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—_— cater The Qutbshahis of Golkonda The Qutbshahi kingdom was founded in the year 1518 CE by Sultan— Quli—Qutb-ul-Mulk. Golkonda and Hyderabad stood as the head quarters of their sovereign power since 1518 CE, till its decline in the year-168ZCE. During the longrule of nearly two centuries, among Deccani sultans, tiie Outbshahis has eamed a respectable place in the History. They united the most parts of telugu speaking areas for second time after the Kakatiya. The Qutbshahi rule in Andhradesa witnessed many glorious positive things. They are branded as the most cultured sultans among the entire muslim rulers, They set an example of religious tolerance, They patronised Telugu Urdu Scholars, poets, and Hindu Qutbshahi Sultans were the contemporaries of Vijayanagara rulers, Mughals and sister shia kingdoms i.e. Bijapur, Ahmednagar, Gulburga and Bidar. They fostered the “Composite culture’ in Golkonda through their attempts. In Salowine pages an attempt ismadeto provide an overall history of Qutbshai : The following sources written in Persian, Arabic, Urdu, Telugu, Sanskrit and other European languages and inscriptions which are helping in the study of the history of Qutbshahis are di i ee * ‘phe Qutbshahis of Golkonda -_ A. Telugu literary works 103 During the Qutbshahi ge Telugu recei i received and their officials. Asa result large mimbecare ee us Sultans excellent books on various subjects in Telu; and scholars wrote information abou Political Socio economics and eulract under study. The following table gives an ides about writers/scholars. }ara He | Tpives valuable information about the reign of Ibrahim — Quli — Qutbshah. He was the native of Kandukur Village in Nalgonda. He worked as the Devarkonda fort incharge under Ibrahim — Qui. Sultan granted him Chintalapudi ag He dedicated this work to his officer Aminkhan of “Potlacheni’. It is first. Telugu work Itis written in the coutor Muhammad —Quli - Qutbshah ani Gang. was in the court Ibrohim Quli- Quisshah Kandukuri Rudrakant. Fe Was the contemporary of Ibrahim Quli. Niramkus ho - phakhyanam Yayathi Ponnaganti- Telaganarya Charitra Rajanithi Nebathi Krishnamata Ratnakaram Ttdescribes the society oF theose times. Daasharathi Shatakamu Collection of 108 poems The foreign Travel accounts of Jean Baptist Taverniar, Thevnot, Bemiar and William Methwold are containing very useful information about the political, Socio, Economic and cultural conditions of the age. YE if Golkond: he Qubshahis of conda ie A rief Political History of Qutbshahis (1518 - 1687 CE) The Qutbshahi Sultans ruled the present Telugu Speaking area of setangana and Andhrapradesh (Medieval Andhradeva) from the year 1518- 7CE- Their long rule of nearly two centuries has remembered in the history of medieval Decean for many glorious achievements, The below given table gvesal idea about the Qutbshahi Sultans and their rule. Year of Accession end of rule 1518-1543 CE | His ancestors migrated to India during the age of Bahmanis. He was the contemporarg of Krishnadevaraya and Babur. He was known as ‘Bademalik’ 5 Jamsheed - Quli | 1543-1550 CE He laid foundations for the strong administration. 