat effects
85. Stein et al. 2016 USA Pilot trialed the use of e-cigarettes as a smoking cessation aid Quasi-experimental Yes # Mouth effects No
among methadone-maintained smokers # Throat effects
86. Stewart USA Determined if e-cigarettes or tobacco smoking alter the oral Comparative descriptive Range of nicotine # Oral microbiome No
et al. 2018 and gut microbiota in comparison to non-smoking controls # E-cigarette users concentrations effects
# Tobacco smokers
# Controls
87. Sun et al. 2019 NA Examined effect of e-cigarette aerosol on human oral cell In vitro Yes # Cytotoxic, No
metabolism of benzo(a)pyrene genotoxic, and
oncogenic effects
88. Sundar et al. 2016 NA Determined the mechanism of gingival epithelial inflammation In vitro Range of nicotine # Cytotoxic, No
and pro-senescence by e-cigarette aerosols with flavorings in concentrations genotoxic, and
human oral epithelial cells and periodontal ligament oncogenic effects
89. Tatullo et al. 2016 Italy Verified the clinical variations of periodontal health induced by Comparative descriptive Range of nicotine # Periodontal effects Not stated
e-cigarette use in former conventional smokers, and # < 10 years of prior concentrations
investigate awareness of changes in general health status conventional smoking
# > 10 years of prior
conventional smoking
90. Tommasi USA Determined effects of vaping versus conventional smoking on Comparative descriptive Yes No

# Cytotoxic,
et al. 2019 gene regulation by interrogating the oral transcriptome # E-cigarette users genotoxic, and
# Conventional smokers oncogenic effects
# Non-smokers

Table 1. Continued.

Location of Nicotine Conflict

Author Participant(s) Aim/Objective Study design containing e-cigs Outcome of interest of interesta
91. Vakali et al. 2014 Not stated Assessed the effect of a single e-cigarette, use on clinical Comparative Descriptive Range of nicotine # Throat effects Not stated
symptoms, vital signs and airway inflammatory markers after # Never and healthy smokers concentrations
inhaling either 0 mg or 11 mg of nicotine given single e-cig
containing nicotine
# Never and healthy smokers

given e-cig with no

92. Van Staden South Africa Determined whether smoking an e-cigarette containing Quasi-experimental Yes # Mouth effects No
et al. 2013 nicotine in a vegetable-based glycerin substance, would # Throat effects
reduce carboxyhemoglobin (COHb) levels in regular cigarette
93. Vora and USA Evaluated self-reported gingival disease among cigarette Comparative descriptive Not stated # Periodontal effects No
Chaffee 2019 smokers and users of other types of tobacco products # Pipe users
# E-cigarette users
# Multiple product users
# Recent quitters
94. Wadia et al. 2016 UK Compared the gingival health of a group of established Longitudinal descriptive Yes # Periodontal effects Not stated
smokers before and after substituting vaping for smoking
95. Walele et al. 2018 UK Evaluated the long-term effects of e-cigarette products Quasi-experimental Yes # Throat effects Yes
# Dental effects
96. Welz et al. 2016 NA Investigated the bimolecular effects of e-liquids on human In vitro Range of nicotine # Cytotoxic, Not stated
pharyngeal tissue cultures to evaluate whether e-liquids and concentrations genotoxic, and
their components present a risk factor for head and neck oncogenic effects
squamous cell carcinoma.
97. Willershausen NA Assessed the influence of the different e-smoking liquids on In vitro Range of nicotine # Cytotoxic, No
et al. 2014 the viability and proliferation of human periodontal ligament concentrations genotoxic, and
fibroblasts oncogenic effects
98. Yao et al. 2017 USA Examined the relationship between spending on e- cigarettes Descriptive correlational Not stated # Mouth effects No
and disease symptoms compared with the relationship # Periodontal effects
between 30-day e-cigarette use and disease symptoms # Dental effects
99. Yu et al. 2016 NA Evaluated the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of short- and long- In vitro Range of nicotine # Cytotoxic, No
term e-cigarette vapor exposure on a panel of normal concentrations genotoxic, and
epithelial and head and neck squamous cell carcinoma oncogenic effects
(HNSCC) cell lines
Per reported conflict of interest statement.
Table 2. Publications Describing Mouth Effects (n ¼ 35).
Study Study Design Participantsa Sample Size Effects/Symptoms Measure/Toolb of Evidencec
1. Adriaens et al. 2014 RCT Smokers not intending to quit N ¼ 48 # Both e-cigarette groups had a lower total Online diary Weak
randomized to: complaint score compared to control
# E-cigarette Type 1 brand (n ¼ 16) group (complaints inclusive of bad taste,
# E-cigarette Type 2 brand (n ¼ 16) dry mouth, irritation) (F [1,37] ¼ 7.30, p
# Conventional cigarette control (n ¼ 16) < 0.05)
# Both e-cigarette groups had higher total
benefits score compared to control
(inclusive of improved taste and fresher
2. Asgharian et al. 2018 Descriptive NA NA 4% deposition of nicotine, propylene glycol, Mathematical modeling for NA
and glycerin in oral cavity. The rest of the aerosol mixture transport
constituents travelled beyond into based on e-cigarette vapor
airways. inhalation topology
3. Bardellini et al. 2018 Comparative # Former conventional cigarette N ¼ 90 E-cigarette smokers had significantly higher Clinical exam Weak
descriptive smokers (n ¼ 45) frequency of nicotine stomatitis and hairy
# Current e-cigarette smokers (n ¼ 45) tongue
4. Bartram et al. 2016 Case report NA N¼1 Development of oral cavity lichenoid lesions Clinical exam Weak
with use of e-cigarette liquid high in
propylene glycol
5. Baweja et al. 2016 Descriptive E-cigarette users N ¼ 200 Most common negative effect included dry Online survey Weak
mouth, chapped lips and bad breath
6. Bullen et al. 2010 Randomized cross- Smokers not intending to quit N ¼ 40 Mouth irritation less commonly reported Self-report Moderate
over trial randomized to: with placebo and 16 mg nicotine e-
# E-cigarette with 16 mg nicotine cigarette compared to inhalator
# Placebo e-cigarette
# Nicorette nicotine inhalator
# Conventional cigarette control
7. Cant et al. 2017 Case report NA N¼1 Necrotic ulcer on hard palate following use Clinical exam Weak
of e-cigarette
8. Caponnetto, Campagna RCT Smokers desiring to quit randomized to: N ¼ 300 Frequency for complaints of mouth irritation Study diary Weak
et al. 2013 # E-cigarette group with 7.2 mg nicotine significantly decreased from baseline for
cartridges for 12 weeks (n ¼ 100) all three groups.
# E-cigarette group 7.2 mg nicotine
cartridges for 6 weeks followed by 5.4 mg
nicotine cartridges for 6 weeks (n ¼ 100)
# Control: no-nicotine cartridges for 12
weeks (n ¼ 100)
9. Cho, 2017 Comparative Grouped according to e-cigarette use N ¼ 65,528 Odds of#tongue and/or inside-cheek pain’ Online survey Moderate
descriptive # Never user (n ¼ 56,017) among daily users over 50% higher
# Former user (n ¼ 5,499) (p ¼ 0.028) compared to never users
# Past month user (n ¼ 2,109)
# Daily user (n ¼ 1,903)
10. Cravo et al. 2016 RCT Current smokers randomized to: N ¼ 419 Oral symptoms reported in the e-cigarette Diary cards Weak
# E-cigarette group (n ¼ 306) group included: mouth ulceration (3.9%),
# Conventional cigarette group (n ¼ 102) dry mouth (2.6%), and oral pain (1%)
11. Dawkins and Corcoran 2014 Descriptive E-cigarette users N ¼ 14 Mouth irritation (mean score of 16.54, SEM 200 mm Visual analog scale Weak
correlational ¼ 4.75)
12. Dawkins et al. 2013 E-cigarette users Online survey Weak

N ¼ 1,347

Table 2. Continued.
Study Study Design Participantsa Sample Size Effects/Symptoms Measure/Toolb of Evidencec
Comparative # Ex-smokers (i.e. exclusive e-cigarette users) 0.5% of entire sample of participants
descriptive (n ¼ 1,123) reported mouth irritation
# Dual users (n ¼ 218)

