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Saul Alejandro Martinez Almanza – inglés 3 – 12 de marzo del 2024- investigación

Definition of Citizen:
A citizen is an individual who has rights and duties within a political community or country.
The condition of citizenship implies a series of civil, political and social rights, as well as
responsibilities and duties towards the society and the State to which it belongs.
The rights of a citizen typically include freedom of expression, freedom of association, the
right to vote, the right to a fair trial, among others. These rights vary according to the
legislation of each country and may be enshrined in constitutions or specific laws.

Obligations and Responsibilities of a Citizen:

1. Comply with the Law: Citizens have the obligation to respect and comply with the
laws and regulations established by the State.
2. Payment of Taxes: Contributing to the country's tax system by paying taxes is a
fundamental responsibility of citizens to finance public services and the functioning
of the government.
3. Participation in the Democratic Process: Exercising the right to vote in democratic
elections is an important civic responsibility. Additionally, citizens can participate in
political and community activities to contribute to the development of their country.
4. Military Service (in countries where it is mandatory): In some countries, citizens are
required to serve in the armed forces for a certain period as part of mandatory
military service.
5. Respect for the Rights of Others: Citizens must respect the rights and freedoms of
others, promoting tolerance, diversity and equality within society.
6. Participation in Community Development: Citizens can contribute to the well-being
of the community by participating in volunteer activities, non-profit organizations
or local initiatives that seek to improve the quality of life of all citizens.
7. Education and Civic Awareness: It is the responsibility of citizens to educate
themselves about their rights and duties, as well as to be informed about political
and social issues that affect their country.

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