7 Torahim—Quli— | 1550-1580CE | He was described by Qutbshah scholars as Malki-Ib-rama. He was under the Shelter of Ramaray at Vijayanagara. (contemporary of Akbar and Jahingir) Name of the Sultan Quli-Qutb-ul- Mulk or sultan— Quii - Qutb- ul - mulk <—TMatammad— | 1580-1612 CE__| He was the founder of Quli—Qutbshah | Contemporary of | Hyderabad city. Akbar. Friendly diplomatic relation existed between them. He was the contemporary of Sultan—- 1612- 1626 CE Mahammad Mughal Emperor Jahingir | Qutbshah ‘Abdulah — Qutb — | 1626-1672 CE During his reign Golkonda Shah was attacked by Shahjahan’ He was the last sultan, ‘Aurangazeb invaded and captured Qutbshahi kingdom. Abul — Hasan — Tanishah 1672 - 1687 CE oe 106 sultan — Quii - Qutb-ul - Mulk (1518-1543 CE) j Quii—Qutb—-Ul mulk popularly known in history as Sultan - Quli-Qutb —ul—mulk was the founder of independent Golkonda kingdom 19 1518 CE. He was the contemporor of last Delhi sultan Ibrahim lodi, Krishnadevaraya of Vijayanagara, Yousuf Adilshah of Bijapur and ast Bahmani Sultan Muhammad — shah. His ancestors hail from “Hamdam’ (Southern Iran) in Central fo He was born at Hamdam in the year 1451 CE. His parents are Sher-Quli and Maryam Khatoon. His father belongs to “Qara Quyunlu” tribe Quii-Qutb-ul- mulk migrated to India along with his uncle Ali-Quli after they lost their powerto “Akunev’ tribe. : Young’ Quli-Qutb-ul-mulk along with his uncle Ali-Quli reached Gulbarga the headquarters of Bahmani’s during the reign of ‘Muhammad-shah IIL (1463. 1482 CE). The prevailing political conditions at Gulbarga made Quli-Qutb-ul- mulka close associate ofBahmani sultan. The execution of Muhammad Gawan the great prime minister o! :gulaninthe year 1481, pushed the Bahman kingdom into political confusion. The new Sultan's shihabuddin Mahmood was The attempt made by sultan's rivals to kill him was cleverly I-mulk. This dare act of Quli impressed the Sultan. The the year 1492. CE. Quli notacapable one. spoiled by Quli-Qutb-u “Tarafdar’ of Telangana in its in Telangana and established peace. By the Sultan appointed him as the Qutb-ul-mulk crushed the revo! nda fort. Finally after the death of last 518 CEat the age year 1518 CE. Quli also seized Golco! Bahmani sultan Quli-declared his independence in the year 1 ded a new era in the history of Telangana Quii’s life. He and his successors ruled Telugu ofsixty seven. This act of Quli. heral and in the history of Sultan- ‘Andhra Pradesh and some parts of 543 CE. He speaking areas of present Telangana, Karnataka. Sultan-Quli, ruled as an independent ruler till the year 1 was the contemporory of Vijayanagara rulers saluva Narasimharay4, Srikrishnadevaraya and Achyutadevaraya. Sultan-Quli also made attacks on the territories of Reddi, Vijayanagara and Gajapati rulers and succeeded in capturing same portions. The Gajapati officer at Warangal Sitapati or: Shitabkhan was defeated in the battle of’ "Khammammet' by sultan —Quli. Sultan-Quli during his reign as the sultan of Golconda made all possible attempts to strengthen and improve Golconda fort. He constructed mally buildings. Mosques, palaces in the fort He builta new city ‘Muhammad Naga” near Golconda fort. Sultan-Quli attacked vijayanagara territoriesafter the B.A. III Telangana History and Culture Ly " Qutbshahis of Golkonda 107 of iT a to the out break of internal struggle in Vijayanagara. in capturing some areas, Due to these achievements, his authority extended from Kohir, Warangal, Nalgonda to Masulipatram. During his ralethe local people were very happy. They extended support to his policies. At he age of 99, He was murdered by his son Jamshced in a mosque inside the jeonda fort. sjamsheed— Quli~ Qutbshah (1843-1850 CE) Sultan — Quli’s last days were not so peaceful. His six sons Hyder-Quli, tbuddin, Jamsheed-Quli, Abdul-karim, Dowlat-Quii and Ibrahim fought for the throne. Finally Jamsheed-Quli, the