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Concept Note: TB Kala Sangam


Art is powerful and can change lives, attitudes, behaviours. In 2020, with support from
USAID, REACH began using art as a tool to help TB survivors and Champions express how
they had been affected by stigma. The TB Kala Sangam is a national-level Arts and
multimedia competition organised by REACH through the Unite To ACT project. As India
strives to eliminate Tuberculosis (TB) by 2025, this initiative aims to celebrate the crucial role
played by dedicated TB Champions/ TB Vijeta in the TB elimination activities at regional/
national level.

With approximate 20,000 communication products created by more than 800 TB Champions
across 80 districts of India, TB Champions under the banner of Unite To ACT have
demonstrated the power of these creations in educating people about TB, its treatment,
combating stigma, and informing them about various Government Schemes related to the
disease/ TB. These innovative products have been employed during community meetings, in
Support Hubs, as well as in national and international government programs.

Through artistic expressions and multimedia interventions, Unite To ACT’s TB Kala Sangam
seeks to generate awareness about TB, reduce stigma in the community, and promote
government schemes related to TB.

TB Kala Sangam aims to promote India’s range of culture and languages. Participants are
encouraged to express themselves in their local language and incorporate elements of their
local art and culture, enriching the competition's overall impact.


1. To Recognise the Impact of TB : TB Kala Sangam aims to acknowledge and

celebrate the significant contributions of TB Champions/ Vijeta towards a TB Mukt
Bharat, from the Panchayat to the National levels.
2. To Promote the Power of Arts and Multimedia in Advocacy: The competition
highlights the potential of arts and multimedia in creating impactful messages,
reaching a broader audience, and generating awareness about TB.
3. To Foster Holistic Community Development: By encouraging participation in the
competition, TB Kala Sangam promotes the holistic development of the TB
Champion and survivor’s community by empowering them to address public health
issues creatively.
Impact and Recognition:

1. The creative materials developed by TB Champions and survivors through this

competition can be utilised as essential awareness-raising tools in community
meetings, Support Hubs, and government programs at the national and international
2. The top three participants in each category will be recognised and felicitated during a
special event at the National Capital, Delhi, to showcase their work and inspire


Celebration of Unite To ACT’s TB Kala Sangam through Arts and multimedia interventions
stands as a powerful initiative in the fight against TB. By harnessing the creativity and talent
of TB Champions and Survivors across India, we aim to amplify awareness, reduce stigma,
and foster sustainable community participation in our common aim to eliminate TB by 2025.

The top three participants in each category will be recognised and felicitated during a special
event at the National Capital, Delhi, to showcase their work and inspire others.


Announcement of Competition: 16 January, 2024

Last day to submit entries: 15 Feb , 2024
Selection of the finalists by Jury: 15th March, 2024
Communication to the state about the winners: 20th March, 2024
TB Kala Sangam Main Event: 24March, 2024

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