# Never-smokers (6)
13. Etter, 2010 Descriptive E-cigarette users (63% were former N ¼ 81 # Dry mouth (n ¼ 16) Online survey Weak
conventional smokers) # Bad taste (n ¼ 4)
# Improved taste (n ¼ 11)
# Improved mouth odor (n ¼ 10)
14. Farsalinos et al. 2013 Decriptive Exclusive e-cigarette users (former N ¼ 111 # Improved gustatory senses (81.9%) Face to face interview Weak
conventional smokers)
15. Farsalinos et al. 2014 Comparative E-cigarette users N ¼ 19,353 # Sore or dry mouth (38.9%) – no difference Online questionnaire Weak
descriptive # Former smokers (n ¼ 15,671) between groups
# Current smokers (n ¼ 3,682) # Mouth or tongue sores/inflammation
higher among former smokers (p < .005)
# Black tongue (0.7%) – no difference
between groups
16. Gomes et al. 2016 Descriptive Community pharmacies N ¼ 154 Dry mouth reported to pharmacists (n ¼ 7) Paper questionnaire Weak
17. Hajek et al. 2015 Quasi- Smokers seeking to quit N ¼ 100 One report of mouth irritation Client feedback Weak
18. Hajek et al. 2019 RCT Smokers seeking to quit N ¼ 886 # Mouth irritation reported more frequently Self-report Weak
# Nicotine replacement group (n ¼ 447) in e-cigarette group vs. nicotine
# E-cigarette group (n ¼ 439) replacement group
# Percent of participants reporting mouth
irritation did not differ between groups
19. Holliday et al. 2019 RCT Current smokers not currently using e- N ¼ 80 # Both groups reported similar dryness at # Clinical oral dryness scale Moderate
cigarettes baseline and improvements after 6 # Self-report/observation
# Standard smoking cessation months
advice (n ¼ 40) # Mouth ulceration and soreness were only
# Standard smoking cessation advice þ e- reported in the intervention group
cigarette (n ¼ 40)
20. Hua et al. 2013 Descriptive Posts from three internet e-cigarette forums N ¼ 632 # More negative than positive symptoms Self-report Weak
reported including: numbness, dryness,
inflamed tongue, soreness & irritation,
cold sores.
# Improved mouth odor was the only
positive mouth symptom reported
21. Hughes and Descriptive Poison center cases N ¼ 265 # Irritation from pediatric exposure by Self-report Weak
Hendrickson 2018 ingestion or contact (n ¼ 3)
# Dryness/irritation from contact or
ingestion (n ¼ 6)
22. King et al. 2019 Descriptive E-cigarette users N ¼ 1,624 31% reported dry/irritated mouth Self-report Weak
23. Lewek et al. 2019 Descriptive E-cigarette users N ¼ 1,142 Dryness reported by 8.8% of participants Self-report Weak
24. Li et al. 2016 Descriptive Reddit posts N ¼ 493,994 # Mouth symptoms were mostly negative Self-report Weak
correlational and described as dryness/burning
# Posts frequently discussed fruits, cream,
and menthol flavors, with nicotine levels
of 1–6 mg.
25. McRobbie et al. 2015 Quasi- Smokers seeking to quit N ¼ 40 Dry mouth (n ¼ 2) Self-report Weak
26. Nides et al. 2014 Quasi- Smokers not interested in quitting N ¼ 25 Mouth irritation (n ¼ 7) and burning of Self-report Weak
experimental lips (n ¼ 1)
Table 2. Continued.
Study Study Design Participantsa Sample Size Effects/Symptoms Measure/Toolb of Evidencec
27. Oncken et al. 2015 Randomized Non-treatment seeking smokers N ¼ 27 Mouth irritation (n ¼ 4) Self-report Weak
crossover trial randomized to:
# E-cigarette with tobacco and menthol
# E-cigarette with tobacco flavor only
28. Polosa et al. 2014 Longitudinal Smokers not interested in quitting N ¼ 40 Dry mouth/mouth irritation Self-report Weak
29. Rahman et al. 2016 Comparative # E-cigarette only users (n ¼ 70) N ¼ 220 More than 60% of participants in both Study questionnaire Strong
descriptive # Dual users (E-cigarette þ conventional groups reported dry mouth
cigarettes) (n ¼ 148)
30. Reuther et al. 2016 Quasi- Non-smokers: N ¼ 10 Nicotine containing e-cigarettes caused more Laser doppler to measure Weak
experimental # Plain e-liquid (n ¼ 5) capillary perfusion in the buccal mucosa blood flow
# E-liquid with nicotine (n ¼ 5)
31. Rosbrook and Green 2016 Quasi- Adult smokers N ¼ 32 Mouth irritation/harshness increased with Self-report Weak
experimental menthol concentration, but not nicotine
32. Sinharoy et al. 2018 Descriptive Long-term e-cigarette users N ¼ 552 Cinnamon flavor associated with mouth Self-report Weak
correlational irritation
33. Stein et al. 2016 Quasi- Smokers in methadone maintenance N ¼ 12 Dry mouth (n ¼ 4) Modified Minnesota Behavior Weak
experimental treatment desiring to quit Rating Scale
34. Van Staden et al. 2013 Quasi- Smokers N ¼ 15 Improved taste 2 weeks post switching from Questionnaire Weak
experimental conventional cigarettes to e-cigarettes
35. Yao et al. 2017 Descriptive Current conventional and e-cigarette adult N ¼ 533 Reporting of mouth sores/ulcers related to Tobacco and Attitudes Beliefs Weak
correlational users in US increased e-cigarette expenditures (AOR Survey
¼ 1.36 [1.08, 1.72])
When applicable.
Measure/Tool used for the oral health symptom.
Note. The level of evidence was evaluated for mouth effects.
110 I. YANG ET AL.

A few researchers honed in on individual ingredients of compared to people using various nicotine replacement
e-cigarettes and mouth effects. Researchers testing the effect therapies.
of nicotine in e-cigarettes on buccal mucosa perfusion noted Researchers in four studies investigated flavors/constitu-
that nicotine containing e-cigarettes increased blood flow to tents of e-liquid. Participants using nicotine containing e-cig-
the oral mucosa in the short term (Reuther et al. 2016). arettes were more likely to report sore throat and cough
Rosbrook and Green (2016) tested both nicotine and men- compared to users of nicotine-free e-cigarettes (Vakali et al.
thol, another ingredient commonly found in e-cigarettes, and 2014). The symptom of throat irritation or harshness
found that the frequency of mouth irritation increased with appeared to be mediated by menthol, with a stronger symp-
menthol concentration, but not nicotine concentration. tomatology at low nicotine concentrations, and weaker
Sinharoy et al. (2018) found that in long-term e-cigarette symptomatology at higher nicotine concentrations, suggest-
users, there was an association between cinnamon flavor and ing that menthol may mask or reduce the perception of air-
mouth irritation. way irritation and harshness caused by high levels of nicotine
(Rosbrook and Green 2016). Some e-cigarette users described
negative throat symptoms as being associated with particular
Throat effects e-liquid flavors like citrus, sour, cola, custard, or cinnamon (Li
Throat symptoms were frequently reported (Table 3). Similar et al. 2016; Sinharoy et al. 2018).
to studies that reported mouth symptoms, the majority of Tonsillitis, tonsilloliths, uvulitis, para-tracheal edema and
studies were weak in terms of the evidence provided regard- laryngitis were also reported by e-cigarette users (Hua et al.
ing throat symptoms. That is, the throat effects were, by and 2013; Frossard et al. 2015; Cravo et al. 2016). Contrary to
large, self-reported, descriptive, and without consideration of these findings, in one case report of a nonsmoker turned e-
other confounders. Common mild and temporary complaints cigarette user, the e-cigarette user experienced complete
from inhalation or accidental ingestion of e-cigarette fluid resolution of her tonsillitis and marked improvement in her
included throat dryness (Adriaens et al. 2014; Farsalinos et al. tonsilloliths once she began using e-cigarettes (Miler and
2014; Nides et al. 2014; McRobbie et al. 2015; Cravo et al. Hajek 2017). Other throat effects reported by e-cigarette
2016; Li et al. 2016; Pratt et al. 2016; King et al. 2019), irrita- users included throat throbbing, itchiness, numbness, persist-
tion (Bullen et al. 2010; Caponnetto, Auditore et al. 2013a; ent clearing of the throat, choking sensation, lump in throat
Caponnetto, Campagna et al. 2013b; Dawkins et al. 2013; sensation, difficulty swallowing, tenderness, hoarseness, and
Hua et al. 2013; Adriaens et al. 2014; Dawkins and Corcoran a burnt feeling (Hua et al. 2013; Li et al. 2016; Lewek
2014; Nides et al. 2014; Polosa et al. 2014; D’Ruiz et al. 2015; et al. 2019).
Hajek et al. 2015; Oncken et al. 2015; Baweja et al. 2016;
Hughes and Hendrickson 2019; Richmond et al. 2018;
Periodontal effects
Diamantopoulou et al. 2019; Hajek et al. 2019; King et al.
2019; Sinharoy et al. 2018), soreness (Etter 2010; Farsalinos Researchers examined periodontal effects in 20 studies
et al. 2013; Hua et al. 2013; Farsalinos et al. 2014; Cravo et al. (Table 4). The quality of evidence in this category ranged
2016; Gomes et al. 2016; Li et al. 2016; Pratt et al. 2016; from weak to moderate. Researchers in a group of independ-
Rahman et al. 2016; Stein et al. 2016; Jankowski et al. 2017; ent studies identified associations between e-cigarette use
Walele et al. 2018; Sinharoy et al. 2018), and cough and periodontal disease. Al-Aali et al. (2018) found that e-cig-
(Caponnetto, Campagna et al. 2013b; Farsalinos et al. 2013, arette users had increased levels of plaque, deeper probing
2014; Hajek et al. 2015; Cravo et al. 2016; Gomes et al. 2016) depths, more bone loss, higher concentrations of localized
Similar to mouth effects, researchers from nine studies inflammatory markers, and a high volume of sulcular fluid.
found that these complaints were mitigated in e-cigarette Ismail et al. (2019) followed a cohort of e-cigarette users over
users compared to conventional cigarette smokers or dual 6 months and found significantly deteriorating periodontal
users, with some e-cigarette users stating benefits of less health. In another study, researchers found that e-cigarette
coughing (Etter 2010; Caponnetto, Campagna et al. 2013b; users were more than twice as likely to have periodontal dis-
Dawkins et al. 2013; Adriaens et al. 2014; Farsalinos et al. ease compared to nonusers (Jeong et al. 2019). Similarly,
2014), sore throat (Etter 2010; Farsalinos et al. 2013; Hua Atuegwu et al. (2019) found that long-term e-cigarette users
et al. 2013; Adriaens et al. 2014), irritation (Hua et al. 2013; were more likely to have any kind of periodontal disease, or
Adriaens et al. 2014), and phlegm (Van Staden et al. 2013), bone loss compared to occasional e-cigarette users. Other
regardless of nicotine content in e-cigarette fluid researchers found that e-cigarette users were almost three
(Caponnetto, Campagna et al. 2013b). Throat irritation also times more likely to report gingival disease compared to
was less commonly reported in e-cigarette users compared nonsmokers/nonusers (Vora and Chaffee 2019).
to the nicotine inhalator (Bullen et al. 2010) (an FDA Some researchers, however, have noted that symptoms of
approved and prescription based nicotine replacement ther- periodontal disease are less likely in e-cigarette users com-
apy which delivers aerosolized, non-heated nicotine). pared to conventional smokers. Researchers from two inde-
Researchers in only one study noted differences in throat pendent studies found that clinical periodontal status and
effects between e-cigarette users and users of nicotine pro-inflammatory markers of e-cigarette users were similar to
replacement therapy. Hajek et al. (2019) reported that throat that of nonusers, with levels that were significantly less than
irritation was more frequently reported by e-cigarette users that of conventional smokers (Javed et al. 2017; BinShabaib
Table 3. Publications describing throat effects (n ¼ 37).
Sample Quality of
Study Study design Participants! size Effects/symptoms Measure/tool† evidence‡
1. Adriaens et al. (2014) RCT Smokers not intending to quit randomized to: N ¼ 48 Both e-cigarette groups had a lower overall Online diary Weak
# E-cigarette Type 1 brand (n¼ 16) complaint score than control group
# E-cigarette Type 2 brand (n¼ 16) (inclusive of dry and irritated throat)
# Conventional cigarette control (n¼ 16)
2. Baweja et al. (2016) Descriptive E-cigarette users N¼ 200 Throat irritation (n¼ 8) Online survey Weak
3. Bullen et al. (2010) Randomized Smokers not intending to quit randomized to: N¼ 40 Throat irritation less commonly reported with Self-report Moderate
cross-over trial # E-cigarette with 16 mg nicotine placebo and 16 mg nicotine e-cigarette
# Placebo e-cigarette compared to inhalator
# Nicorette nicotine inhalator
# Conventional cigarette control
4. Caponnetto, Auditore et al. Quasi- Smokers (not intending to quit) with N¼ 14 Throat irritation (14.4%) Study diary Weak
(2013a) experimental schizophrenia
5. Caponnetto, Campagna RCT Smokers desiring to quit randomized to: N¼ 300 Frequency for complaints of throat irritation Study diary Weak
et al. (2013b) # E-cigarette group with 7.2 mg nicotine and cough significantly decreased
cartridges for 12 weeks (n¼ 100) (p < 0.001) from baseline for all three
# E-cigarette group 7.2 mg nicotine cartridges groups.
for 6 weeks followed by 5.4 mg nicotine
cartridges for 6 weeks (n¼ 100)
# Control: no-nicotine cartridges for
12 weeks (n¼ 100)
6. Cravo et al. (2016) RCT Current smokers randomized to: N¼ 419 # Throat symptoms reported in the e-cigarette Diary cards Weak
# E-cigarette group (n¼ 306) group included: sore throat (27.8%), cough
# Conventional cigarette group (n¼ 102) (17.0%), dry throat (2.9%), tonsillitis (1.3%)
# Throat symptoms reported in the
conventional cigarette group included sore
throat (8.8%), cough (7.8%), and
tonsillitis (1%)
7. Dawkins and Descriptive E-cigarette users N¼ 14 Throat irritation (mean score of 27.25, SEM 200 mm Visual Weak
Corcoran (2014) correlational ¼ 7.53) analog scale
8. Dawkins et al. (2013) Comparative E-cigarette users N¼ 1347 # 0.5% of both groups reported throat Online survey Weak
descriptive # Ex-smokers (i.e. exclusive e-cigarette users) irritation
(n¼ 1123) # More ex-smokers reported improved cough
# Dual users (n¼ 218) (p < 0.001)
# Never-smokers (6)
9. Diamantopoulou Descriptive E-cigarette users recruited from vape shops N¼ 314 16.8% of participants reported throat irritation Self-report Weak
et al. (2019) after e-cigarette initiation
10. D’Ruiz et al. (2015) Randomized Conventional smokers N¼ 38 Throat irritation (8 reports by 5 subjects) Self-report Weak
crossover trial
11. Etter (2010) Descriptive E-cigarette users (includes both former and N¼ 81 # Sore throat (n¼ 16) Online survey Weak
current conventional smokers) # Less cough and fewer sore throats (n¼ 23)
12. Farsalinos et al. (2013) Descriptive Exclusive e-cigarette users (former N¼ 111 # Sore throat (27%) Face to face Weak
conventional smokers) # Cough (13.5%) interview
# Improved morning cough (58.6%)
13. Farsalinos et al. (2014) Comparative E-cigarette users N¼ 19,441 # Overall: Sore or dry throat (38.9%) and Online Weak
descriptive # Former smokers (n¼ 15,671) cough (12.8%) questionnaire
# Current smokers (n¼ 3682) # Cough reported more frequently in current
smoker group (p < 0.001)
14. Frossard et al. (2015) Case report NA N¼ 1 Uvulitis and edema of para-tracheal Clinical exam Weak