third son of Sultan prepared a plot, a his aged father and ascended the throne of Golconda. His seven years iqne was filled with wars, Revolts and confusion. The people of the state and majority of the officials disliked him. The contemporary Deccani sultans of ‘Ahmednagar, Bijapur, the Vijayanagara king attacked Golconda territories and captured some portions. Jamsheed — Quli’s short reign of seven years was - nificant in one aspect i.e. hemade an attempt to introduce strong administration inhis kingdom. Kamaluddin Arbastni was most talented minister. Sultan enjoyed the highest place and position in the state affairs. im - Quli-Qutbshah (1550- 1580 CE) Political situation in the Golconda kingdom became uncertain after the death of Jamsheed. Subhan — Quli a seven years old son of late sultan was pstalled on throne by his mother: and some selfish nobles. Under these conditions Ibrahim — Quli-Qutbshah, the youngest son ofsultan Quli who was in the asylum . of Aliya Ramaraya, the De-facto ruler of Vijayanagara entered into Golkonda ascended the throne of Golkonda with the support of Ramaraya’s army. Well known historian Haraoon-khan-sherwani in famous book the 'History of Qutbshali Dynasty’ described the age of Ibrahim — Quli- Qutbshah as ‘The at its height’. During the three decades of his glorious rule the people the section enjoyed peace and prosperity. The kingdom enjoyed great pment in every field. His liberal attitude attracted Telugu, Sanskrit and Scholars, ‘Mustafa khan’ was appointed as the Prime-minister. The Jconda Sultan faced the formidable challenge from Deccani Sultans of (Ibrahim Adilshah), Ahmednagar (Hussain Nizam shah). They fought other to establish their control over Kalyanfort. Aliya Rama Raya the ruler of Vijayanagara made the diplomatic relations between the Ibrahi 108 pA. 111 Telangana History ang o gut? Deocani sultans more delicate through his OO aaa Rang | sea? Raya’s Divide and Rule policy caused great damags ail a isin 1n 1554, Ibrahim —Quli-Qutbshah attacked Gull Cant Pony | aed Hussain Nizamshah. The war lasted for longtime. eee cate na xed Bijapur sultan Ibrahim _-Adil-shah suffered! defeat. Gaiberga yinston of Adilshah, He advised Ibrahim to go back- The _ ‘ixstanding a Al by Hussain Nizamshah. ‘The war ended with an mutual un ing betwee, meee and Ibrahim. fo Tonite Ce, "dagadev Rao attacked Eland ye But he fey par and escaped to Vijayanagara court. He Wit acer ae ‘ wat Inthe year 1557 CE. Ibrahim—Adilshah died and he was su byhissoy f 562° ‘Ali-Adilshah, He too consolidated friendship with Ramaraya treated Ali-Adil exon as his son. In the year 1560 CE, Ali-Adilshah invaded on Ahmednagar with the pars support of Ramaraya. The Qutbshahi sultan was requested by Ramarayaty ofM participate in this war. AS perthe suggestion of Mustafa Khan (peshwa) Ibrahim : J Quli entered into this war. Hussain-Nizam-Shah became helpless, he took shelter puildin in the fort of ‘Daulatabad’. The mother of Nizamshah also ecaped from gent to Ahmednagar to some un-known place in order to save her life. The combine comms armies of Vijayanagara and Bijapur entered into the capital city Ahmednagar author they looted houses, plundered it. Terrified with this, Hussain-Nizam-Shah agreed openes to hand over ‘Kalyan fort’ to Ibrahim Qutbshah. A peace treaty was concluded Sultan Inorder to keep Queen-mother “Amina Ali’, Ibrahim Quli also agreed to hand Hussai over Kondapalli fortress to Ramaraya. Impressed with the help and assistance Murtu rendered by Golconda Sultan (Ibrahim Quli), Ahmednagar