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Power Up Level 1 worksheet

Unit 2 Cross-curricular Using our senses

Name _________ Date _________
1 Translate them into English
耳朵 ear
__________ 眼睛 __________ 手 __________
听 __________ 看 __________ 触摸 __________
鼻子 __________ 舌头 __________ 五 __________
闻 __________ 品尝 __________ 感官 __________

2 Read and write

blind guide with other hear help

blind They use their ________ senses to help

Some people can’t see. They are ________.

them. Today there are many things to _________ blind people.

1. They can read books ______ their hands.

2. They can ______ traffic lights.

3. A ________ dog can see for them

3 Reading comprehension

Hello, do you like my flowers? It’s my birthday today. These flowers are

the birthday present from my friends. They smell very nice. Today, we’re

talking about our senses. We have five senses. We can see, hear, smell,taste and

touch. ______________________________________

We use our eyes to see. This little baby can see a book. And these children

can see the teacher in their classroom at school.

We use our ears to hear. This girl can hear music through her

headphones. And this girl’s family can hear her singing.

Power Up Level 1 worksheet

We use our nose to smell. This girl and her grandfather can smell the

food. And this girl and her family can smell the flowers.

We use our tongue to taste. This boy can taste the ice cream. And this girl

can taste the fruit.

We use our hands to touch. This girl and her mum can touch their dog.

And this girl can touch the window in her house.

Choose the best answer.

( ) 1. What does “talk about” mean?

A. 谈论 B. 演讲 C. 述说

( ) 2. How many senses do we have?

A. 1 B. 4 C. 5

( ) 3. Which sentence is missing?

A. Our senses are not useful.

B. Our senses tell us about the world we live in.

C. Let’s talk about the four senses.

( ) 4. What can we do with our eyes ?

A. read books B. sing a song C. listen to music

( ) 5. What is the best title(标题)?

A. five senses B. my birthday gift C. my flowers

4 Writing
My senses
I have five senses.

I ...





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