15. Gomes et al. (2016) Descriptive Community pharmacies N ¼ 154 Sore throat (n¼ 3) and cough (n¼ 10) Paper Weak
reported to pharmacists questionnaire
Table 3. Continued.

Sample Quality of
Study Study design Participants! size Effects/symptoms Measure/tool† evidence‡
16. Hajek et al. (2015) Quasi- Smokers seeking to quit N ¼ 100 Some reports of throat irritation and minor Client feedback Weak
experimental coughing
17. Hajek et al. (2019) RCT Smokers seeking to quit N ¼ 886 # Throat irritation reported more frequently in Self-report Weak
# Nicotine replacement group (n¼ 447) e-cigarette group

# E-cigarette group (n¼ 439) # Percent of participants reporting throat

irritation did not differ between groups
18. Hua et al. (2013) Descriptive Posts from three internet e-cigarette forums N¼ 632 # More negative than positive symptoms Self-report Weak
including: soreness, irritation, tenderness,
throbbing, numbness, swelling, persistent
clearing of throat, choking sensation,
laryngitis, tonsillitis, tonsil stones, difficulty
swallowing, hoarseness,
# Improved soreness, irritation and itchiness
were also reported
19. Hughes and Descriptive Poison center cases N¼ 265 Throat irritation (n¼ 4) Self-report Weak
Hendrickson (2019)
20. Jankowski et al. (2017) Comparative University students N¼ 1906 (3.2% 38.2% e-cigarette users reported sore throat as Self-report Weak
descriptive E-cigarette users) immediate short-term side-effect
21. King et al. (2019) Descriptive E-cigarette users N¼ 1624 31% reported dry/irritated throat Self-report Weak
22. Lewek et al. (2019) Descriptive E-cigarette users N¼ 1142 Throat itchiness reported by 4.5% of Self-report Weak
23. Li et al. (2016) Descriptive Reddit posts N¼ 493,994 # “Throat feeling symptoms” were largely Self-report Weak
correlational negative and described as dry, harsh, sore,
and burnt.
# Some posts associated these negative
symptoms with citrus, sour, cola, or custard
24. McRobbie et al. (2015) Quasi- Smokers seeking to quit N¼ 40 Dry throat (n¼ 2) Self-report Weak
25. Miler and Hajek (2017) Case report NA N¼ 1 Nonsmoker with frequent tonsillitis and Self-report Weak
tonsilloliths who experience complete
resolution of tonsillitis and marked
improvement of tonsilloliths after several
months of vaping
26. Nides et al. (2014) Quasi- Smokers not interested in quitting N¼ 25 Throat irritation (n¼ 7) and dry throat (n¼ 1) Self-report Weak
27. Oncken et al. (2015) Randomized Non-treatment seeking smokers N ¼ 27 Throat irritation (n¼ 4) Self-report Weak
crossover trial randomized to:
# E-cigarette with tobacco and menthol
# E-cigarette with tobacco flavor only
28. Polosa et al. (2014) Longitudinal Smokers not interested in quitting N¼ 40 Throat irritation Self-report Weak
29. Pratt et al. (2016) Quasi- Chronic smokers with serious mental illness N¼ 21 58% reported side effects including dry/sore Researcher Weak
experimental throat interview
30. Rahman et al. (2016) Comparative # E-cigarette only users (n¼ 70) N ¼ 220 Sore throat experienced by both groups Study Strong
descriptive # Dual users (E-cigarette þ conventional questionnaire
cigarettes) (n¼ 148)
31. Richmond et al. (2018) Descriptive Pediatricians N¼ 520 Pediatricians report throat irritation symptoms Survey Weak
in children/teens who vape or ingest
32. Rosbrook and Green (2016) Quasi- Adult smokers N¼ 32 Throat irritation/harshness increased with Self-report Weak
experimental menthol concentration at low nicotine
Table 3. Continued.
Sample Quality of
Study Study design Participants! size Effects/symptoms Measure/tool† evidence‡
concentrations, but had an ameliorating
effect at high concentrations
33. Sinharoy et al. (2018) Descriptive Long-term e-cigarette users N¼ 552 # Cinnamon flavor associated with throat Self-report Weak
correlational irritation
# Prevalence of sore throat significantly lower
among long-term vapers (surveyed
3–5 years after baseline)
34. Stein et al. (2016) Quasi- Smokers in methadone maintenance N¼ 12 Sore throat (n¼ 2) Modified Weak
experimental treatment desiring to quit Minnesota
Rating Scale
35. Vakali et al. (2014) Comparative Smokers and nonsmokers divided into two N¼ 64 Sore throat and cough more frequently Questionnaire Weak
descriptive groups reported for users of e-cigarettes containing
# E-cigarettes with 11 mg nicotine 11 mg nicotine
(n¼ 12/29)
# E-cigarettes with 0 mg nicotine (n¼ 14/9)
36. Van Staden et al. (2013) Quasi- Smokers N¼ 15 Less phlegm (n ¼ 10) Questionnaire Weak
37. Walele et al. (2018) Quasi- Conventional smokers N¼ 209 Sore throat (19.6%) Medical Weak
experimental Dictionary for
Activities and
!When applicable.
†Measure/tool used for the oral health symptom.
‡Note. The quality of evidence was evaluated for mouth effects.
114 I. YANG ET AL.