Sultan (Hussain- relatio Nizamashah) decided to enter into matrimonial alliance with Qutbshahi Sultan, He gave his daughter ‘Bibijamaal’ to Ibrahim — Quli. This marriage was Raksé performed in the year 1564 CE, had opened a new era in the political and Muste diplomatic history of Deccan. After this marriage, Father in law and son in law Deva made a combine attack on ‘Kalyan fort. The sultans of Bidar and Berar also confe took part in this war, At this Juncture Bijapur sultan pleaded Ramaraya to come battle forhis rescue. As the result Ramaraya attacked Ahmednagar and caused great escar damage to it. Ramaraya’s brother Venkatapatiraya made an attack on Golconda} amit comt Jagadeva Rao, Ali-ul-mulk, Chandu Khan etc attacked Golconda with an amy of 15,000 cavalry force attacked Golconda and caused great damage. This attack forced Ibrahim -Quli and Husaain—Nizamshah to give up theiratem® | area against Kalyan they returned to their respective states to protect them further ~Qu a qhe utbshahis of Golkonda structions by Ramaraya's attacks, R 109 ji-vl-mulk to found independent states, hah encouraged jagadeva rao and ed ‘Thimmaraju’ in Guntur, Murtuzana : igar to establish his extend} 0,000 army to Thimmaraju, All thse ish his rule, Ramaraya ingdom. Jagadeva succeeded in capturing Koilkon, this same time Siddhi Thi fois. At immayya, Saabkhan al Mustafanagar on 0 Golconda, Atthis hour ofrisis an also marched from Ramaraya. AS the result a peace treaty was concluded in the year 1564 CE, gocording t0 it, Pangal, Ghanpur forts were given to Ramaraya. The area conquered by Ali-Adilshah were given to him. As the result Ali dilshah, Ali Bareed called off the war. This treaty was concluded duetto the statesmanship ofMustafa khan. Ibrahim -Quli repaired and strengthed the Golconda fort. Many new buildings were added. The revolt of Sharadrao was crushed. Rafath khan was "sent to restore peace in Coastal area, Rafatkhan was well supported by great | commanders like Adhmkhan, Taajihan, Aziz-ul-mulk and others, Thus Ibrahim’s "authority was well established. The speedy growing power of! Ramaraya has opened the eyes of Ibrahim —Quli, so he held discussions with Ahmednagar Sultan. As the result, Ibrahim —Quli also united Bijapur sultan to join their group. Hussain-Nizam-shah gave his daughter Chand ~Bibi to Ali Adilshah of Bijapur. Murtuza ‘Bibi Hadia’, sister of Ali —Adil shah of Bijapur. Thus matrimonial relationship united Sultans of Bijapur and Ahmednagar. Aliya Ramaraya and Deccani sultanates met at the historic battle field of Raksasi -Tangadi or Tallikota in the year 1565 CE. Powerful Generals like Mustafakhan, Imayat —ullah —khan, Kishore khan, Yashwantrao, Bojmal nayak, Devanayak, Kalerao took part in this battle on behalf of Deccani Sultanate confederation. In this battle Ramaraya suffered a defeat. He was killed in the bate by Hussain-Nizamshah, His brother Venkata also lost his life. Tirumala ‘scaped from the battle field. He reached capital city and escaped with his family members, sadashiva raya and some of his supporters to penugonda. The ombine forces plundered, looted the Vijayanagara capital city, ‘nthe year1571 CE, Ibrahim attacked Rajamundry and its surrounding eas. In 1574 CE, Shitab khan’s army suffered a defeat in the hands of Ibrahim - Before his death in 1580 CE, Ibrahim ~ Quli-Qutbshah established his i * a 10 B.A. III Telangana History ang Cotton, av? ren, Yet Kondavidu, Vinukonda, Kasimkota, Khammam. Hewaspopuga, | a known as Malki-Ibi-Rama, fOr is Muhammad — Quli- Qutb shah (1580-1612 