et al. 2019). Researchers followed a group of conventional health since it can be caused by multiple determinants.
smokers and e-cigarette users longitudinally for 6 months However, considering that two of primary contributors of
after providing full mouth ultrasonic scaling (ALHarthi et al. tooth loss are periodontal disease and dental caries (Haworth
2019) and found deteriorating periodontal parameters over et al. 2018), the results of this study were considered to be
time in the conventional smokers, but not in e-cigarette users relevant to both the periodontal and dental effects
or nonusers. Mokeem et al. (2018) also found similarities categories.
between e-cigarette users and nonusers, in terms of probing
depth, clinical attachment level, and marginal bone loss;
however, they found that the plaque levels of e-cigarette Dental effects
users were lower than conventional smokers and higher than Nine studies included dental effects. The quality of evidence
never-smokers. Descriptive findings from a pilot RCT testing in this category was primarily weak, with two moderate qual-
the feasibility of a vaping intervention for smokers under- ity study and two in vitro studies. Particular dental symptoms
going periodontal treatment were that improvements in that were covered included: cracked or broken teeth (Cho
mean pocket probing depths were similar between the group 2017), toothache (Cravo et al. 2016; Yao et al. 2017;
receiving standard smoking cessation advice and the one Walele et al. 2018), change in tooth coloration (Pintado-
receiving a vaping intervention (Holiday et al. 2019). Palomino et al. 2019), caries (Ismail et al. 2019), tooth abscess
Gingival bleeding is a symptom of periodontal disease (Walele et al. 2018), tooth sensitivity (Yao et al. 2017), and
and most of the studies in this category indicated that e-cig- tooth loss/extraction (Huilgol et al. 2019; Walele et al. 2018).
arette use was associated with decreased gingival bleeding
Cho (2017) found that the odds of reporting a “cracked or
on probing compared to nonuse (Farsalinos et al. 2014;
broken tooth” increased for e-cigarette users versus never
Javed et al. 2017; Al-Aali et al. 2018; Mokeem et al. 2018).
users (daily users aOR ¼ 1.65 [95% CI: 1.19-2.27]; past month
This suggests that e-cigarette use, like conventional smoking,
users aOR ¼ 1.26 [95% CI: 1.06–1.51]; former users aOR ¼
may have a suppressive effect on gingival bleeding (Dietrich
1.16 [95% CI: 1.04–1.30]). Toothache was reported as an
et al. 2004). The suppressive effect of e-cigarette use on gin-
adverse event among 6.9% of e-cigarette users compared to
gival bleeding, however, may not be as strong as that of con-
3.9% of conventional cigarette users (Cravo et al. 2016), in
ventional cigarettes. Gingival pain/swelling, for example, was
8.1% of conventional smokers who switched to e-cigarette
more frequently self-reported among conventional smokers
use (Walele et al. 2018), and in 16.7% of conventional smok-
than e-cigarette users or nonusers (Javed et al. 2017).
ers who were “ever users” of e-cigarettes (Yao et al. 2017).
Consistent with this, conventional smokers who switched to
Tooth abscess was reported as an adverse effect by 2.4% of
e-cigarette use (Wadia et al. 2016) or conventional smokers
conventional smokers who switched to e-cigarette use
who exhibited increased purchasing of e-cigarettes experi-
(Walele et al. 2018). Tooth sensitivity was reported by 29.1%
enced increased gingival bleeding (Wadia et al. 2016; Yao
et al. 2017) and volume of gingival crevicular fluid (Wadia of conventional smokers who were “ever users” of e-ciga-
et al. 2016). Longitudinally, this effect may be attenuated. rettes (Yao et al. 2017). Many similar symptoms, i.e. tooth-
Tatullo et al. (2016) found that gingival bleeding on probing ache, dentine hypersensitivity, tooth loss, abscesses, and
decreased over a 4-month period in e-cigarette users who fractured/carious fillings were reported by smokers with peri-
were former smokers, even if they had been smoking for odontitis regardless of whether they were receiving standard
more than 10 years. They found that plaque levels also smoking cessation advice or a vaping intervention (Holliday
declined over time in former smokers who switched to e- et al. 2019).
cigarette use. Ismail et al. (2019) found that a measure of dental caries
The effect of e-cigarettes on the success of implants was significantly worsened over a 6-month period in a cohort of
also investigated by various researchers. Peri-implant parame- e-cigarette users (p ¼ 0.002). Dental caries are a major deter-
ters (probing depth > ¼4mm, radiographic bone loss, proin- minant of tooth loss, which was the measure that Huilgol
flammatory cytokines, plaque index, peri-implant sulcular et al. (2019) used to assess poor oral health. Poor oral health
fluid) were significantly higher in e-cigarette users, conven- was found to be associated with daily e-cigarette use (aOR ¼
tional smokers, and water-pipe users compared to non- 1.78, 95% CI: 1.39–2.30, p < 0.001). Tooth extraction was
smokers/users (AlQahtani et al. 2018, 2019; ArRejaie et al. reported as an adverse effect of e-cigarette use among 2.9%
2019). Researchers in two of these studies, however, noted of conventional smokers who switched to e-cigarette use
that e-cigarette users demonstrated diminished periodontal (Walele et al. 2018). Kim et al. (2018) suggested that a com-
symptoms compared to conventional smokers. AlQahtani bination of viscosity of e-liquids and sweet flavors may
et al. (2018) found significantly lower probing depths and increase the cariogenic potential of e-cigarettes. Exposure to
bone loss measurements compared to conventional cigarette flavored e-cigarette aerosols may potentiate cariogenic bac-
and waterpipe smokers. ArRejaie et al. (2019) also showed teria (see Oral Microbiome Effects) and was also associated
that plaque index scores and marginal bone loss were lower with a 27% decrease in enamel hardness compared to unfla-
in e-cigarette users compared to conventional smokers. vored control aerosols. Kim et al. (2018) identified calcium,
Finally, Huilgol et al. (2019) suggested that daily e-cigar- iron and copper in e-cigarette aerosols, all metals which play
ette use was associated with poorer oral health. They opera- a role in the mineralization/demineralization process of
tionalized poor oral health by the number of permanent enamel. Flavors may also play a role in the discoloration of
teeth removed. Tooth loss is a complex measure of oral enamel. Researchers of an in vitro study (Pintado-Palomino

et al. 2019) assessed the impact of different e-liquid flavors Researchers in six in vitro studies demonstrated the geno-
(neutral, menthol, and tobacco) and nicotine concentrations toxic effects of e-cigarette vapor exposure. Two different
on enamel color and found alterations in luminosity, particu- brands of e-cigarette aerosol extracts, independent of nico-
larly when enamel was exposed to e-liquids containing men- tine concentration, induced DNA damage in a dose-depend-
thol and tobacco flavors. ent manner, with chronic exposure resulting in highly
mutagenic oxidative DNA damage (Ganapathy et al. 2017)
and Yu et al. (2016) found increased DNA strand breaks with
Cytotoxic, genotoxic, and oncogenic effects exposure to e-cigarette vapor exposed cells. Mechanistically,
Twenty studies testing various brands, flavors, and nicotine while exposure to e-cigarette extracts increased ROS, total
concentrations of e-cigarette fluids investigated the cytotoxic, antioxidant capacity (TAC) decreased, as did the expression
genotoxic, or oncogenic effect of e-cigarette vapors on oral of 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase (OGG1), an enzyme critical
cells/tissue. The quality of the evidence of human studies for the removal of oxidative DNA damage (Ganapathy et al.
included in this section was all weak (Table 5). Ten studies 2017). Similar increases in DNA damage were found with
describe the cytotoxic effect of e-cigarettes along with under- e-cigarette aerosol exposure in periodontal ligament fibro-
lying mechanisms. Reductions in cell proliferation blasts, human gingival epithelium progenitors, and a human
(Willershausen et al. 2014; Duggar et al. 2018), ATP detection epigingival tissue model (Sundar et al. 2016). E-cigarette
(Willershausen et al. 2014), and cell viability (Welz et al. 2016; vapor exposure also induced the metabolism of benzo(a)pyr-
ene, a known tobacco carcinogen, to several genotoxic
Yu et al. 2016) were demonstrated with e-liquid or vapor
metabolites suggesting that dual users who are exposed to
exposure. Exposure of e-cigarette vapor also resulted in L-lac-
benzo(a)pyrene may be at even greater risk for cancer (Sun
tate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity (Rouabhia et al. 2017),
et al. 2019). Two studies that examined markers of genotoxic-
apoptosis (Yu et al. 2016; Rouabhia et al. 2017), and necrosis
ity in human subjects provide ambivalent results. Whereas
(Yu et al. 2016). Similarly, cytotoxic effects of nicotine con-
Tommasi et al. (2019) identified the deregulation of critically
taining e-cigarette fluid on human gingival fibroblast cells
important genes in the oral transcriptome associated with
were confirmed with increased LDH levels, development of
cancer related pathways and functions, Franco et al. (2016)
cytoplasmic vacuoles, decreased collagen I production, and
performed a cytologic examination of oral mucosal scrapings
augmented LC3 II expression (Sancilio et al. 2017). There
from three groups (conventional smokers, e-cigarette users,
were conflicting findings regarding the effect of e-cigarette
and nonsmokers) and found that oral cavity cells of e-cigar-
vapor on cell morphology with one study reporting altera-
ette users had a prevalence of micronuclei similar to those of
tions (Rouabhia et al. 2017) and another reporting no effect
healthy controls, and significantly lower than that of conven-
(Iskandar et al. 2019).
tional smokers.
Researchers from several studies examined mechanisms
Researchers conducting five independent studies with
underlying the cytotoxicity of e-cigarette exposure on oral
human subjects used flavored e-liquids to investigate cyto-
tissue cells. E-cigarette aerosols were noted to cause cytotox- toxic and genotoxic effects. Ji et al. (2016) and Sundar et al.
icity to human oral keratinocytes via an oxidative stress (2016) used both tobacco and menthol flavors, however, their
response, as indicated by a significant dose-dependent findings spoke to cytotoxic effects of the overall e-liquids
decrease of intracellular glutathione levels (Ji et al. 2016). and were not designed to parse out the effects of individual
Another proposed mechanism may be the upregulation of components of the liquids. Duggar et al. (2018) demonstrated
the unfolded protein response (UPR) pathway, which may that grape flavor liquid, regardless of nicotine content
lead to apoptosis and cytotoxicity (Ji et al. 2019). Increased adversely effected cell growth. Welz et al. (2016) demon-
cellular activity leading to apoptosis included increased react- strated that fruit flavored e-liquids were associated with DNA
ive oxygen species (ROS) production and BAX (a strong pro- fragmentation, whereas the tobacco flavored product was
apoptotic protein) expression (Sancilio et al. 2016). Exposure not. Willershausen et al.’s (2014) results of reduced cell prolif-
to e-cigarette aerosols with flavorings has also been associ- eration and detection of ATP were a result of exposure to
ated with increases in protein carbonylation, a hallmark of menthol flavored liquid.
oxidative cell damage, in periodontal ligament fibroblasts Exposure to e-cigarette aerosols with flavorings was asso-
and human gingival epithelium progenitors (Sundar ciated with increases in pro-inflammatory cytokines and
et al. 2016). inflammation in periodontal ligament fibroblasts, human gin-
Researchers in two independent studies investigated the gival epithelium progenitors, and a human epigingival tissue
presence of harmful downstream metabolites known to be model (Sundar et al. 2016). Further evidence of the inflamma-
associated with conventional smoking among e-cigarette tory effect of e-cigarette liquid was its influence on inducing
users. The presence of N0 -nitrosonornicotine (NNN), a known receptor for advanced glycation end-products (RAGE) signal-
oral carcinogen was detected in the saliva of 16 out of 20 ing with the transcription of various pro-inflammatory cyto-
exclusive e-cigarette users (Bustamante et al. 2018) suggest- kines (Hirschi et al. 2017). RAGE is a multiligand pattern
ing the possibility that e-cigarette use may be linked with recognition receptor implicated in chronic inflammation
the endogenous formation of this tobacco-specific N-nitrosa- (Rouhiainen et al. 2013). Exposure to e-cigarette aerosols may
mine. Another known carcinogen, thiocyanate, was identified induce an inflammatory response that is different from that
in the saliva of e-cigarette users at similar levels to that of induced by cigarette smoke. Researchers identified that e-cig-
conventional smokers (Flieger et al. 2019). arette aerosols induced the secretion of Il-1a suggesting the

Table 4. Publications Describing Periodontal Effects (n ¼ 20).

Measurement/Toola/ Quality
Study Study Design Participants Sample Size Effects/Symptoms Assay of Evidenceb
1. Al-Aali et al. 2018 Comparative # E-cigarette users (n ¼ 47) N ¼ 92 # Plaque index, probing depth, peri-implant bone loss and Clinical and Moderate
descriptive # Never smokers (n ¼ 45) proinflammatory cytokines higher in e-cigarette users radiographic
# Less bleeding on probing in e-cigarette users examination
2. AlHarthi et al. 2019 Comparative # Conventional N ¼ 89 3 and 6 months post scaling follow up: # Self – reported Moderate
descriptive Conventional smokers had higher plaque index and Questionnaire

smokers (n ¼ 30) #
# E-cigarette users (n ¼ 28) probing depth than e-cigarette users (p < .05) # Clinical Periodontal
# Non-users (n ¼ 31) # No significant difference in plaque index or probing examination
depth at either time point between e-cigarette users and
3. AlQahtani et al. 2018 Comparative # Waterpipe smokers (40) N ¼ 160 # Peri-implant plaque index (p < .05), Probing depth (p < # Questionnaire Weak
descriptive # E-cigarette users (40) .05), bone loss (p < .01) and proinflammatory cytokines # Clinical and
# Conventional smokers (40) were higher in waterpipe, conventional cigarette and e- radiographic
# Non-smokers (40) cigarette users compared to non-smokers. examination
# Probing depth and bone loss lower in e-cigarette users
compared to other smokers.
4. Alqahtani et al. 2019 Comparative # Waterpipe smokers (33) N ¼ 102 # Plaque index and probing depth were higher in all # Clinical examination Weak
descriptive # E-cigarette users (34) smokers compared to non-smokers (p < .05) # Questionnaire
# Conventional smokers (35)
# Non-smokers (35)
5. ArRejaie et al. 2019 Comparative # E-cigarette users (31) N ¼ 95 # Peri-implant plaque index, probing depth, bone loss and # Clinical and Moderate
descriptive # Conventional Smokers (32) cytokines were higher in conventional smokers compared radiographic
# Non-smokers (32) to other groups (p < .001) examination
# Bleeding on probing highest in non-smokers compared
other groups (p < .001)
6. Atuegwu et al. 2019 Correlational # Never vapers (n ¼ 9,632) N ¼ 18,289 Compared to never vapers, long-term vapers had increased # Population based Moderate!
# Long-term regular odds of having: survey (Population
vapers (n ¼ 329) # Gum disease (OR ¼ 1.76, CI 1.12-2.76) Assessment of
# Occasional vapers # Bone loss around teeth (OR ¼ 1.67, CI 1.06-2.63) Tobacco and Health
(n ¼ 8,298) Adult Survey)
7. BinShabaib et al. 2019 Comparative # Conventional cigarette N ¼ 135 # Higher levels of gingival crevicular fluid in conventional Clinical and Weak
descriptive smokers (n ¼ 46) smokers compared to e-cigarette users or non-smokers (p radiographic
# E-cigarette users (n ¼ 44) < .05) examination
# Non-Smokers (n ¼ 45) # Higher levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines in
conventional smokers compared to e-cigarette users and
non-smokers (p < .05)
# No differences gingival crevicular fluid or pro-
inflammatory cytokines between in e-cigarette and non-
smoker groups
8. Cho, 2017 Comparative Korean high school students N ¼ 65,528 No association with gingival pain/bleeding controlling for Web-based survey Moderate
descriptive # Never user (n ¼ 56,017) various confounders
# Former user (n ¼ 5,499)
# Past month user
(n ¼ 2,109)
# Daily user (n ¼ 1,903)
9. Farsalinos et al. 2013 Quasi-experimental Exclusive e-cigarette users N ¼ 111 Gingival bleeding (< 5%) Face to face interview Weak
(former conventional
10. Farsalinos et al. 2014 Comparative E-cigarette users N ¼ 19,441 Gingivitis/gum bleeding higher among former smokers Online questionnaire Weak
descriptive # Former smokers (14.4%) compared to current smokers (7.4%) (p < .001)
(n ¼ 15,671)
# Current smokers (n ¼ 3,682)
Table 4. Continued.
Measurement/Toola/ Quality
Study Study Design Participants Sample Size Effects/Symptoms Assay of Evidenceb
11. Holliday et al. 2019 RCT Current smokers not currently N ¼ 80 # Baseline mean pocket probing depths and six-month Clinical exam Moderate
using e-cigarettes improvements similar between both groups
# Standard smoking
cessation advice (n ¼ 40)
# Standard smoking
cessation advice þ e-
cigarette (n ¼ 40)
12. Huilgol et al. 2018 Comparative # Good oral health N ¼ 456,343 Daily e-cigarette use associated with higher odds of poor Phone survey Weak
descriptive (n ¼ 221,336) oral health (aOR ¼ 1.78, 95% CI: 1.39-2.30, p < 0.001)
# Poor oral health
(n ¼ 234,977)
13. Ismail et al. 2019 Longitudinal # E-cigarette users at N ¼ 45 Measures of periodontal health declined at 6 months (p Clinical exam Weak
descriptive baseline and at 6 months < .05)
14. Javed et al. 2017 Comparative # E-cigarette users (n ¼ 31) N ¼ 94 # Plaque index and probing depth higher in conventional # Questionnaire Weak
descriptive # Conventional smokers than e-cigarette users or non-users (p < 0.01) # Clinical periodontal
smokers (n ¼ 33) # BOP higher in non-users compared to the other two examination
# Non-users (n ¼ 30) groups (p < 0.01) # Radiographs
# Gingival pain and swelling more frequently self-reported
among conventional smokers than e-cigarette users or
non-users (p < 0.01)
# Gingival bleeding more frequently self-reported in non-
users compared to conventional smokers
15. Jeong et al. 2019 Comparative # E-cigarette users (n ¼ 222) N ¼ 13,551 Periodontal disease more likely for: Population based Moderate
descriptive # Conventional smokers # E-cigarette users compared to non-users (OR ¼ 2.34, CI: survey
(n ¼ 2,320) 1.52-3.59)
# Former smokers (n ¼ 2,667) # Conventional smokers compared to non-users (OR ¼
# Non-users (n ¼ 8.342) 2.17, CI: 1.76-2.68)
16. Mokeem, Alasqah et al. 2018 Comparative # Conventional N ¼ 129 # Percentage of sites with plaque higher for conventional Clinical and Weak
Descriptive smokers (n ¼ 39) smokers and water pipe users compared to e-cigarette radiographic
# Water pipe users (n ¼ 40) users and never-smokers (p < .05). However, percentage examination
# E- cigarette users (n ¼ 37) of sites with plaque higher for e-cigarette users
# Never-smokers (n ¼ 38) compared to never-users (p < .05)
# Sites with bleeding on probing higher for never- smokers
compared to the other three groups (p < .05)
# Probing depth, clinical attachment level, and marginal
bone loss higher among conventional and water pipe
users compared to e-cigarette and never-smokers (p
< .05)
17. Tatullo et al. 2016 Comparative E-cigarette users with: N ¼ 110 # Improvement in plaque index levels over time for both Clinical examination Weak
descriptive # < 10 years of prior groups
conventional # Decreased bleeding on probing over time for both
smoking (n ¼ 60) groups
# > 10 years of prior
smoking (n ¼ 50)
18. Vora and Chaffee 2019 Comparative # Never users (28.1% N ¼ 32,320 Compared to never users the highest odds for gingival Population based Strong
descriptive # Conventional diagnosis were: survey
cigarettes (13.1%) # E-cigarette users (OR ¼ 2.9, CI: 1.9 - 4.5)
# E-cigarette (0.3%) # Multiple tobacco product users (OR ¼ 2.8; CI: 2.4 - 3.4),