CE) ar The founder of new city ie Hyderabad was to Muhammad — Qui, git Bil Quibshah, He ascended the Gotkonda throne in 1S80CE,afterthedeathory, | vl father. He was the third son of Torahim — Qui. His other five brothers are Aig.) Khader, Hussain-Quli, mahamood — Quli, Mirza Afzal fatha, Meerja—~Qu4, Banda, Chand sultana was only daughter of Ibrahim. She was married to Bij Sultan Ibrahim Adilshah Il. Mahammad was Fourteen years old boy at the tin ofhis accession. The conditions in the Golkonda kingdom were not in Satisfactony condition on the eve of his accession. cba inted Ali-khan-loor as the officer incharge of Guntur. In the yea Rrrernine thcseaiuistainnrn sultan despatch his amy under Rahinday khan, Tahir Muhammad khan. After four years of heroic fight, Alikhan- log, died in the battle. In the year 1595, Amin-ul-mulk, led the Qutbshahi forces on to Vijayanagara territories. The viceroy of Gandikota, who was the son-inJay of Aliyaramaraya, concluded a peace treaty with Sultan. Next Golconda forces attacked 'Penugonda' the second capital of Vijayanagara. The Qutbshahi Sultan appointed Ashir Rao as the incharge of Musalimadugu and Sanjarkhan as the incharge of Gandikota. The incharge viceroy of Udayagiri Vyasaraya attacked Guntur. Ajjahar khan led the Qutbshahi General defeated and crushed the revolt of Vyasaraya. Murtuzakhan another General of Golkonda attacked the Vijayanagara territories at the same time. Tirumala and Manohar Taj triedto check the Qutbshahi forces. So he deputed Qutbshahi army under Ethebar Khan on to Vijayanagara. He defeated Vijayanagara forces. Buland Rai, the incharge of Qasimkota was the subordinate the Golkonda Sultan, His son Mukundaroy was very powerful General. He declared independence by rejecting — Quli Qutbshah’s power. In the year 1596 CE, Sultan despatched his army under Amin—-ul—Abiuddin, Amin - ul- mulk escaped and ran away towards Srikakulam. He reached Pennaluru fort and requested the help of Ramachandraraju the ruler of Penmaluru fort. Then Qutbshahi forces marched on to penmaluru Ramachandra Raju pleaded the Qutbshahi General to forgive him. The General excused him. The Qasim kota fort was handed over to Amin- ul-mulk. In the year 1595 CE, Ibrahim — Qutbshah’s eldest son Abdul khader ‘Tevolted on order to seize the throne. He attacked Pangal fort with the assistance en ee ae ae ee le utbshahis of Golkonda revolt of Krishnamraju son of Rautrai, Inthe year 1607 CE, Muhammad Qui. gouehter Hayat Bakh Begum’s marriage with - nashis successor to the throne, Mir-Momin. the Qutbshah, performed his lonely Sultan Mahamood and declared ‘ -Astrabadi entered into the Court of Mahammad Quli-Qutbshah as Persian (Iran) Ambassador. In the year 1603 CE, the sultan of Iran, 'Shah-Abbas' Safavid Dynasty sent Astrabadi to Golconda. He served the Golconda Sultan with dedication. Astrabadi was a utifaceted personality. He was a poet, Scholar, statesman, General, engineer, yriter. He wrote a book named ‘Risala—e- magqdaria’. It deals with weights and measurement of the contemporary times, He planned the new city, Le. Hyderabad Charminar and its surrounding fourkamans etc, Muhammad—Quii —Qutbshah also patomised many scholar. Amir Tababa was great scholar. He swasalso given the post of Mir-jumla by Sultan, During the period of Muhammad —Quli- Qutbshah, the Dutch, the English trading companies entered into Andhradesa. He maintained friendly, diplomatic relations with Mughal emperor Akbar. Both of them honoured each other and exchanged gifts. He died in 1612 CE. Sultan - Muhammad —Qutbshah (1612-1626 CE) Sultan - Muhammad — Qutbshah was born in the year 1592 CE. His Parents were Mirza — Muhammad — Amin and Khaman Aga. He was the Sontemporary of Mughal emperor Jahingir. He married Hayat Baksh— Begum. His tule of 14 years was unique in the history of Golconda. Mughal armies ‘mvaded on Qutbshahi territories on many occasions. He was a peace loving Sullan and great believer in the principles of Islam. His peshwa was 'Mir-Momins ASrabad In the year 1617 CE and 1621 CE, Jahingir’s army attacked Golconda. Golconda Sultan gave costly gifts and concluded a peace treaty with s. The foundation stone of Mecca— Masjid was laid during his period. mahal, Nabibgagh were built byhim. He died in 1626 CE, 112 B.A.I11 Telangana History 24 Cu, Abdullah -Qutbshah (1626-1672 CE) He was the eldest son of Sultan — Muhamma oe the throne of Golconda at the age of fifteen His mother a aksh managed the State A fairs. He was assisted PY Quit a ae Mirza ~Shaharistani, Khwaja Muzaffarer ct eis! During the reign of Abdullah -QuibSha> musi ecco damage. Jahingir’s suocessor‘Sbah aha” persucd om ea Atma annexation against Deccani Kingdoms. In er han d ; me ingdom was annexed into Mughal Empire. an fish on = Mohiuddin as his ambassador to Golkonda. In return Abdu k- tbshah seny : sand wiest0 come SP Featy. Butthe costly presentationstoshahjahan®" de anattack in the year 1638 ¢ Mughal emperor rejected peace: Hisarmy™ of'Babarkhan’. The Qutbshajj on Golconda territories under the commandership Of ; i “has suffered acefeat 1” the year 1630 CE, many army led by Abdullah a serious famine. The Golconda Sultan made parts of Deccan were stu ya Je between Mughals and Qutbshah satinued till 1638 CE. Fin was Concluded. In the year 1645 CE ered Siddhavatam, Gancikola Sriranga raya of Vijayanagara suffered was conquered by Qutbshahis, E, Visakapatnam fadras were captured by Mir-Jumla. But he revolted against his master ie. Qutbshab. In the year 1656CE, Mughals attacked territories of ‘After the defeat of Quibshahi princess was given in marriage to Mughal prince. He died in 1672 CE. ‘Abul Hassan Tanashah (1672 - 1687CE) He was the last ruler of Qutbshahi ‘Musakhan, Madanna was his ‘peshkar’, Akkanna was secretary. He suffered defeat after defeat in the hands of Mughal forces. He agreed to stay & ‘Aurangazeb’s subordinate. costly presents were sent to the court of ‘Mughal emperor. Madanna toured Karnataka and established peace there. Inthe yeat 1687 CE, Mughal forces attacked Madras and collected huge amount from foreign trading companies. ___ During tereign of Tanasha the Qutbshahi army came into confit Bijapur, Mughals and Maratas. Shivaji’s forces attacked Mughal territories dynasty. He was supported by the Qutbshahis of Golkonda red. Due to the eff plunde Orts of, ‘Akkann; eg Treaty Was concluded betwes ii, a, Madanna in the year 1676 CE, a terms of above treaty Golconda sultan ag yt Maratas, According to the Sivaji to Marathas. Sultan also pai i es Jingi ete were captured by oo Hons to Siva Belay Vellore, The Mughal attacks on Golconda comm, . made grand Ons to provides pao 1658 CE, onwards Bijapur was conquered first. In the Year 1686 eee «sheik minhaj’ to murder A kkanna and Mad, F:#lot was when they were returning from Sultan’s eee Golconda commander and his Soldiers | b’s men bribed Abdullah Phani’, to 1687 CE finally the Golconda was Seiz i : : ; 5 a . RE ee 0 om Nandyp : Pulicat Nd Madras Vellore Sam Thowe "©: Hyderabad 400 years Raza-Ali-Khan, Pg.No.296

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