# Cigar (1.1%) # Pipe users (OR ¼ 2.7, CI: 1.3 - 5.3)

# Pipe (0.1%)
# Hookah (0.5%)
118 I. YANG ET AL.

triggering of a stress-sensing mechanism (Iskandar et

of Evidenceb
al. 2019).
Weak Researchers in one clinical study examined the oncogenic

potential of e-cigarette use. In this case-control study evaluat-
ing the prevalence and characteristics of oral mucosal lesions
Tobacco and Attitudes
Clinical and laboratory

cytokine and GCF

examination (for

in former smokers compared to e-cigarette users, the preva-

fluid detection)

Beliefs Survey lence of nicotine stomatitis, a pre-cancerous lesion, was


higher in the e-cigarette using group (Bardellini et al. 2018).

Case reports of oral carcinomas associated with heavy and
long-term e-cigarette use were also found (Nguyen
et al. 2017).
Nicotine concentrations of e-liquids tested in in vitro stud-
# Bleeding on probing sites and gingival crevicular fluid

ies along with timing of vapor exposure have been listed in

Table 5 (when identified in the studies reviewed).
Gingival bleeding related to increased e-cigarette

Concentrations accurately reflect that of publicly available

brands lending validity to the findings that cellular level
expenditures (AOR ¼ 1.23 [1.02, 1.49])

changes occur with e-liquid exposure. While some in vitro


studies applied vapor exposures that approximated real-

# Minimal change in plaque levels

world vaping habits and volumes (Ganapathy et al. 2017),

others did not (Hirschi et al. 2017).
increased after vaping

Oral microbiome effects

Researchers in ten studies investigated the impact of e-cigar-
ette use on the oral microbiota. The quality of evidence for
most of the human studies in this category was weak. Oral
candidiasis, primarily caused by Candida albicans was signifi-
cantly more prevalent in e-cigarette users compared to non-
smokers/nonvapers and the prevalence of candidiasis did not
Sample Size

differ from that of conventional cigarette smokers (Mokeem

et al. 2019). Similarly, Bardellini et al. (2018) found that e-cig-
N ¼ 533

arette users had a significantly higher frequency of hyperplas-

N ¼ 20

tic candidiasis compared to former conventional cigarette

smokers. Alanazi et al. (2019) demonstrated that exposure to
cigarette adult users in US
Current conventional and e-

e-cigarette vapor with or without nicotine promoted the

Conventional smokers who
switch to e-cigarettes

growth, chitin content, and hyphal length of C. albicans, and


increased the expression of virulent C. albican genes like

SAP2, SAP3, and SAP9. They also showed that co-culture with
e-vapor-exposed C. albicans increased gingival epithelial cell
differentiation and reduced the growth of this organism.
These effects for e-cigarette exposure were significantly
Note. The level of evidence was evaluated for periodontal effects.

greater than that of non-exposed controls, but less than that

of cultures exposed to conventional smoke.
Given the prevalence of candidiasis and related symptoms
Study Design


among e-cigarette users, an influence on the oral microbiome



would be anticipated. In a diary of adverse symptoms, oral

Measure/Tool used for the periodontal effect.

herpes, for example, has been reported by some e-cigarette

users (Cravo et al. 2016). Pathogenic streptococcus may also
be affected by e-cigarette use. An in vitro study that analyzed
the cariogenic potential for various flavored e-cigarette
liquids tested five types of flavors (hexyl acetate-apple/plum,
ethyl butyrate-pineapple, sucralose-sugar substitute, triacetin-
19. Wadia et al. 2016

“velvety” or “smoky” flavor, and ethyl maltol-cotton candy).

20. Yao et al. 2017
Table 4. Continued.

Four out of five flavors (sucralose, ethyl butyrate, triacetin,

hexyl acetate) significantly increased biofilm formation com-
pared to an unflavored e-liquid control, and the viscosity of
the e-liquid facilitated the adhesion of cariogenic S. mutans
to the dental surface (Kim et al. 2018).
Table 5. Publications describing cytotoxic, genotoxic, and oncogenic effects (n ¼ 20).
Quality of
Study Study design Participants/cell line Sample size/E-liquid exposure Effects/symptoms Measure/tool/assay evidence!
1. Bardellini Comparative # Former conventional cigarette N¼ 90 E-cigarette smokers had higher Clinical exam Weak
et al. (2018) descriptive smokers (n¼ 45) frequency of nicotine stomatitis
# Current e-cigarette lesions (13.3% versus 2.2%, p < 0.05)
smokers (n¼ 45)
2. Bustamante Comparative # Conventional smokers (n¼ 20) N¼ 59 16/20 e-cigarette users had quantifiable LC-MS/MS Weak
et al. (2018) descriptive # E-cigarette users (n¼ 20) levels of N0 -nitrosonornicotine in their
# Nonusers (n¼ 19) saliva
3. Duggar et al. In vitro Cultured oral keratinocyte model Grape flavored e-liquid Adverse effect on cell growth, regardless Colorimetric assay NA
(2018) of the absence or presence of
4. Flieger et al. Comparative # Conventional smokers (n¼ 8) N¼ 24 Salivary levels of thiocyanate in e- HPLC-UV Weak
(2019) descriptive # E-cigarette users (n¼ 8) cigarette users similar to
# Nonsmokers (n¼ 8) conventional smokers and
significantly greater than nonsmokers
5. Franco et al. Comparative E-cigarette users N¼ 65 Prevalence of micronuclei decreased in Micronucleus assay test Weak
(2016) descriptive # Conventional smokers (n¼ 23) the e-cigarette user group compared
# E-cigarette users (n¼ 22) to the conventional smokers
# Nonsmokers (n¼ 20) (p < 0.005)
6. Ganapathy In vitro # Human epithelial normal bronchial Two 55mL puffs per minute of: E-cigarette aerosol extracts induced DNA # DNA damage NA
et al. (2017) cells # NJoy 12 mg/ml nicotine damage in a dose-dependent detection assay (q-
# Human premalignant dysplastic # NJoy 18 mg/ml nicotine manner, independent of nicotine PADDA)
oral mucosal keratinocyte cells # eGo 0 mg/ml nicotine concentration # 8-oxo- dG ELISA assay
# Human oral squamous cell # eGo 12 mg/ ml nicotine
carcinoma cells # eGo 18 mg/ml nicotine
7. Hirschi et al. In vitro # Gingival epithelium cells Exposed to Cutwood brand e- # RAGE upregulation # LDH assays NA
(2017) # Pulmonary epithelium cells liquid (0, 2%, 4%) for # Increased transcription of IL-1b, IL-6, # Quantitative RT-PCR
# Placenta trophoblast cells 24 hours IL-8 and TNF-a in each cell type # QPCR
8. Iskandar et al. In vitro Organotypic human buccal epithelial # Various concentrations of # Did not affect morphology of buccal # Histological NA
(2019) and small airway epithelial cells reference cigarette: Puff cells assessment
duration ¼ 5 secs, Duration # Induced a different inflammatory # Multi-analyte
of exposure ¼ 28 min response compared to cigarette inflammatory
# Three formulations of e- smoke mediator assay
cigarette aerosol (test mix, # Transcriptomics
base, carrier): Puff
duration ¼ 2 secs, Duration
of exposure = 28 min
9. Ji et al. (2016) In vitro Normal human oral keratinocytes Puff duration 2-5 seconds: E-cigarette aerosols induced oxidative ATP Assay NA
# Tobacco flavor (0 mg/ml stress
# Tobacco flavor (24 mg/ml
# Menthol flavor (0 mg/ml
# Menthol flavor (24 mg/ml
10. Ji et al. (2019) In vitro Normal human oral NHOK culture media treated E-cigarette aerosols activate the # DNA microarray NA
keratinocytes (NHOK) for 15 min with e-liquid of unfolded protein response pathway # qPCR Western blot
e-liquid mixture (29.3%
propylene glycol, 68.3%
vegetable glycerin, and

nicotine (2.4 mg/l)

11. Nguyen et al. Case report Two long term daily e-cigarette users Not stated Two cases of oral carcinoma # Medical diagnosis Weak

Table 5. Continued.

Quality of
Study Study design Participants/cell line Sample size/E-liquid exposure Effects/symptoms Measure/tool/assay evidence!
12. Rouabhia et al. In vitro Human gingival epithelial cells EMOW brand (12 mg/ml E-cigarette vapor: # Microscopy NA
(2017) nicotine) – 2 puffs every # Altered morphology of cells # LDH Cytotoxicity
60 seconds for 15 minutes # Increased LDH activity Assay
for 1-3 days # Increased apoptosis/necrosis # FITC Binding assay
13. Sancilio et al. In vitro Human gingival fibroblasts E-liquid from Halo Company Exposure to e-cigarette fluid increased MTT Assay NA

(2016) (0 and 24 mg/ml nicotine) ROS production and Bax expression # Flow cytometry
followed by apoptosis occurrence # Fluorescence optimal
14. Sancilio et al. In vitro Human gingival fibroblasts # E-liquid from Halo Company E-cigarette fluids with nicotine exerted # LDH Assay NA
(2017) (0 and 24 mg/ml nicotine) cytotoxicity as demonstrated by: # Flow cytometry
# Exposure times up to # Increased LDH levels lysozome
48 hours # Decreased collagen I production compartment analysis
# Augmented LC3 II expression # ELISA for collagen I
# Western blot
15. Sun et al. In vitro Human oral keratinocyte # BLU Classic tobacco 2.4% Enhanced metabolism of BaP to # HPLC NA
(2019) nicotine genotoxic metabolites # qPCR
# 35 mL puff/minute using a # Western blot
4 s duration at 30 s intervals
16. Sundar et al. In vitro # Human periodontal ligament BLUVR # Increased protein carbonylation and # Comet assay NA
(2016) fibroblasts (HPdLFs) # Classic tobacco flavor (16 mg pro-inflammatory responses in HPdLFs # Protein carbonylation/
# Human gingival epithelium nicotine) and HGEPp oxyblot
progenitors (HGEPp) # Magnificent menthol flavor # Increased inflammation and DNA # ELISA for cytokines
# Human 3D model of epigingival (0 mg or 13–16 mg nicotine) damage markers in HPdLFs and # Western blotting
tissue # 2 puffs/min for time HGEPp and epigingival tissue model
durations up to 15 min
17. Tommasi et al. Comparative # E-cigarette users (n¼ 42) N¼ 93 E-cigarette users demonstrated # RNA Seq analysis Moderate
(2019) descriptive # Conventional smokers (n¼ 24) deregulation of genes associated with # Gene ontology and
# Nonsmokers/users (n ¼ 27) cancer related pathways and canonical pathway
functions analysis
# qPCR
18. Welz et al. In vitro Mucosal tissue culture from fresh Happy Liquid brand (each with # All liquids caused reduction in cell # Water-soluble NA
(2016) tissue samples of healthy 12 mg/ml nicotine) viability. tetrazolium–8 assay
oropharyngeal mucosa # Apple flavor # Fruit flavors showed higher toxicity # Alkaline microgel
# Cherry flavor than tobacco flavor. electrophoresis
# Tobacco flavor # DNA fragmentation increased in fruit
# Incubated with 250 ll liquid flavors, but not tobacco flavor
for various lengths of time
19. Willershausen In vitro Human periodontal ligament E-liquids from eSmokerShop Exposure to menthol flavored liquid # PrestoBlue Cell NA
et al. (2014) fibroblasts # Hazelnut flavor (20 mg/ml resulted in: Viability Assay
nicotine) # Reduced cell proliferation (p < 0.001) # ApoGlow Bioassay
# Lime flavor (20 mg/ml # Reduced detection of ATP (p < 0.001) # Microscopy
nicotine) # Migration assay
# Menthol flavor (22 mg/ml
# Incubated for up to 96 hours
20. Yu et al. (2016) In vitro # Normal epithelial cells # V2 brand, Red American Exposure resulted in: # Annexin V flow NA
# Head and neck squamous cell tobacco flavor (0 and # Reduced cell viability with increased cytometric analysis
carcinoma 12 mg/ml nicotine) rates of apoptosis and necrosis, # Trypan blue exclusion,
# VaporFi brand, Classic regardless of nicotine content. and clonogenic assays
tobacco flavor (0 and # Increased DNA strand breaks. # Neutral comet assay
12 mg/ml nicotine) and c-H2AX
# Treated for 1–8 weeks immunostaining.
!In vitro studies were not evaluated.

Investigators also considered changes in salivary compo- dental extractions and other dental treatment. One report
nents that affect the oral microbiota. Immunoglobulin A., identified long-term consequences after an explosive injury
lactoferrin and lysozymes engage in antimicrobial activity which included insomnia, flashbacks, and depression (Kumetz
within the oral environment. Cichon " ska et al. (2019) found et al. 2016). Explosion injuries primarily resulted in burns and
levels of these components to be highest among nonusers/ lacerations to the perioral area, and injury to the teeth
smokers, followed by e-cigarette users, and then conven- including fractures, avulsions, or luxation (Cason et al. 2016;
tional smokers suggesting that the antibacterial potential of Moore et al. 2016; Rog"er et al. 2016; Rudy and Durmowicz
e-cigarette users may be impaired compared to nonusers/ 2017; Chi et al. 2018). One reported explosion injury resulted
smokers. in the propulsion of the mouthpiece of the e-cigarette
Next generation sequencing techniques have been used through the pharynx, and into the first cervical vertebra
to study the effect of e-cigarette use on the oral microbiome. resulting in a spinal fracture (Norii and Plate 2017). Other
Kumar et al. (2019) presented two studies that suggested causes of injury included a fall with the e-cigarette in the
that the oral microbiome of e-cigarette users may be distinct, mouth (Andresen et al. 2018) and what appeared to be an
with a higher abundance of Proteobacteria as well as the allergic type reaction that included an onset of symptoms of
opportunistic pathogens Rothia and Haemophilus. dyspnea within two days of beginning e-cigarette use
Additionally, they identified 1353 microbial genes unique to (Frossard et al. 2015).
e-cigarette users that encoded for antibiotic resistance, motil-
ity chemotaxis, stress response, horizontal gene transfer, cell
wall, iron acquisition, and membrane transport. These func- Discussion
tions were attributed to several pathogens belonging to gen- Research on the oral health impact of e-cigarette use is only
era including Fusobacteria and Prevotella. just beginning to emerge. This review describes the current
The impact of e-cigarette use on the oral microbiome, state of the research with implications for future research
however, is equivocal. An in vitro study was conducted to directions.
evaluate the effect of non-flavored e-cigarette aerosols on The majority of mouth and throat symptoms experienced
commensal and protective oral microbiota from the genus by e-cigarette users were relatively minor and temporary.
Streptococcus: S. gordonii, S.intermedius, S.mitis and S. oralis. Furthermore, the mitigation of mouth and throat symptoms
The bacterial colonies were exposed to conventional smoke experienced by conventional smokers who switch to e-ciga-
and flavorless e-cigarette aerosol with/without nicotine. While rettes may suggest e-cigarette use as a harm reduction strat-
the survival and growth of these members of the normal oral egy with regard to oral health outcomes. It is important to
flora were severely impacted by conventional cigarette note, however, that these studies were not designed to test
smoke, e-cigarette aerosol with or without nicotine had little mouth and throat effects of e-cigarette use, were mostly
to no effect on the viability of these organisms (Cuadra et al. cross-sectional and descriptive, and did not always account
2019). This study was extended to examine the effect of the for important confounders such as age, general health status,
same flavorless e-liquid with/without nicotine added directly length or duration of previous conventional smoking, or
to culture media on planktonic growth of three species: medications, severely hampering the quality of evidence pro-
S. Gordonii, S. Mitis, and S. Oralis (Nelson et al. 2019). Findings vided. Future clinical, epidemiologic, rigorously designed, and
confirmed that conventional smoke-treated growth media, longitudinal research is needed.
but not e-liquid or aerosol, inhibited the growth of oral com- Future areas of focus suggested by this review include a
mensal streptococci. Additionally, researchers used 16S rRNA closer examination of the association between e-cigarette
sequencing to look at the oral microbiome of e-cigarette use and oral lesions, since two studies found that candidiasis
users and found no effect on microbiome diversity and taxo- was more prevalent in e-cigarette consumers compared to
nomic relative abundance (Stewart et al. 2018), former smokers (Bardellini et al. 2018) or nonsmokers/non-
vapers (Mokeem, Abduljabbar, et al. 2018). Testing flavor
Trauma/accidental injury
components of e-cigarette fluids is also warranted given the
In addition to a report identifying e-cigarette overheating, findings that the frequency of mouth irritation increased with
fire, and explosive incidents reported to federal agencies, menthol and cinnamon (Rosbrook and Green 2016; Sinharoy
media outlets, and in the scientific literature before et al. 2018) and that negative throat symptoms were associ-
September of 2015 (Rudy and Durmowicz 2017), ten case ated with particular e-liquid flavors like citrus, sour, cola, or
reports presented oral trauma related to e-cigarette explo- custard (Li et al. 2016).
sions. Details of these injuries can be found in Table 6. Case Periodontal heath is an important consideration. Studies
reports represent the weakest level of evidence. All were have shown associations between periodontal disease and
published between 2015 and 2018. The majority of the case various disease states, including cardiovascular disease,
reports involved an explosion related injury. Out of these, respiratory disease, and adverse pregnancy outcomes (Garcia
four case reports specifically mention that the e-cigarette et al. 2001). Although studies that examined periodontal
devices were powered by a lithium operated battery effects were more rigorously designed for periodontal out-
(Brownson et al. 2016; Harrison and Hicklin 2016; Kumetz comes, the evidence was not conclusive. Overall, the results
et al. 2016; Brooks et al. 2017). The treatment for these trau- appear to be consistent with studies that described mouth
matic injuries primarily involved wound care, burn care, and throat effects; namely, there is some evidence that e-

Table 6. Case reports of oral trauma/accidental injury (n ¼ 10).

Study Patient(s) details Cause Description/location of injury Treatment

1. Andresen et al. (2018) Male Fall with e-cigarette in Diffuse supraglottic edema that was most severe # Resulted in intubation and eventual
mouth in the epiglottis, arytenoids, aryepiglottic folds tracheostomy which remained in place for
3 months
# NG tube feeding for 2 weeks and then PEG
tube placed
# At 6 months, patient remained tube feeding
2. Brooks et al., (2017) 18-year-old male Explosion # Multiple fractures to teeth, avulsion, and Extensive extraction of teeth
# Greenstick fracture to premaxilla and
comminuted fracture to anterior nasal spine
# Soft tissue intra oral lacerations
# Face lacerations
3. Brownson et al. (2016) 15 patients over 8 months Explosions Injuries included: Treatment included:
# Flame burns # Operative debridement and closure of tissue
# Chemical burns defects
# Blast injuries resulting in tooth loss and # Wound care and skin grafting
extensive loss of soft-tissue
4. Cason et al. (2016) 23-year-old male Explosion # Burns to face, chest and hands # Admission to trauma burn ICU
# Fractured hard palate and nasal septum # Step-down for pain management
# Dislocation of teeth # Repair of hard palate followed by dental
# Fractured finger implants
# Corneal abrasion
5. Chi et al. (2018) 20-year-old male Explosion # Tooth avulsion # Treatment for burns and lacerations
# Lip burns and lacerations # Tooth extraction
# Teeth fractures # Pain medication
6. Harrison and 28-year-old male Explosion # Teeth avulsion, fracture, and subluxation Dental and implant treatments
Hicklin (2016) # Intraoral burns
7. Kumetz et al. (2016) 29-year-old male Explosion # Superficial burns to perioral region # Wound debridement
# Lip lacerations # Closure of the lip lacerations
# Tooth avulsion # Palatal tissue reduction
# Mass of hard and soft palatal tissue # Tooth extraction
# Dental implant surgery
# Long-term complication of insomnia,
flashbacks to the incident, and depression
8. Moore et al. (2016) 22-year-old male Explosion # Lower lip laceration Treated with minimal intervention
# Burn over lingual frenulum
# Tooth fracture and avulsion
9. Norii and Plate (2017) 27-year-old male Explosion Mouthpiece of e-cigarette device propelled Surgical removal of foreign object
through the pharynx and into cervical
vertebra causing fracture
10. Rog"er et al. (2016) 18-year-old male Explosion # Oral and abdominal burns # Extraction
# Oral lacerations # Implant and prosthesis
# Tooth fracture and avulsion

cigarette users are at increased risk for deteriorating peri- As with conventional smoking, e-cigarette vapor is deliv-
odontal and gingival health compared to nonsmokers/users, ered directly into the user’s mouth, initiating contact with
but decreased risk compared to conventional smokers. the oral epithelium. The in vitro studies in this review demon-
Nicotine has a vasoconstrictive effect on gingival tissue (Al- strated reduced cell proliferation and viability, altered cell
Bayaty et al. 2013). This would explain why most studies indi- morphology and activity, promotion of apoptosis and necro-
cated that e-cigarette use was associated with decreased gin- sis, DNA damage, and increased transcription of pro-inflam-
gival bleeding compared to nonuse, or why conventional matory cytokines suggesting cytotoxic, genotoxic, and
smokers who switched to e-cigarette use may experience inflammatory effects. These studies suggest that e-cigarette
increased gingival bleeding. vapor is not innocuous at the cellular level. Further research
Descriptive findings from this review suggest that e-cigar- is needed to differentiate the impact of individual compo-
ette use may have dental consequences. In particular, e-liquid nents like flavor particles on alterations at the cellular level.
flavor constituents may have a role in enamel breakdown as
well as potentiating cariogenic bacteria. Furthermore, case
reports included in this review describe extensive dental dam- Limitations and recommendations for future research
age as sequelae from explosions occurring with e-cigarette. A major limitation of this review is that the majority of the
From 2015 to 2017, there were an estimated 2035 persons studies were not primarily designed to evaluate the oral
with e-cigarette explosions and burn injuries that presented to health effects of e-cigarette use. Many of the mouth, throat,
emergency departments in the United States (Rossheim et al. and dental effects were measured as ancillary findings, using
2019). The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (2017) Center methods of measurement like self-report surveys or diaries to
for Tobacco Products now regulates all e-cigarette compo- measure the oral health outcome of interest, without clinical
nents, including batteries which are often culpable in explo-
verification. Definitions of e-cigarette smoking varied widely
sive events. This entity offers an explosion reporting site as
from having used e-cigarettes exclusively for at least 1 year
well as tips for consumers on how to avoid explosions (U.S.
(Javed et al. 2017) to using e-cigarettes in the past month
Food and Drug Administration 2017), and recommendations
(Cho 2017). Nicotine concentrations when identified in the
for manufacturers submitting new product applications to pro-
reviewed studies can be found in corresponding tables.
vide information regarding battery amperage, voltage, and
However many studies did not capture nicotine concentra-
wattage among other things for the FDA to assess battery
tions and/or the frequency/duration of vaping behaviors, fur-
risks (U.S. Food and Drug Administration 2017).
ther limiting our understanding of the association between
Given the implications of microbial ecology on oral health,
exposure dose and response/outcome. Finally, because our
future research must incorporate investigations of the micro-
literature search was comprehensive, it included studies that
biome. Future research should parse the impact of individual
were presented as abstracts with limited information making
constituents of e-cigarettes on not only individual organisms,
it challenging for us to evaluate the quality of the evidence.
but the entire oral ecosystem. Microbiome studies that add-
Recommendations for future research include further
itionally investigate downstream microbial metabolites and
in vitro studies to isolate the effect of e-liquid and aerosol
associations with inflammatory markers have the potential to
constituents, including flavors. These in vitro studies should
shed light on both oral and extraoral effects of e-cigarette use.
be followed up with animal models. Clinical studies must
Chemicals and carcinogens in conventional cigarette smoke
include reliable and valid assessment measures/tools to cap-
are known risk factors for various oral diseases including can-
ture exposure dose, evaluate oral health outcomes, rigorously
cer and periodontal disease (Kumar et al. 2016; Vogtmann
et al. 2017). E-cigarettes are marketed as a safer alternative to control for confounders related to oral health, and have
conventional smoking. However, components of e-cigarette tightly controlled biomarker validated comparison groups of
vapor have known cytotoxic, genotoxic, and carcinogenic conventional smokers, e-cigarette users, and nonsmokers.
properties. E-cigarette vapor contains glycerol, propylene gly- Researchers must also consider that e-liquid may be altered
col, and nicotine, as well as fine particles of flavors, aroma with additional ingredients. This customizable characteristic of
transporters, trace amounts of carcinogens, and heavy metals e-cigarettes makes it possible for users to inhale drugs other
(Grana et al. 2014), like nickel and aluminum (U.S. Department than nicotine (Mulder et al. 2019). Customized e-liquids may
of Health and Human Services 2016). Humectants like glycerol be formulated by the e-cigarette user themselves, or pur-
and propylene glycol, when oxidized, lead to the formation of chased commercially. For example, non-nicotine formulations
aldehydes like formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and acrolein in e- like marijuana-based e-liquids (Peace et al. 2016) are available
cigarette vapor (Jensen et al. 2015). These free radical species for purchase. Given the variability of e-cigarette devices and
are well-known as genotoxic agents (Yu et al. 2016) and have liquids, researchers will need to consider both device, liquid,
been shown to create inflammation leading to tissue damage and alterations to either of the two in order to best under-
(Lerner et al. 2015). Propylene glycol, when heated and aero- stand the impact of e-cigarette use on oral health outcomes.
solized, is converted to propylene oxide, which is considered
to be a carcinogen in humans (World Health Organization
2013). Other known carcinogens associated with conventional
smoking have also been identified in the saliva of e-cigarette This review presents a summary of the current landscape of
users. These include NNN and thiocyanate (Bustamante et al. research that exists on e-cigarettes and oral health. Given the
2018; Flieger et al., 2019). low level of evidence in terms of oral health outcomes
124 I. YANG ET AL.

among many studies in this review, outcomes are not conclu- None of the authors have participated in legal, advocacy, regulatory,
sive, but do suggest that e-cigarette use may mitigate nega- or other proceedings related to the contents of this manuscript.
tive mouth, throat, and periodontal symptoms in
conventional smokers. Nonsmokers who are considering ORCID
adopting e-cigarette use as a new behavior, however, should
be aware that e-cigarette use may be associated with mouth Irene Yang
and throat discomfort, oral mucosal lesions, changes in the
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authors have the sole responsibility for the writing and content of this
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